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Everything posted by Triop

  1. That's awesome...You should hide a bunch of Kerbals inside.
  2. My smallest ssto design, here we go: Building up speed. Ready for the burn. Orbit. Ready to go home. Not enough fuel... Landing..... "ow, hi tree !" Ready for a walk, Jeb ? I hope this counts even if I did not land back on the runway, believe me this was not my first try ;P Edit: Small detail, I did not use any intakes, only a cooler.
  3. Today, I made a speedrun to the Northpole. 169.48 fuel used, T 00:17:57. Isn't there a challenge for this ? Edit: I had to go to the Southpole too...
  4. Going for the velocity...Again. Someday...I will be #1 Now I need to lay down for a while...
  5. @imthebait Great tips, right now I'm screwing up big time with my over-aired design http://imgur.com/9Iq7dwr ...And I feel the need for speed !
  6. Thanks Fengist. Can "lowest amount of fuel used" be a category ? Hope to be back soon with a faster plane and time... Edit: Right now I am testing my new creation and its looking good
  7. Lol. I had to do it: 300 Fuel, 51.47 left, total time 56:34 AND landed on the runway this time
  8. So I did this circum-thingy a few days ago and I knew I could do it faster, so here we go ! Here is my MiG-like plane, gave it some shutes for landing. First attempt Second attempt Thirth attempt On the runway: Worst take off ever... Fast climb slurping lots of fuel: I've put a plane next to the runway and a flag on each of the poles, now kerbin looks like a clock ! So round we go : 21 minutes, 299 fuel left, looks good. Halfway: Getting hot! On schedule. 3/4 F3 shows me this ??? incorrect data, I did not save or warp Almost home: Time to turn our view: Mun rising over the mountains Time to slow down: Getting very close and scared... Runway were are you going !!! Chutes ! Chutes ! Chutes ! Full stop at 55:40 F3 info: Distance looks a bit short ? 160 fuel left ! My next plane is going to be smaller... Ow and a small detail, I never went over 25.000 M This was scary but great fun !
  9. Ok, so saving does mess up the end result... Anyway congratz, I also posted a run today, hope we both get to display that badge
  10. @ sj176 Total distance traveled 2,277,172m. Did you used F5 to save ? Is this a bug ?
  11. Triop


    For years I was afraid of this game... and then I found Scott Manley
  12. I do not see why not, you still have to fly the plane yourself. But for me there is no honour in that.
  13. Keep it simple. less is more. Edit: See what I did here ? #flags Stock, no mods, no warp, no saves. 450 Fuel, 6.60 left. I got into a spin while landing, pointing me back to the mountains: I could have done it faster, but hey, that's life
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