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Everything posted by Cyrious

  1. I've personally never sent any station science equipped ships out to the outer planets (I'm still waiting for my first duna mission on this playthrough to arrive), but in theory it shouldnt matter as Station Science is entirely part-based and does not involve landing on any planetary surface.
  2. Oh yeah, reentry trails should remain for a bit after their host vessel/part/what-have-you has burned up. They kinda snap off when the host vessel dies.
  3. Same, definitely want this mod going again, except for me to make my massively oversized mining crawlers. Yeah, there are better options for wheels, but having 4 clusters of 12 wheels holding up a 60 meter long mining crawler loaded with nearly 250 tons of freshly mined resources is awesome.
  4. Yeah that's what I was thinking. I threw up this huge station crossbar that had pretty much everything needed to function as a station, including radiators. I get a Thinker lab up and a retrograde kuarqs science module as part of a contract. I go to fire up the experiment and instead of heat generation being done from the lone cyclotron attached at the time, it just putts out the Kuarqs despite sucking down nearly 100ec/s.
  5. I has question involving balance (depending on your point of view): why is it the cyclotrons do not generate heat? That's some fairly high power consumption just one has, and having 2 running simultaneously is even more. And in case it wasnt obvious, what would i have to change in the part cfg file so my cyclotrons generate heat when active?
  6. It doesnt have that much of a hit, I think having the re-entry flame SFX turned up to normal is a higher impact to framerate than this does. If you saw my screenshot on the previous page, I had 26 reentry trails going and it was smooth as butter the entire way in.
  7. So, I went and did a fairly crazy test of the re-entry effects using about 24 decouplers and the Novapunch Freyja pod/module combo. This is the result: Framerates were nice and stable despite the fact there was nearly 30 different plasma trails active, so by all means feel free to grab and use it, it doesnt hurt anything and the effect is nice. Now while it looks much better than the stock shader effect around the pod/burning part, I feel its missing a couple of things. 1: As previously mentioned, the part or ship undergoing entry needs a lens-flare or other sort of intense glow effect where it is that scales in color and brightness with the velocity of re-entry and the size of the object. 2: The plasma plume needs to change color along its length, starting with the ship/object flare color and rolling back to deep red along its length. 3: Unshielded objects above a certain size should have the option to spray out "debris"; short lived particles (anywhere from .1 to up to 2 seconds, with the color and brightness scaling with it's duration) released from the objects center of mass randomly that each create their own brief re-entry trail and fall behind the main object, fading out as they "burn up". Parts that explode during entry create a shower of such particles following the original vector and diverging from it slightly as they fade out. This could be controlled or disabled by a setting in its own menu (say, from the stock or Blizzy's toolbar). Anyways, was just adding my .02c about it.
  8. Ha, I wish I could, I dont know how to code.
  9. I was wondering if someone would implement this, only to find out it was stock but disabled. Thank you kindly. EDIT: I'd like to add that objects on entry ought to have a lens-flare (should be easy) that changes color with the strength of the heat flux being experienced (probably not so much), shifting towards blue (as shown by the ATV entry pic above) the hotter things get. The size of the flare should be proportional to both the object generating it and how fast its going. A busted chunk of a solar panel breaking away would at most glow a pale yellow, while the host craft it just broke away from would be a blazing white-blue sun.
  10. Yeah, I was a little sad when I installed KFWheels and discovered that they did nothing. I will admit though the rover body is still useful, just that I dont exactly trust it with the stock wheels cause they're meh. Really want the medium wheels working again, I was doing some crazy stuff with those.
  11. This post is a bit of a hackjob by Kolago, but Stack Inline Lights (for those of us who liked it) has core functionality in 1.1.3. The saving of specific lighting color profiles for use between other ships, and the increased precision, both offered by the now defunct Vanguard plugin, are no longer there since the mod now has to use the BULB plugin to work. The Dockbrite docking ports (ports with the lighting integrated) also dont work, but for what reason I do not know. On the plus side, switching to the BULB plugin allows for the textures of the lights to change color and intensity with the glow of the light.
  12. I dont think any of us who want this mod pseudo-updated so it'd work with the near and current latest versions of KSP without the Vanguard Plugin really care. As long as it works and provides general color-changeable floodlighting that's good enough for me.
