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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. Do you happen to be on Mac/Linux? This will be related to Parallax rather than Beyond Home. Parallax doesn't yet support Mac/Linux, but I am working on it!
  2. To prove it's not very performance intensive, here's 50 of them (although not all of them are on-screen)
  3. A very dumbed down version of it. While a GPU will fire millions of rays and trace them for multiple bounces, I'm only firing one ray which terminates when it collides with the terrain (done on the CPU). KSP already does a ray-cast to determine the vessel's height above the terrain (radar altitude), and Parallax does it already for determining the reflection probe position if reflections are enabled. It's very cheap, and I only need 1 ray
  4. Nah - the ocean in Scatterer uses Async GPU Readback, which I believe grabs the value of the ocean displacement from the shader. What I'm doing is firing a ray down into the ground and running a C# version of the shader code to determine the displacement value at 1 specific pixel
  5. Feature Update - Collision Over the last few days I have been exploring ways I can apply collision to the new fancy displaced terrain (with the help of @blackrack). The results have been good so far, but I have yet to try to implement it in-game. There will be more details on how this works later, but for now I have a short animation to show you all You can see that the smaller sphere accurately follows the displaced terrain. More information on this later on!
  6. No log, no support. Please send your log when making a bug report or there's no way I can help you. Even if the file paths were correct, the shader would fail because it is unsupported on MacOSX and Linux. I'm doing my best to look into this at the moment, but without access to either OS it is very slow progress Read above ^
  7. Specularity is affected by the albedo texture's alpha channel, where specular = alpha * tintColor. Specularity is also affected by the tintColor and metallic properties in your Parallax terrain config. Yes The texture size must be a power of 2. For the stock textures I use 4096 x 4096 for most of my textures. You can have different resolution maps and they'll work fine together Be sure to check out the wiki which is currently under development at https://github.com/Gameslinx/Tessellation/wiki
  8. Update Preview - Surface Detail I've made some changes to the terrain system which allows me to generate highly accurate UVs for terrain quads. This allows me to tile a texture massively across a surface. Introducing a new level of detail up close! That screenshot was taken in Unity, but here's some from in-game! I'm also looking at a technique called Biplanar Mapping instead of Triplanar Mapping. If I can get it working, the amount of texture samples will be reduced by 33% and you can all enjoy a big performance boost! Looks like you're missing the Parallax_StockTextures. Double check the install instructions - Send your log if you run into any more problems!
  9. You need Kopernicus Bleeding Edge. I can't see what's in that drive link because it's private
  10. GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 (1136MB) You are severely under the minimum spec required to run this mod. You are running on integrated graphics - I'm surprised you can run this at all Minimum specs: CPU: Parallax does not have much of a CPU impact, you'll be fine GPU: NVIDIA GT 960M (or AMD equivalent) RAM: 4GB Shader model 5.0
  11. When reporting FPS issues please report them without any other visual mods installed
  12. Unfortunately without access to a Mac or Linux PC I haven't been able to support those platforms yet, so the shader will not work properly unless you're on a Windows PC If you could get a screenshot of what's happening, me or someone else may be able to figure out what's happening. By the way, your GPU does not meet the shader model 5.0 requirement, which is required for the tessellation stage. Can you try forcing Direct3D 11 on the game? You're running OpenGL. There's a launch target argument that you can use, but I'm not sure how to do it on Macs
  13. [ParallaxChecker] Exception: Parallax has failed to meet dependency: Parallax (Stock Textures) Install the stock textures! It doesn't look as if you were hit by an infinite loading screen - Parallax will not cause that problem, it'll just throw an exception These are unused and are left over from Photoshop's DDS exporter plugin not correctly initializing the file when the saving was cancelled. I'll be deleting those in the future. They cause no harm to your game - they're junk files I forgot to delete! I've noticed this recently, thank you for reminding me. I'll look into it for the next update. I have a lot of stuff on my hands at the moment These textures are all 4k. The reason why the textures aren't as "detailed" is because they're tiled at a lower frequency. This is because the tessellation is limited by how many vertices are nearby, and unfortunately KSP planets are slightly too big for it to be effective that close up. I will try and add a detail texture when close up, because I agree with you Use Parallax 1.0.1 with Beyond Home please, until I update it
  14. I need your KSP.log. Posting a screenshot of CKAN doesn't help me at all because I don't know if CKAN installed it right or not. Your GameData should look like this:
  15. Here's Kerbin, now in-game: Sadly, still got to work on the self shadows!
  16. If you have terrain scatters enabled, turn them off. They are a huge CPU draw for some reason, and playing with them on is next to impossible!
  17. I am making the textures myself based on the stock planets - I'm exporting the planet in 8k using KittopiaTech then adding my own features and details to them. It does take some time so I won't have all of them done for a bit It's much easier than doing the terrain textures, though! The textures will range from 4k to 8k, but using Load-On-Demand means you'll only actually have a few planets or moons loaded at once
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