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  1. Parallax 1.2.3 This is a live release. Please submit issues via GitHub's issues page https://github.com/Gameslinx/Tessellation/issues Changelog: Changes: Parallax will no longer attempt to set the _PlanetOpacity of the Sun's terrain Corrected logic error in trueLighting config setting that affected trueLighting when set to true and false Prevented Kerbals from moving the collision plane underneath another part such that when jumping, walking or EVAing over other parts, they are not jostled about Added a smoothing function that stops sudden changes in displacement from causing your ship to bounce into the air Coming out of time warp sets the damping frames back by 50 instead of 10 so that the wheel suspension kicking in doesn't cause your craft to bounce Deployable experiments use a bigger collision plane so they don't fall over and through the terrain On exiting time warp, deployable experiments no longer bounce into the air Damping now always takes 3 seconds regardless of framerate. This can be sped up with physics warp, but is not recommended. Fixes: Kerbals are now able to jump off of the parallax terrain without getting stuck in the air and floating Fixed landing gear violently moving about when deploying them and landing on a body Special Thanks Thank you to Ondřej Chmelař, Armadous, Michael Armida, Jon Medders, Philipp Schlier, Matthew Tarbet, Raymond Beehler, Kalle Anttila, Robert Griffith Moore, Emmanuel Lnd, Enzo Roncoletta, Cordell mitchell, Jollicent, Austin Dean, Sebastien Deyres and Morphisor who are all active Patrons as of April 1st 2021 Thank you to Blackrack who has been supporting and, at times, assisting with development since its beginning Thank you to R-T-B who helped fix a large variety of bugs via GitHub. Thank you for downloading Parallax. Most importantly, thank you for downloading Parallax. If you would like to support this project's development (or simply want to buy me a coffee!) you can support me via Patreon or Paypal: Patreon Paypal
  2. Thanks! For now, I'm leaving this issue open. I'm working on something that will replace the current subdivision system (which might allow for RSS Parallax and more detail at better performance) I'm about to release an update to remedy this
  3. Try removing planetshine or at least set it to Vertex mode and let me know if that helps
  4. Disables collisions for Minmus First screenshot - Parallax not installed correctly, so this is not a bug report - it's user error. Second screenshot - Will investigate, but I think this is due to the same bug that causes the landing gear to jostle around where the collider plane is in the wrong place. This should be fixed in the next update Third screenshot - You turned colliders off. Obviously that's gonna happen
  5. Triangles are tessellated according to their length on the screen. If their length is very small (below the edge length) they are not tessellated. If they are above the edge length, they are split. Low values for edgeLength results in more tessellation further away from the camera. Higher values result in less, which improves performance, but you may notice the tessellation changing as you move the camera around. I chose a value of 8 for default because it's a good balance between the two. I have just set it to 1 and can't reproduce this
  6. Hey all, I'm going to be releasing an update some time in the coming days that addresses a few issues with collisions and various other miscellaneous bugs. Here is a list of things that I have fixed - Please let me know if there is anything I've missed: Parallax will no longer attempt to set the _PlanetOpacity of the Sun's terrain (which is null, because the sun has no terrain) when in orbit around it. This fixes the log spam when orbiting a star or gas giant Corrected logic error in trueLighting config setting that affected trueLighting when set to true and false. Adaptive is unaffected, and should be used by default Prevented Kerbals from moving the collision plane underneath another part such that when jumping, walking or EVAing over other parts, they are not jostled about Fixed landing gear violently moving about when deploying them and landing on a body (most of you were looking for this one) Kerbals are now able to jump off of the parallax terrain without getting stuck in the air and floating Added a smoothing function that stops sudden changes in displacement from causing your ship to bounce into the air. At high speeds, this smoothing is reduced and the terrain will be more dangerous. Coming out of time warp sets the damping frames back by 50 instead of 10 so that the wheel suspension kicking in doesn't cause your craft to bounce Deployable experiments use a bigger collision plane so they don't fall over and through the terrain On exiting time warp, deployable experiments no longer bounce into the air Damping now always takes 3 seconds regardless of framerate. This can be sped up with physics warp, but is not recommended. I am also currently working on a way to increase the placement altitude for the surface experiments so that they can be easily and reliably placed on the ground.
  7. I'm working on patch 1.2.3 which will address a lot of bugs surrounding the collisions. It will also introduce smoothing at low speeds so that sudden changes in height don't massively affect the craft. This smoothing decreases with speed, but this should allow for faster travel across harsh environments without risk of suddenly flying into the air I'm also addressing the experiment deployment height being too low
  8. When it is finished. There is currently no ETA. I have a lot on my schedule
  9. PlanetShine has a lot of performance related problems, so I usually recommend not using it with Parallax. This bug can only be resolved by PlanetShine and requires it to affect objects on Layer 29, which is the layer I use for the close up terrain quads
  10. Make sure you have Parallax 1.2.1. Change trueLighting from false to Adaptive, then try again Can you send your KSP.log? It's likely that another mod is interfering with Parallax I am confused what the issue you are describing is. The wheels in your screenshot are off the terrain, but it looks like the ladders are pushing them up
  11. Set your tessellationQuality in the global config to Normal - You currently have it set to the highest value The "damping" message is from the collisions - you have collisions turned off. I have some fixes on the way for them that will stop that from happening
  12. If your frame rate is low, damping will take a while. I'll see if moving it over to the physics update instead of the update will help
  13. Here are some more images from the visual update that I'm working on (Without EVE or Scatterer): Hydrus: Drohze: Eidos: I will continue to post my progress over the coming weeks
  14. Can you send your KSP.log? I don't know what mod would be conflicting with Parallax. Your best option is to try adding the mods one-by-one until you find out which one causes the bug
  15. The sunflare image doesn't fade properly. This is a texture issue and the texture in question is one of the Ghosts files in BeyondHome/scatterer/config/sunflares. Thank you for letting me know Thank you. I don't work on the principia support so there's not much I'll be doing to combat this but I believe I can achieve it with a simple module manager patch. I've added it to the list of things to do This is not a Parallax bug, it's a bug with Sigma Dimensions: Navigate to GameData/Sigma/Dimensions/Configs/ReDimension/resizePQSMods.cfg and delete the following line of text: &minDetailDistance = 8 @minDetailDistance /= #$../SigmaDimensions/Resize$ -Save the .cfg and boot up KSP
  16. I'll take a look at this for the next update - Can you get a video of what's happening?
  17. Delete Kerbin from the ParallaxTerrain.cfg and remove it from the IncreaseSubdivisionCount.cfg
  18. I have started a visual overhaul of Beyond Home It's been a while since I've posted updates to this thread but I am working on Beyond Home again to give it a breath of fresh air with some better looking planets and surfaces. I'm working on a version of Parallax that works from orbit so planets can be seen in a ton more detail. And yes, this means I will also be updating Beyond Home so that it uses Parallax 1.2.x as well! This will bring a 130% FPS boost and collisions to the planets you know and love. Here are some early screenshots of the new looks for Rhode and (potentially) Eidos:
  19. Make sure to read the user guide. To install Parallax, you must download the Parallax-1.2.1.zip and the Parallax_StockTextures-1.2.1.zip. Open both and drag the folders inside into GameData. Make sure Kopernicus is also installed
  20. Colliders only work for landing legs and wheels. It is too hard to calculate them for larger parts or parts that should not be in contact with the ground
  21. Will have a fix - this is caused by the deploying of landing gear. If you quickload and don't retract/deploy, you won't have this issue. I'm going to be getting a fix out for this soon but KSP doesn't want to behave with the tests I've been doing so far
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