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Everything posted by IraqiWalker

  1. Total newb here, so where do I go for the latest KER version? Cuz I thought the one in the OP was outdated, or am I wrong?
  2. Thank you for this amazing mod. Seriously, how have these features not been made standard in KSP already?
  3. It's all good. I don't intend to rush you, XD. Just wanted to know if there were any future plans or not. Thank you for the quick reply, XD
  4. Question: Do you intent to update to 1.2 once the BDAc crew finish their 1.2 update? Or is this mod not going to be supported any longer?
  5. Quick Question: I completely understand that you're busy, and probably won't be able to give an exact date, but am I correct in assuming you intend to update for 1.2, once the BDAc crew finishes their update?
  6. Are there any problems with running it on 1.2? I know there /might/ be problems, but have people had any yet?
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