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Everything posted by Triop

  1. The reason I asked was I made this contraption: Now I've made a probe with reaction wheels and when I release it in the tunnel and turn the vessel it will go forward on its own, not using power. This can go on forever, but it is slow... Making a perpetudinges that would pick up speed would be awesome. Edit: I should make a video...
  2. I get rid of Z fighting by finetuning the part a very small to the left/right, if done right it will give very tiny not moving lines when static, and it won't affect your crafts performance. The CoM and CoL position I use: (SSTO version)
  3. This was very inspiring, thanks @DerekL1963
  4. I love your story, read it multiple times, I love the 10 $ bet bits, makes it feel human ( or Kerbal in this case). Thank you.
  5. Thank you for making me feel even more stupid then I was, just watched Scott's video and I didn't understand any of it...
  6. It is also historical: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norge_(airship) I would never know about this if I had not seen his post.
  7. Everybody should watch this, ravishingly beautiful...Credit to @DerekL1963, awesome job mate.
  8. @Munbro Kerman I can help you with this project, I might sound negative, but I'm surely not, I'm just looking for the perfect stock MiG-21, and you are closer then I have ever seen. Well, there is your problem... Also,1310 LF fuel, a average Kerbal fighter can go around Kerbal using minimal 400-600 LF. Removing fuel from some of the tanks can put your centre of mass and centre of lift in a much more maneuverable position, making the craft lighter. Also, the "z-fighting" doesn't help the looks when static. You nailed the shape though, I'll bet when you would overlay the blueprints of a MiG 21 on your model it would be 95% accurate. The intakes on the wings gotta go, not needed, looks out of place. Please continue your work on this magnificent machine.
  9. Thanks, got it, Jeb is going for a maiden flight, I'll let you know how it went.
  10. (Google translate **** with me....) But searching for Perpetual motion on this forum also says 0... If it is possible (even with mods, not counting full rewriting of cfg files.), where are all the machines ? could you build one, just for example ?
  11. *proest*, just spilled my "coffee" all over my keyboard, came out my nose, good laugh. Going for the Nobel Price Prize (not my day) with my Kollider, I'll be the first to find the "Kod" particle...Evil genius smilie --->
  12. Can it be done ? I looked for posts about this on the forum but found 0. Any thoughts or ideas about this ?
  13. You nailed it bro ! Can we have it ? I just love the MiG-21, still flying missions as we speak. *Disclaimer: I hate weapons on jets, even pilots hate them....They just want to fly. EDIT: @Munbro Kerman You can also put a dragshute in the reversed intake:
  14. So today Jeb was supossed supposed (I can do English me)to test our new heatshielded helmet, but apparently nobody has seen him.... Since the test must go on we volunteered Val for the job.
  15. Looks good, maybe swep the main wings a little (see picture) Using the small retrectable antennas on the back wingtips could also give it more detail ( see green circle) Finally, (blue circle) you could do it like this: Great design, I might steal some ideas from ya...
  16. More work on the Kollider, a little bit bigger this time... Still a lot of testing to do.
  17. First test: Next up is designing some pods, see what works best.
  18. Working on the Kerbal Kollider, first test was a failure, going big now.
  19. Nice, very high Midi-chlorian count, you have, says Yoda. (also a little green man). I made another one:
  20. So Star Wars is celebrating that they started "A long, long time ago" (in a galaxy not so far,far away). Let's honor all the Jedi the Sith slaughter by creating our own personal lightsaber. Use mods or Kyber Crystals , just make it beautiful so you can stand out from all the other Jedi wannabees. (If you don't have a Kyber cristal you can use a Kerbal) Example, simple: "MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU." Obi wan, a long, long time ago
  21. Yep, Aviation Cockpits mod I believe... Tomorrow Jeb is going to test our new heatshielded helmet. btw, has anybody seen Jeb ? JEB ?
  22. Today I present you: the Mk0 cockpit. Now going to make it fly
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