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Everything posted by Speadge

  1. hey Pop, still coding all day? i took off some days just to see you are still updating once a week. respect for that! I mentioned the integration of the map-interface some days ago and you asked why this would be necessary- so i ran into the situation again: (FeatureRequest, no bug!): i was managing a flight with low fuel / need to transfer some from a sidemounted tank to the machine-tanks - had to be in-time with just some seconds delay - had to be able to view my flying (falling-) path on the mapscreen for seeing the trajectories - had to do 2-3 full transfers while one burn. (small tanks) So it would have been really great to transfer while controling the thrust AND seeing the new trajectories all in one screen. Without it i had to switch to shipscreen to see how much fuel is left and to transfer some new - switch back to see new trajectory. Hope its understandable - but not that important when it comes to possible bugs
  2. but that was not done :-/ im not sure if i want to rebuild it as it was in one of my lagiest part of my universe i think i saw the transfer running, then the ui changed and i just saw the first line with the "flow" button in each coulumn. the tanks were selected and the only thing changing was TankA (Source) as it got refilled by mining. So as i think about obviously the initiated transfer was finished, but still the ui was locked.
  3. Hey, the stop button was gone. Im not sure if it was the initiated transfer that was still running, but i couldn't even change the tanks anymore. But for your checklist: the requested amount was not transfered, cause the destinations got filled by the mining while the transfer was running. So there was no space anymore in the tanks to transfer the requested amount. So generating a resource to the destination tanks does make a difference, as the consumption from the source tanks makes difference as well. If the source gets empty before transfer competed, it should also stop by its own...
  4. Wanted to transfer just some fuel, I think. Don't remember exactly the situation. Anyway, had kind of a 'deadlock' yesterday: Docked to a mining base that had tank A full of liquid and oxid. Wanted to transfer li+ox to tank B-D of my shuttle. That worked in the beginning though I could see those tanks where filling themselves a bit cause of the mining. Anyway,the SM transfer speeder that up and emptied tank A, which belongs to the base. Problem now is: the transfer never ended! The indicators for the amount disappeared, but I could not deselect the tanks neither on source nor on destination side. Tank A kept filling cause of the mining, so it seemed SM expected a transfer going on. I even could not close the window with the tooltip saying 'transfer is running, please wait till finished' (or sth like that). Just undocking cleared that. So perhaps that is cause of the mining and the fact that tankA, which was the sojrce , kept filling, or that the intentional amount that should have been transfered could never be reached as tanks B-D have been partially filled by the mining in the same time the transfer was running, so they where full before the amount I said to be transfered could be reached. Either way that needs to be fixed as this is a standard procedure with ming bases, isn't it? Perhaps you could add a 'cancel transfer' button or/and add a check for 'is destination tank filled to 99,9%, then cancel, even if the amount to be transferred isn't reached yet'. Does this seem legit?
  5. Hah, great. I love how you bring fixes just a few days after speaking about the issues. That just makes it fun to contribute. The issue with the highlight after detach was one I forgot to mention. Great you fixed it as well. The modinfo may be nice, can't be wrong to have a view if a mod is really activated as it should. I have been missing the SM menu in the mapview (not control center) lately. Is there a reason for not supporting it or am I just blind? Using stock toolbar.
  6. heyho, i noticed it, and did that as well. but lateron i experienced my skycrane always floating to one site right after startup. just by activating SAS i could almost stop it. it turned out that it was caused by a tweakscaled tank i used with the crane. after chosing another, it goes straight up in the air. Problems with tweakscale and mass balancing is something i experience more and more. will need to post that in their thread. After i created my post here, i had similar problems with spaceplanes, that always turn right / left on the rollfield @100m/s. it make me wonder why its the same problem like the crane has. This made me change the tanks... and voila! So, i did not ignore your warning - but please ignore mine as it was not the cranes misbehavior
  7. hey, thx for the reply. was just wondering why clicking cls dont turn off "ressource only" automatically or make it tree-like: *enable highlighting - enable for * Ressource * CLS * Science edit: ok, that was hardly to understand since it is build this way already. wanted to say "decouple the "ressource" button from the cls setting, so i can enable/disable ressource highlighting nevertheless what i chose for cls highlighting. at the moment the cls highlighting depends on my chose for the ressource, what makes it hard to get used to.
  8. Hey pop, coding anyway, you might want to check the settings site with the 'highlight resource parts only' and 'highlight CLS' radio buttons... I'm not sure how it is intended to work, but the actual behavior is that CLS gets unchecked when I check the 'resource only' button, but I have to unchecked this button, before I can check the CLS button again... I'm pretty sure its not the way it should work to have explicitly unchecked a radio button before being able to check another, does it? I expect them either to be radio buttons, so I can chose just one, or standard checkboxes, so I can activate whatever I wish to add!? Hope you understand what I'm going to say
  9. try to check the navigation computer from remoteTech. It happens that you lock your direction there and cant change it manually anymore (even if "local controlled")
  10. welcome! i do use this feature, but it is more a "searching for" the right part this way, instead of beeing able to select the part im going to detach soon directly- cause of this searching i came up with the idea so u dont have to try out every listed item by hovering it to see if it is the one you are looking for...
