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Everything posted by Evanitis

  1. I like to like things. I kinda' never do it on social media, as the actual 'me' has too many different faces to show towards different groups of people. I like that here I can just like stuff that I enjoy seeing, find interesting, makes me smile or that I completely agree with as a noname KSP player.
  2. My though would have been a core + klaw + cubic strut + heatshield appendage. Or maybe straping the chair on the prograde side... but that would have looked less cool. This way it was spectacular and single lauch. By the way, since it took like 4 clicks, I though I could honor the memory of the heroic Patcan with a personalized badge.
  3. 5/10 I love the low part count solution, but I see no engines, that suggest wichcraft powered drive from some OP mod.
  4. Too may things at the same time as usual. Having a Kerbin circumnavigation. Designing SSTOs for establishing an EPL base on Laythe. Trying to get my first STS to orbit. Towing a class D towards home while trying to figure out what to do with it. Having fun with GAP contracts.
  5. @Dfthu There's an unbelievable amount of that. Enough for a few more rounds. xD (+) 65
  6. (+) 58 Sure thing Mon, it was my childhood too. I was also amazed to see how more meaningful the strips got when the inspired artist removed the cat.
  7. Nice one. Lovely engineering, well executed mission. The re-entry pictures are priceless - totally worthy of the 'screenshots that make you laugh' thread. But that poor Kerbal... Landing an asteroid in a chair from interplanetary space... a most memorable feat, but it would have been more impressive if he survived to hold press conferences after.
  8. Did some googling, and it seems that Unity 5 -can- render with dx9 too if it's set that way. Hope it will be an option for KSP 1.1 too.
  9. Planetshine, Scatterer and Chatter. Ahh and Raster Prop Monitor (and it's dependencies). I'm playing on a pretty old potatoe, and didn't notice a visisble performance drop with those. Having clouds was nice too, but I found that annoying when doing precision landing or circumnavigation. And I also have Kerbal Krash System mainly for the fun failures, but it has it's visual impact too.
  10. I was wondering if it will still be playable with old video cards. I just run into a new game on Unity engine that required dx11. Thought that was reserved to the boring, same-every-year AAA games. But this one was a pretty simple indy title, not too graphically intensive, so I was surprized. Could something like that happen to KSP? Should I start digging around scrapyards in order to find a new GPU? Or the devs of the game I tried were just lazy, so they ignored coding compatibility for older standards?
  11. There is - a certain percentage of the asteroid's mass is ore that can be mined. 86% in this case - that's ~860 tonnes. It would take a considerable time to mine that - even if I just jettison the ore instead of turning it into fuel and burning it. But by doing so, the mass of the asteroid decreases, so the availabe dV raises.. slowly. BTW... the ships's available dV when fully fueled is like 3600 m/s. And that went down to 136 m/s since I started towing 1000 tonnes of mass.
  12. But FB blatantly ripped of many functionalities of your forum... Status updates, walls, likes, etc. I think you should sue them.
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