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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Triop

    Pancho Barnes

    Hotdogs are free when you can prove you are a true aviator, so tell us your story...
  2. Triop

    Pancho Barnes

    Opening night. A place for dogfighters, enter at your own risk.
  3. Impressive, give me some time please, real life and stuff.
  4. Yes, we use rude words and speak our minds, but that does not mean we are rude. Back to the topic:
  5. "Chester is dead ?" I'll let myself out....
  6. Made in Holland. Messing around with @qzgy's jet ...
  7. I'll start: "So I say; SHOOT, SHOOT, cause you never say fire in an airplane"
  8. I'd love to, but I don't use inferno robotics
  9. Thank you, I like my new method off a razorback: + point; those wings can hold fuel that can help adjusting COM/COL
  10. Doing what I do best, spamming this thread with fictional cold war era fighters.
  11. It is. It says this week Mirage III.
  12. Yeah, I found that to, but it's gunrange is 3070, default alt is 1000 and min alt is 420...
  13. "404 This is not the rocket you were looking for!" ?
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