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Everything posted by Speadge

  1. PLEASE, inigma, please stop. congrats, you reported the bug. but as it has been stated before it has nothing to do with closing / opening nor the direction the bay is oriented to. anyway as you had your fun with making a video now, consider this topic as closed. its really annoying seeing your postings over and over again - even 2 of this 50 posts with a video linked ... stop please!
  2. hey Peppie, can you add kind of an option to automatically set the targets for the dishes? i cant do it at the launchpad, cause they are in a fairing.. so i always have to click around once i am in orbit. Would be grat if i could at least chose the planets & moons in the editor already. Thanks
  3. hey sal, check my post onpage2. it seems to be the same bug with mk2 SPH plane and NO SAS Units used. Problem appears at loading the craft on the runway, no start / liftoff necessary
  4. hi, i have the same problem with my cargo bay on a spaceship. it happens when i have the new radiators attached. i tried to rip modded parts of my craft so u can test it. when u detach the radiators of the cargo bay, it stops exploding http://ul.to/41lfh4ed hope that helps
  5. yes, it tracks body temperature, not skin temp.
  6. havent found a working one.. but best luck: http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/
  7. hey, i recently have VERY MUCH Problems with MJ (newest Versions, even beta #481) and rcs. from "not being used either way" up to "reactivating rcs thrusters, even if i wanted them disabled". I think you should consider MJ2 as broken until it is fixed and released. I had this Problems also with 1.0.2 as well, but seems to grow with newest MJ Releases as with 1.0.3. so if you used the "use rcs for Rotation" in smartRCS, dont believe the Settings that are shown as active. sometimes this button used to toggle the function for rcs throttling and had no effect on the Rotation, sometimes it worked well. best try: disable a rcs port, try different Settings in smart rcs, use ur rcs while engine is throttled to 0, and check if the rcs got re-enabled. i know, that seems to be a bit offtopic, but proves that MJ is not doing what it is intended to. Meanwhile i really consider of deactivating MJ.... spended 6hours on this error last night.. not joking. try to dock a 10.000 kg ship with tweakscaled RCS ports that fire on each short press with 400% thrust... it's just no fun anymore.... and you cant disable as you dont know what Option u turned on by clicking the (i.e.) "RCS for throttle" button... hope you got my point
  8. looks like USI: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588-1-0-2-USI-Kolonization-Systems-%28MKS-OKS%29-%280-30-3%29-2015-05-22
  9. hey, there is an old fanart-thread where i found this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/120-Kerbal-Space-Program-Fanart?p=53806&viewfull=1#post53806 Since it seems that the artist is not active anymore - can someone make a gif out of this? Would be almost perfect as loading-screen alternative... or at least the transition of the pics imagine this while loading the game... at 90% loading the last pic
  10. Hey, When using d3d11 the anti aliasing washes my fonts extremely so its uncomfortable to ty to read it. Almost looks like fxaa. I have disabled as mode and even fxaa in geforce (have a gtx760) setting. Works fine with d3d9, but d3d11 is just awkward to play with. Can't disable as in settings as it automatic disables edge highlighting as well. Can someone help? (Same problem like nasuchao)
  11. Hey, I got it working on 64bit thanks to you. Somehow I got a crash at 6gb now. Anyone experienced this? Any ideas? Regards
  12. so i was very excited reading this. after testing now, i run in serious problems on every 2nd scene change as it is just not loading space and the ship. I do see the UI, music playing - but thats it. Cant even exit to main menu and have to kill the process. that happens with 5 minutes gameplay and ~4.5gb ram usage any ideas? Edit: seems that happens after each 'switch to' in mapscreen Sometimes.e I am able to get back to space center, but entering the trackingstation then breaks the game. I see the space management around kerbin with my vessels, but can't do anything. Not select or even go back to space center. Debug screen throws tons of exceptions...(null reference exception) BTW. Tac is working here. Has a detection to 64 bit, which can be seen in ksp.log
  13. i got another one. Coming back from duna (or eve, cant recall) i had to decouple my last stage before leaving. I noticed way to late i had no solarpanels on my first stage and therefor ran out of energy very fast. Monoprops where empty as well and the fcking drive had no gimbal.... so how to return with just one button for throttle but no steeringwheel?.... guys, always remember to put solar on your 1st stage. whatever you plan it for!
  14. Dont get it wrong noone is posting here anymore, everyone is enjoying the update as it is just great to play with it have a nice Weekend!
  15. hey there, i think i found the reason for the problem not beeing able to transmit science anymore until you got back to spacecenter and reloaded your vessel. It seems that this always happens when you are in a region where u COULD get science from with theutilities you have, but have all utilities stored some data already. when you then emty this data (i.e. transmitting) and SA recognizes the new available experiment in this location, you can redo it, but cant transmit. for example: you go to loccation A with just ONE thermometer on your rover. get the temp and dont transmit, but store it. Then you go to location B where NO ScienceAlert pops up, cause the thermometer has stored data and therefor cant be used now. When you then "review data" that had been stored from location A and transmit it, ScienceAlert pops up saying "hey, we are at location B and we could get the temp from here. So i take the temp rof location B right after i transmitted those from location A. when i now try to transmit the new temp from location B, nothing happens but ScienceAlert pops up again saying "hey, we could take the temperature from this location".... => and again i do so and cant transmit. The Sciencereport window closes and ScienceAlert pops up saying "hey, we could take the temp......." u see where this is going Can you have a look into this, please?
  16. tzzeee.... forgot a decoupler on my eve Mission - so i had to land a 10k fueltank without landing legs....
  17. Hmm.. Sounds familiar to me as well. Did not know its SA causing this. Happens from time to time. To fix it I have to go to space center and back.
  18. hey there, im the one voted for removing IVA completely as i am more interested in the whole managing part. IVA for command modules in space is fine... but for habitation modules and else? i can IVA in a command modulele docked there, if i'd want that. its just wasted space & time imho.
  19. Sounds really great. Cant wait for it. I would suggest you highlight the whole vessel BEFORE selecting anything, just on mouseover. After selecting a vessel, only the tanks that are part of the transfer / are selected with this group are highlighted / colored. Reason: for a vessel to be refilled with fuel / mono / anything I don't care where the tanks are situated on this vessel and which tanks are gonna be used. When I select the vessel, it should select all its tanks of the given resource so I can see where the transfer is gonna made. So I have a 'per vessel' selection and still visual feedback and flexibility given that we are used to from your mod. Think that would be the best solution. Any +1 ?
  20. Sounds like one of the best selling arguments for the mod yet. That would be awesome if that is possible... Haven't even thought about it cause I thought after docking two vessels would become one when it comes to managing infrastructure and you can't separate them only by components...
  21. hey diazo, excuse me when it has been reported yet: until yesterday i used the github 1.32a version and have seen, that it doesnt handle remoteTech as it shoul (no, i dont have bypassing RT activated). edit: just realised its the actual topic i was in a suborital flight and was able to activate groups, that i created just a few seconds before (standard, no custom groups). i.e. i had the problem that i was not able to reactivate my antenna after reentering the atmosphere - creating a group and toggling it solved this - cheating somehow i confirmed this by disabling / enabling the antenna and checking the connectionstatus. even after touchdown i had no connection - and could activate panels and antenna again. -> it was not just turning on the antenna. I was even able to activate panels without having a connection. There was no difference to bypassing RT with the build-in button. It seemed to do it all the time. to clear things up. Im NOT speaking about the XF Config. I play RT in the classic way- so you cant connect a vessel with deactivated antenna. and it was deactivated for sure. could not turn it on on any other way than to use agx. -> so its sth it should not meant to be.... hope that helps.
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