  13. I have a question: will this mod have KAS/KIS compatibility for the actual external Hard Drive Part? Anyways, loved the predecessor mod on .90, useful little tool. Made loading up motherships with science goodies easy enough.
  14. I'm trying the aggressive settings instead of the normal settings for KSP (normal works, but I wanna see if there's an even greater reduction with aggressive), and I am quite glad I have an 8 core/16 thread CPU while it rebuilds the cache.
  15. AWESOME! Is this going to be a part of the main mod in terms of code (single DLL for all functions) or will it be split (DLL for the wheels, DLL for the hitch)?
  16. T_T But i wanna make a functional podracer damnit! Cant exactly do that with your repulsors because of how drifty they are. And orientation of the drag zones could be as simple as making them parallel to the line drawn between the center of mass, the root part, and a cockpit/probe core. Eh, no biggie, I'll just have to make do with what I got.
  17. Damn, it was worth a try. Another question I have though: Would it be possible to give the repulsors "side drag" as a tweakable? Heres what I mean by it. Repulsors as they function now are omni-directional. No matter what direction or orientation they're sent in, they will continue on until drag or something else changes it. What I propose is that when the side drag is turned on, when the vehicle is moving forwards or backwards along the long axis, there's no drag as usual. But when the vehicle changes orientation, the repulsors instead change the vehicle's direction. So if I turn 20 degrees to the right and hold it, my ground track will curve to match my new direction instead of keeping going in the same direction. The strength of this correction could be tweaked as well, from very weak (turns are very drifty) to very strong (turns are very tight). The direction of the drag could also be a tweakable, allowing for variations in part placement and ship design.
  18. Well, could a flexible but lockable ball joint part similar to a Claw that could be used in the VAB or SPH to link 2 segments together as one vessel work? It would be considered one vessel (one center of mass, one active control part), but allow the 2 segments that the part is holding together 3 axis freedom of movement. Going into timewarp or saving automatically locks the joint, which then unlocks after returning to the vessel or coming out of warp. The problem I see stemming with the initial mag-hitch is the fact KSP has weird code when it comes to rover and base persistence and physics. Anything made of more than one vessel that isnt in orbit acts wonky as hell when physics turns back on. The idea of the joint part is to make a single vessel from the start. Something like that essentially. The ability to link rovers together isnt quite as important (to me at least) as the ability to let rover chunks move freely.
  19. Any idea in particular as to what the issues were? I may not be a modder but perhaps I could assist in getting it working.
  20. Greetlings lo-fi and thanks for the awesome wheel mod. I however am currently looking for a hitch mod that would allow the main rover to grab the one behind it and tow it without docking to it. KAS winches and plates are too weak for the rover sizes and masses I use (>30m long, upwards of 400T loaded), and if used on smaller rover chains result in alot of whiplash. KAS pipes and standard docking ports dock the vessels together and dont allow the freedom needed (pitch, yaw, and roll). Then I stumbled across your youtube vids of the WIP magnetic trailer hitch, and I gotta ask: when will it be ready?
  21. Nope, I've used it multiple times to jump out to Sarnus and it worked every time.
  22. All modern x86 CPUs starting with Core 2 and Athlon 64 (with a few rare exceptions that are irrelevant) are 64-bit, but are by design capable of computing in 32-bit mode.
  23. Add another $15-20 to the budget and you go from having mostly crap to having good quality units. Edit: You can either stick with the entry level mid-quality units, or you can save up a bit more and grab a higher quality unit. For the former, i suggest http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182132 For the latter: www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151119
  24. When it comes to power supplies, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS look for reviews, especially the more thorough ones. They will tear down the unit to its critical components, tell you what everything is rated for, do performance tests under various conditions, and generally find out whether the PSU is capable of whats on the sticker, or even capable of the ATX spec. Seasonic is always a safe bet, most of XFX's units are seasonic based. If you need to go cheaper still, Rosewill's Hive series is good even though they do not use Seasonic designed internals. Beyond that I'm not sure. Pick something out and we'll tell you if its good or not.
  25. House, and I live in Coastal Virginia, USA. Even though it doesnt get too terribly hot here, my home has no shade to help block the solar thermal load, so my AC runs fairly regularly to help keep the house below 80F. Add in the additional heat load from my computers and the fact the thermostat is right outside my room and every watt my computers release have a multiplicative effect on my power bill
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