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Everything posted by VincentMcConnell

  1. How have you not landed on the mun? It\'s easy and there are PLENTY of guides around... I recommend the newest Nova Punch parts pack. It has a .craft called 'NP Heavy Mun Rocket' I can land that thing on the mun a thousand times in a row. I usually touch down with 18% fuel.
  2. Gash is a pretty common slang term for that. It\'s not just an obscure one that one person said once.
  3. I recommend changing the name of this terrain feature... because there are little kids here, I won\'t say it, but the word 'Gash' is slang term for something a little inappropriate.
  4. Darn you! I just made a 40 minute guide on how to get to the Mun. haha. It\'s ok. I\'ll post it, too.
  5. Can someone make a guide on how to do a burn to orbit launch? AKA: The engines start running at liftoff and don\'t stop until the craft is in a 100KM orbit/
  6. Wow. Looking at this map, the old Kerbin had such crappy terrain.
  7. Just make a plug in where you target a spacecraft and it automatically pilots your craft up to 10 meters from it. That way we don\'t have to sit there, bored and control the damned thing ourselves.
  8. Just got within a few hundred meters of my space station, and like I said, orbital rendezvous is kind of boring. I was fine controlling with the RCS, it took too long and I just got bored. Unfortunately, right now, there\'s NO payoff for rendezvous. You can\'t dock yet, so basically all you can do is wave hello to the target. That\'s what started boring me about Mun landings.
  9. Can you make a guide showing where our target vehicle should be when we launch our docking vessel? I have a space station in a 200KM orbit with a docking vehicle in a 190KM orbit. I\'m waiting until they are 25.4 Kilometers away from eachother to make the intercept burn.
  10. Why would we ask how you did it? Circular orbit is easy...
  11. I haven\'t done it around Kerbin. I\'ve only done it from the surface of the Mun, launched into orbit and rendezvous\'d with the mother ship. So far, around Kerbin, closest I\'ve gotten is a few hundred meters. I can rendezvous with jettisoned boosters in orbit, though. It\'s not THAT hard, it\'s just boring and takes a long time. I\'ll be more tempted to do more rendezvous when .15 comes out.
  12. Here\'s about 200 photos. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150580458183830.407421.571363829&type=3&l=50dabb47fc
  13. Launch into suborbit, fly over the poles and then deploy your parachute. It will hold you and a rover. Remember, you\'re still in the atmosphere. No need for powered descent.
  14. Definitely joking... But I don\'t want anyone to take me seriously, so, removed...
  15. It would take 90 minutes to ride an orbit. If we could warp 30 at 100 miles, it would take very little time... It takes 33.3 minutes to ride a 100KM orbit around Kerbin and you can only time warp 10.
  16. Mu, thank you for taking our constructive criticism so nicely and openly. I really hope you understand we\'re not bagging on your excellent work, we\'re just trying to tell you what we think may have looked better. Ultimately, you make the textures and you\'re entitled to what you find to look the best. Players can post here to give a little feedback for Mu on his lunar surface.
  17. Holy damn?! 11 times!? They need to scale up Kerbin, make the Mun further away and then scale it up, too. This whole 'Kerbol has a smaller solar system' thing is no good...
  18. Yeah, it\'s Earth, that\'s the joke. Here comes a sad and poorly thought out excuse for the time issue. Kerbals discovered how to travel 1000 times faster than light speed...
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