  11. Rapid-release-rapid-release Just wanted to let you know that i am impressed by your update rate on this mod and the speed of your work on bugs / requests. Havent had expected that a reported issue could be fixed just a few days later. Respect for that and as i mentioned:keep on the good work;) ...where is the PayPal donation button once you need it? Ah, speaking of: Is it possible to chose a part for transfer from the universe screen? Dont have an exact idea how to use it... Just brainstorming. But it would be cool somehow, if I can chose the parts by clicking on them, not their name in a list. Something like alt+leftclick adds them to the list, alt right click removes them, for example. Or a 'pick part button' (with hotkey) in your window, that let's me click directly on the colorful parts of the previous chosen resource. Left for the left (from) side, right for the right (to) side. Would make things much more easier and handy if you just use one kind of tank for your whole ship, but x-times... Just wondering, not a request if it would create bugs / makes it unstable:D
  12. @thermospore: you want to perform an experiment in orbit, take it without finalyzing to the surface and want it to count as an Experiment performer in the surface, just cause you click 'finalize' in the surface? Sorry that would sound like a bug, not a feature... Speaking of features: Featurerequest: stop an experiment manually! or pause it, so that i can chose wich experiment to be priorized after accidently activating too much.
  13. Hey pop, Short update in 4.3.: No crash so far, Ressource transfer seems slower, stuttering a bit compared 2 before? Bug!: when you open sm menu, chose tanks for transport (i.e. source tank is a soon to detach monoprop tank; destination tanks will remain) and detach /decouple the tanks (tested with decoupling source), you can still continue to transfer resources from this tank until you reopen the menu. Its not just a bug in displaying, it is actually working to transfer res. So far from here Keep on the good work
  14. nice to know. Looking forward to a stable version. many thanks for your time! Short addition: it happens now far less than before. And i have seen, that the amounts to transfer vary each time i chose the tanks to transfer from. Its within the last 5 digits after the dot (.) Perhaps it would fix if you dont make it that detailed but just round (down) to 2 digits? I think its because it wants to transfer sth that is not available or is no storage for (storage left calculation on the right is also too detailed and varies with each (de-)selection of the tank).
  15. Its a xeon e3-1245... Max 17% (quadcore, singlethread program, so let it be 70% in one dedicated core - but thats far from beeing maxed, isnt it? have ships with ~ 400parts without those transparency thingies - with way less lagging than with only 6 of this sections standalone (especially with JSI) anyway, this shall not become a thread about game performance... just wanted to state, that the JSI-mod makes it almost unplayable, compared to a game without JSI. so there is the only question to make JSI / transparency optional and perhaps replace it with colorful windows... (one specific color per section)
  16. game is crashing with hanging sound. i tried the logging, but it didnt seem that it logged something - or i just did not look in right folder... trying for a screen... sorry i couldnt scroll the debug down. Its not related to the 0.11 left, as it happens randomly, sometimes few milliseconds after starting. game crashes in a frozen screen (thats why th pic looks not that sharp;) ) & sound keeps running. btw: often it helps not setting for full amount but a littl less. - which is not helping if one of the destination tanks is full already
  17. ok, lil correction, it just crashed again. i was transferring monoprop from 1 tank to ~ 6 other. did this already twice in this flight without problems... the 3rd time it crashed the same way as before. does the kind of tank matter to you? edit: i can reproduce it, just aft 1 min gameplay. do yo need a savegame? (stationscience required)
  18. thanks for your fast reply; is there a way to disable the window / rpm things somehow for ppl that dont care bout thos details, but care for the overall-looking? I'd prefer a big station with tons of lights instead of the windows thingies and the IVA. a green glimming window (i.e. for habitation) would be perfect add-on: i tried again with JSI: really unplayable. performance window still says 33.3 frames/s, but it is about 4-6 frames. i think its not the gpu limiting, which is why i still get much frames.. but the game does not update that fast. the clock counts 1 second after 5 RL-seconds.. which makes it 1/5 frame per second. I'd really love the ability tho exclude JSI and make intransparent, colorfull windows. Turning off the lights, btw, didnt help at all Do you wish to have a savegame for testing? I wonder that you dont experience thos problems at all. Btw, i have enough RAM and cpu-power. gpu is almost sleeping - finally.. the docking ports dont work. neither do they connect to each other nor to the stock ports (tested with 2.5m) -> ok, nevermind; they dock with the equal counterpart, but not with the stock ports
  19. this is without jsi-folder, since it makes thinks almost unplayable havent tested without other mods yet...
  20. Can you guys help me and tell why those parts seem to make my whole game laggy? i hzave a station with ~ 150 parts, 20 of this part-pack, and it feels like lagging is worse than a 500part rocket. deleting JSI / RMB reduces it a bit, but im not sure if it is because of the transpareny window-effect. Can i disable it somewhere? Regards
  21. Hey Pop, wanted to give you a short feedback. the crashes on transfer are really fixed. Was my main problem since it took many time for single-transfer. Havent found another problem so far. will give you feedback as soon as. Thanks again for the RC
  22. If you dont mind, i think that would make thinks much more easier... and in return i can give feedback if my crashes are really adressed, as u stated in the changelog
  23. Hoi, i experienced some crashes on transfering and wanted to make sure it is fixed now. can you help me compiling your .cs? somehow i'm just 2 stupid 2 do it on my own regards.
  24. Hey Jet, i just experienced some strange behaviour of the skycrane(s), for some reason their thrust is not going directly upwards, but in a kind of diagonal way. Is that just me or why is that? Could you fix that, please?
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