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Everything posted by Nich

  1. I started with 1.0.2 The career I've been doing my SSTOs on was a new career for 1.0.4 The only mod I have that I transferred over is kerbal alarm system. I really like the asymmetric wings I think they have a lot better lift to drag ratio then the lifting bodies and it's always a plus to have your thrust going forwards rather than at an angle of attack. I do think I will try the same craft without the asymmetric wings and see how it flies
  2. Nefrums how did you get the chair in the middle like that? I was making a rescue craft and I cant get it to work
  3. PBtwopoint0 Great plane very easy to fly. I undershot the landing a tad but was able to roll to the runway without any power . A little tough to pull up when airbrakes are on (my only complaint and it is a small one) I would also replace the 2 underwing solar panels and put them on top or just leave them off. I lost one on the bottom to heat Cost = 49900 - 49150 = 750 + 2068 = 2818 6 Kerbals to LKO = 12 Total = 9.18
  4. @Jakalth I calculated 16457 for a total cost and gave you credit for 2 kerbals pluss .7t for a total of -11.06 since you had more then enough dV to meetup with a station - - - Updated - - - For some reason the Neagle MK3 likes to wobble in the roll axis. Not sure why. I bet this was the main cause of the loss of control. I have not done much low speed testing on this one . Interesting the nukes wouldnt hold propagrade as they should pre pretty well centered. On reentry I normally have KSA targeted before 45km below this the craft just wants to fly strait (possibly to much stability)
  5. jakalth unfortunately because scarecrow had done testing on his craft he had development costs that need to be subtracted from the flight. For the deliveriance I have a score of; cost = 10,660 6 Kerbals (possible to exchange) = 12 total = 1.34 Still a very respectable score For the Multicord I just moved the spikes to a second stage and lit them off with a space. Then closed the intakes by hand when they were about to flameout - - - Updated - - - llanthas how much did you spend testing your craft?
  6. You should try the Neagle MK3 I fixed all the issues with flexing and I just flew it again "unofficially" and got 3200 dV left in LKO. Pulls up nicely while at full power due to off centered thrust from rapiers. In fact it wants to climb with power on wants to dive with power off (stable) I feel it is a nice balance. edit... God damit I just tried to deliver the payload and I can not undock the ore........... ... this works with a docking port junior or did I miss something. I will update it with a decoupler :/ edit... Updated with a decoupler total cost thought went up to 7,951 :'(
  7. Jalkath I attempted the Multicord and was unable to reach orbit I got AP out to 69km with 1200 LF left no OX including the landers fuel. Top Speed was 1207 at 15km on air. Turning from level to 15 degrees took a lot of speed off. Part count was a little high and made pitching up a little laggy and hard.
  8. What is the standard resolution for badges? The galaxie in the background kind of disappeared but it still looks pretty good. I think I need to right side align "Master" If someone could brighten up the back ground I dont have photoshop. Jalkath I gave you credit for 3 kerbals with Badhat because you "essentially meet up with a station" And could have rotated them all. If I missed any scores let me know but I think I have the leader board updated - - - Updated - - -
  9. May I present the Neagle MK3 Supper easy to fly -Full throttle -Turn on SAS -Space to light engines -Don't touch the arrow keys -Let plane fly off runway and bring up gear -Don't touch the arrow keys -Around 10km cockpit will start overheating back off the throttle a bit until it starts to cool then full throttle. -When propagrade dips below heading switch to follow it. -At 20km press space to light nukes -When no longer accelerating press 1 to switch to LFO mode burn until empty -Circularize like normal A better flight path will results in more dV in orbit but this is the easiest way up. The craft handles quite well loaded but it does want to dive a bit when empty. On final approach you can move fuel from the center MK3 LF tank to the 2 MK2 LF tanks to center it pretty well. Optimal climb speed loaded is about 450-500 m/s @ 3km (if you are flying a more complex flight path) Approach speed is 100 m/s Landing speed is 55 m/s -Reentry Set PE to 45 km Use aero braking and air brakes to drop orbit until orbit intersects KSA aim just short of KSA airbrakes and lift do a good job of canceling each other out to keep the orbit right through KSA. No issues with overheating I didnt calculated dV in orbit but Minims, Duna and Eve should all be within range.
  10. By all means feel free to submit a second design. I plan on submitting an MK3 version of the Neagle and hope it gains some much needed stiffness.
