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Everything posted by Well

  1. DasValdez(Anglais), RichardAdenot depuis peu (Anglais/FR) Je regarde souvent en vod plutôt qu'en live, en raison de mes horaires de travail.
  2. Salut les kerbonautes, Un petit coucou pour vous montrer mon premier test de mod, via 3dsMax -> Unity -> Ksp Rien d'extraordinaire, juste un petit probe core du type du Probodobodyne QBE, mais cubique, stockalike et dans des couleurs plus proche d'un satellite réel.
  3. thanks for the update !
  4. Safe journey, we shall wait impatiently for this promising mod.
  5. Salut àtous, juste une petite présentation dans la section française. Prénom : Stéphane - Âge : 32 - Style de jeu préféré : Stratégie, simulation, rpg - Temps de jeu par jour : Beaucoup trop - Loisirs : Miniatures, loisirs créatifs, gaming J'étais moddeur pour le simulateur spatial Orbiter, quelques exemples: http://francophone.dansteph.com/?page=addons&author=Well Cela me tente bien de réaliser quelques mods pour KSP, mais pour le moment je suis un peu perdu avec unity et le type de mesh requis. En tout cas, je suis content de voir quelques compatriote par ici
  6. Yes it's the other pack of Scart91's. Scart91's Class Suits with Texture Replacer. Edit: Planned you a module of greenhouse? Inflatable for example.
  7. My first lunar mission, beautiful ! Big Thanks !!
  8. With the inflatable shield on top, it's good to go ! but where is the rentry capsule ? may be on the node... and with a eva hatch on the other side.
  9. old "ESA Aurora exploration programme" better ? May be for the mun, for Mars it's to short i think.
  10. The use for the launchers of the Rc-L01 Remote guidance units, which is at the end of tree of technology, produces the use of supplied .craft impossible before the "End Game" (science). Thus difficult to tell of at which other level of the tree of technology it would be necessary to place the others parts.
  11. For the career mode, some modifications are necessary. These files seem to have a incorrect node of technology: baseRing3_75.cfg 3M Chaka Monkey Fairing Test Article 3.cfg 8M Chaka Monkey Fairing Test Article 3 - Copy.cfg 8M Chaka Monkey Fairing Test Article 3.cfg EMLV.cfg The technology node is : TechRequired = largeControl , but in KSP 1.0.2 This knot does not exist any more i think. With modification: TechRequired = aviation parts appear in career mode. My Tree technology is fully developed I also have a problem with other parts: Radiator System Type Z Radiator System type X Engine Mount for RS-68 And may be other parts, But where is the .cfg... ? Edit: Ok... files in the folder : NP_interstage_1_25m_2_5m_tank/ and NP_interstage_1_25m_2_5m_tank2/ don't have the "TechRequired =" in the cfg files in the folder : Kosmos_TKS_RCS_Tank2/ have also the TechRequired = largeControl Sorry for my bad english, i love the chaka Monkey Exploration Systems, and in want this in my career !
  12. Congrats for the latest release!
  13. Thanks for this mod JoePatrick1 Balloons for KSP bring a pleasant variety It would be pleasant to have a more important payload, but i understands your will of not not broken the gameplay of the game. In any case one thank you and encouragement for this mod I believe the record of payload is 2.6 tons on July 22nd, 1990 in Sicily (Thémis experiment) with a stratospheric balloon. Sorry for my bad english, i'm french.
  14. Hello to all, a small presentation to all the kerbonauts I am French and I love KSP!
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