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Everything posted by XB-70A

  1. 74 (-) Requiring all Negatives sleeping agents to wake up!
  2. XB-70A


    El Dorado, USA Oh, I forgot to mention, but it's located in Arkansas Illinois Kansas Oklahoma (It's not really big...) and Texas. You have the choice of which El Dorado would please you the most.
  3. 68 (-) This information is provided by Team Negative™ Team Negative: Adopt the Negative Attitude...
  4. Valid Valid Invalid --- Last valid post was 67 (-) --- 66 (-)
  5. 65 (-) The show must go on. Edit: I can't believe it, you put this made-on-microsoft-paint-with-no-talent drawing in your signature!
  6. XB-70A


    Mururoa, French Polynesia Where one of the most famous atmospheric test picture was taken: Licorne (Unicorn), 0.9 mt, 1970...
  7. With the TV-PG L poping-up right before and the guy looking at the filming team... it deserves gold, seriously.
  8. Okay, such resistance is unusual. For that, I allowed myself to create this reward that I give to @GRS for exceptional service and that to the peril of his hours (what I'm doing too, btw). Please accept this Medal of the Golden Addition, the highest award of the positive world. --- 50 (-)
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