  11. I just give my self a good chunk of science in the beginning I am not rolling to every dam biome at KSP so I can spend 2 hours to get dumb science 100m from the launch pad IMO. All those biomes need to be removed and the Kerbin desert, poles, and mountains and possibly badlands(I have never been) need to be buffed up. Apparently I just learned you can do splashed and landed in most the biomes
  12. That explains so much I always wondered why assemtric batteries didnt cause tipping
  13. So I notice no one uses lander legs? How much mass would you save on fuel if you could crash down at 30 m/s rather then having to set it down nicely? Oh I see landing legs are broke as hell. How can landing legs have 12 m/s resistance and girders have 80 m/s?
  14. Sorry but maybe I don't see the point wont everyone enter a Mainsail with a full t200, a little less then half full oscar-b lander can and parachute?
  15. Do these still exist? It seems to me all the batteries have mass added to the craft weight. Or do they add weight to the totals but are not calculated in the physics?
  16. I am absolutely loving the Big S wing I even used it on a 10t craft and it did just as well as a tiny wing. I would have thought too much drag and weight for a single rapier but its L/D must be good enough to make up for the extra weight.
  17. Yes I tried flying it today fully loaded and any pitching maneuvers are just plane dangerous because the head just flexes so much it is going at a significant AOA different then the wings are. I did most of my flight testing nearly empty getting it to orbit my first try must have been from working with big heavy clunky craft from the payload challenge. A strut from cockpit to the back on the bottom should stiffen it up so it wont be so erratic but I think the best solution would be to move the COL back half way through the COM. Or just removing the canards and going with a normal elevator in the rear. In the End the Neagle has claimed too many kerbal lives I am going to call it a complete failure On the Plus side I think I made a beautiful badge. If I get enough likes I will make a Pilot and Builder variant.
  18. I am going to have to go with drag is king for SSTOs. The shock cones are way better then the ram intakes and I really like the precooler. 1 shock cone and 1 precooler to feed 2 engines. I am torn on lift but generally more is better. I used 10 lift on a 10.9t SSTO and got the same results as 3 lift on an 8.6t (same craft different wings)
  19. Btw My successful mission (with 2 flags) was 8.6 t and you have 10.9 t on the leader board.
  20. Just re read the post how the hell did you get retrograde between Jool and Eloo? I guess it depends on how long your maximum burn is and where. I am guessing burn down to Moh, slingshot into a highly essentric orbit but your still going to need a 5000-ish dV burn to go retrograde. I would bring some solar panels so you can burn in kerbin and moh for the full 4600 then stage it off and array it from there. - - - Updated - - - And nuke only has enough power to run 5/8ths of an ion engine. Need 2 nukes per full ion and then 98% of thrust comes from nukes anyways.
  21. Shashy you have earned your PRO SSTO pilot designation even though it was not technically an SSTO you made it to orbit dropped of kerbals and fuel without save/reverts Scarecrow You have earned your pro pilot designation even though your score is highly negative (not going to bother adding it up) I have however changed the rules that you now have to get to orbit and return safely first attempt. Dont worry you will be grandfathered in or you are welcome to try a new craft I think I the leader boards updated if I missed your entry please let me know. As for the Neagle if anyone else wants to try it the plane becomes very touchy above 300 m/s with a full load you need to have your 10 degrees set before 250 m/s then you should not touch the arrow keys again. Also you do not lift off the runway but run off the end. It has enough lift to maintain level by the time it hits the end of the runway. At 22-24 km switch to follow propagrade into orbit. I do plan on creating a second attempt of 102t payload to orbit without touching the arrow keys at all. Coming Soon Also I have an idea for the badge I will submit it and see if everyone likes it/wants to improve it before if becomes final.
  22. Yes I do not believe sand box gives you the recovery info. I made an easy career with 200% science and max science/funds to start for this challenge. Then it was 2 Mun landings to fill out the tree.
  23. No visual enhancement necessary. Use kerbol to find your phase angle reference then it is just some math, geometry and transfer window tables to hit eloo. It would be the most boring video ever launch into a 71x71 get the high noon point visually. an hour doing math to calculate orbit and time to burn and amount to burn. No idea how to do adjustment burns so I would probably just quick save and reload until I hit it first try.
  24. I had a very hard time on the Mun with a lot less weight but I only had 350 m/s in the batteries the the other 250 had to come from solar panels at 1/3 power. I didnt think of watching vertical speed. My craft was right around .72 t when deorbiting for the mun
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