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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. It'll be fixed in the next BH update, but if you want to do it yourself: For every planet (except Kerbin), change the template to Eve if it has an atmosphere. If it does not, change the template to Minmus. The planet configs can be found in BeyondHome/Configs, and the template section is near the top
  2. This doesn't happen if you use 1.8.1 - It's a bug with how KSP applies the shader to planet templates not using the new shader. It will be patched in the next update
  3. After Kerbin / Kopernicus has nothing to do with this
  4. Falling through the ground seems to happen at low altitudes (near the ocean) but I don't know what's causing it. I'm looking into it but I haven't found anything yet
  5. Hello, I'm developing a shader that requires the use of double precision values. To do this, I must use at least Shader Model (SM) 4.6. SM 4.6 is supported by DX11, which is what KSP uses by default now. Moving from SM 3.0 to SM 4.x was causing the shader to appear pink in-game, so I tested this on a completely default, fresh surface shader. I also tested it on a vert-frag shader to be sure. The results were the same - It wasn't working, even when I forced DX11. The shader works fine on SM 3.0. The line I'm referring to is #pragma target 4.6. It's worth keeping in mind that SM 4.6 works fine in the Unity editor. The code for the very basic shader is here: Shader "Custom/Shader" { Properties { _Color("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) _MainTex("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {} _Glossiness("Smoothness", Range(0,1)) = 0.5 _Metallic("Metallic", Range(0,1)) = 0.0 } SubShader { Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" } LOD 200 CGPROGRAM #pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows #pragma target 4.6 sampler2D _MainTex; struct Input { float2 uv_MainTex; }; half _Glossiness; half _Metallic; fixed4 _Color; void surf(Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) { fixed4 c = tex2D(_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color; o.Albedo = c.rgb; } ENDCG } } The code for the shader that I'll actually be moving over to SM 4.6 is here: https://github.com/Gameslinx/Parallax-Occlusion/blob/master/Shaders/ParallaxOcclusion.shader How come using SM 4.0 and above just doesn't work, even though it should be supported by KSP? Am I doing something wrong?
  6. Well, there's your problem! You need to install Modular Flight Integrator. It comes with Kopernicus
  7. It's generally a good idea to look at the version of the mod you're downloading. If you're running a different version of KSP to the version that the mod was made for, it's usually 'use at your own risk' Mods are officially 'compatible' when the author says they are
  8. That would take another 2 years to do by myself, so most certainly not!
  9. You're not getting a response from GPO for a reason This is why you didn't get a response. Read the thread title: Refer to my image above. You decided to roll back to KSP 1.8.1 but there was a key flaw in your logic - GPO is for 1.4.3. You should have expected it to not work. So when you eventually reverted back to 1.4.3 you didn't check to see if it worked? AVC has some huge flaws and I ditched it a long time ago. Between your version swapping something must have gotten mixed up because it won't give you an incompatible error for the correct versions installed TL;DR You're spamming my gmail inbox (You admitted to it yourself in your post above), I see everything. I didn't respond because if you can't be bothered to use the proper KSP version, your bug report is irrelevant
  10. Install Beyond Home as normal, but swap the Kopernicus step out for the Kopernicus Continued that Hpl linked in the message above. I updated the install instructions a couple of days ago (forum page only) that tells you how to use BH with 1.9.1. Your saves will be fine, but back them up just in case.
  11. That's a hyper edit bug. Beyond Home does not interfere with it
  12. Nothing has changed yet, but I'm looking for and bug reports that may come with the new Kopernicus. Normally I wouldn't update this early after a Kopernicus release, but since it is no longer managed by TMSP, there may need to be bug fixes. Consider this a pre release
  13. That's a bug with the stock terrain shader. It happens when Kopernicus is not installed on the stock planets
  14. Beyond Home has been updated to 1.9.1, provided you download the continued version of Kopernicus: https://github.com/prestja/Kopernicus/releases/tag/release-1.9.1-1 USE WITH CAUTION - This is a new Kopernicus release without much prior testing
  15. After working on it for almost a year without a break, I decided it's time I took a well deserved one to focus on my YouTube among other things (Like getting my life together in general). There will be future updates, but not for a few months
  16. For gameplay purposes I kept the brightness from Kerbol the same, I'll be reverting the size changes to it in the next update so it can be seen a lot better from the planets The maps won't line up properly because the procedural parts of the terrain will have changed. That's why you should use Sigma Dimensions
  17. Beyond Home doesn't support any packs officially - I recommend you install only BH because of how Scatterer's config works (and how the visuals usually overwrite one another) but if you're playing without the visual mods, most packs will work fine with BH
  18. Logs please! Also, you've cropped out your UI which helps me even less
  19. That's an artifact of scatterer, and the pixelated textures are a bug with KSP's 1.8 terrain shader - It's fixed on 1.9, but we're waiting for Kopernicus to update You must be using contract configurator. If you use contract mods you will get the stock contracts. This is absolutely designed for career mode
  20. You'll need to go back to the version this mod was made for, I'm afraid For now I've stopped supporting it because I simply haven't had the time
  21. Scatterer went under a huge config change, so you need to use this version of scatterer instead if you're on 1.8.1: https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/releases/download/0.052/Scatterer0.052.zip
  22. Install instructions are near the bottom of the OP or can be found on the github near the bottom here: https://github.com/Gameslinx/BeyondHomePlanetMod/blob/master/README.md Provided you're using Windows, Beyond Home comes with an install checker which will tell you during the loading screen what you've done wrong if you have installed it wrong, as well as what other things you might be missing. It is just plug and play with EVE and Scatterer, just install them alongside BH and they will work fine As said above, if you have Kerbal Konstructs installed you can unlock the base from the VAB/SPH editor by clicking the Kerbal Konstructs button at the bottom right, selecting the Lua base and unlocking it with credits.
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