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Everything posted by Triop

  1. "Edit 2: And there was one mistake. You didn't land the way you took off. In the video I showed off the approximate flight path, just with like 4 mistakes. Silly me." Lol, if I did a 180 roll and turn while landing my time would only have improved because of losing speed. But I will try again ;P
  2. @t3hJimmer I like the design of your plane.
  3. Ok, does this count ? I forgot to unlock steering, this can easy be done faster. It's fun to do so I will do this again if there is some competition.
  4. Ok why not, sounds fun. Did some runs T+/- 4 minutes, but before I go recording it...Is this plane legal ? The 2 front wheels really helps steering ! Edit : LOL SINGLE ENGINE READ TRIOP READ ! ! ! ;P Ow well, still could show off my cewl pinky plane.
  5. So I came up with this....4.68 T Only problem I have now is getting it in to orbit, LOL (not gonna happen...)
  6. 5.053t....Dang it, I need to go back to the drawing table But how did you get that Kerbal in there ? Should'nt there be a pod or something for him to climb out first ? And if so does that weight of the pod then not count ?
  7. Single rapier, 5 parts 8.23 T. Nice challenge, I liked it !
  8. @ landfish2 Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet Awesome, flies great ! Kudos.
  9. But is it realy possible to make a sandcastle on the mun ?
  10. Ok, It is with humans, but they behave like Kerbals. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086197/ Go watch this movie, you won't be sorry.
  11. @ Emmett Brown; Nice looking plane (even upsidedown ), not enough fuel ? How much was in there ? Using a lot of fuel at take off is normal, you could have enough. I don't like clipping unless it is done for looks, change the nose for the pointy fueltank, that holds 40 units...
  12. Today, I forgot (again) to stage my chutes before take off . . . I hope I'm not the first to do that O, claimed the Northpole for us Dutchies aswel
  13. https://www.dropbox.com/s/robq7ccpxqkazz3/K%20FighterTrainer.craft?dl=0
  14. @panfish5 You have created a atom bomb ! Great pictures.
  15. We tried to stop him... Rules: * Get him back on the runway ASAP safe in "this" https://www.dropbox.com/s/euk7jjpq2h7xo8b/FUN%20%21%21%21.craft?dl=0 * Don't change the "this" plane what so ever... * Fastest time gets on top. (no rules on mods) * Prove it with screenshots (you know the drill.) * Xtra kudos if your pilot is named Scott Manley. * 1.000.000. K (kerbin dollars) If you can land Scott on K2 mountain ! Hints: Don't try to take off before the end of the runway.(and you have chutes for landing...) It actualy flies pretty easy (when you get the hang of it ) "I saved Scott superfast !" #1 -your name here- #2 -your name here- #3 -your name here- "I landed Scott on K2 !" #1 -your name here- #2 -who am I kidding... #3 -DNQ ! I will check this daily, if someone could design a badge for this that would be awesome. Now go and SAVE SCOTT ! ! ! Fly safe ! (Disclaimer: Scott Manley® not included)
  16. Today, I hired a new pilot: He kept screaming FLY SAFE ! FLY SAFE ! ...I don't know why ? Did the plane kill Scott Manley ? Fly it yourself and find out ! Do the challenge ! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125785-Get-Scott-Manley-home-a-s-a-p! Let me know if you can save him...
  17. This was harder as it sounded, screwed up first time not knowing the island runway was so high up ! But I did it, not fast or anything: Alt:147 Time: 06.03 4.36 fuel used. Maybe I will try this again and go a bit faster... Edit, to bad, thread is closed:(
  18. Today, I put a MiG 15 in orbit (ssto): MiiiiiGs in Spaaaaace ! *Muppetshow Edit: I did land the MiG 15, screenshot was taken after I did my return burst (I'm flying backwards here), thats why fuel is zero
  19. MiG 15 into orbit, I had to do it. Edit: With a little boost I even made it to the Mun ;
  20. @Xan How much fuel was in there ? 150 ? Lol 29.969....close.
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