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Everything posted by Cyrious

  1. IMO, a fat lump of ram (16GB is good), an SSD (to accelerate loading) and a good strong CPU is recommended. If you are going into OpenGL mode, lots of VRAM is also ideal. The ram becomes the biggest part if you mod, as it can easily suck up >5GB of ram.
  2. What Centrifuge unit are you trying to deploy? CTD-5 and CTD-10 require 1 engineer (the small donuts), PFD-C (big donut) and PXL-F (tri-beam rigid one) require 2, and the PXL-E (huge rigid one) requires 3.
  3. An engineer must be onboard the vessel before they'll inflate. Once they're inflated/extended, you can spin them up.
  4. // Support for Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux Station Cores // Config by Cyrious // Kerbalmax PXL-9 'Vista' Astrogation Module @PART[sspx-cupola-375-1]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] { %IsRTCommandStation = true %RTCommandMinCrew = 6 } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %OmniRange = 3000 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } // Kerbalmax PXL-10 'Harbour' Station Control Centre @PART[sspx-core-375-1]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] { %IsRTCommandStation = true %RTCommandMinCrew = 6 } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %OmniRange = 3000 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } // Kerbalmax PPD-8 'Wharf' Station Core @PART[sspx-core-25-1]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] { %IsRTCommandStation = true %RTCommandMinCrew = 6 } %MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %OmniRange = 3000 %TRANSMITTER { %PacketInterval = 0.3 %PacketSize = 2 %PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } Here it is. Save it as a .cfg file, then place that file in the GameData/StationPartsExpansionRedux/Patches folder. Remotetech is obviously required. @Nertea If you want to add this permanently to the patches folder for this mod, go right ahead.
  5. Hmmm, good point. Oh, that reminds me, the station core modules (and i think a few others) need Remotetech module manager patches for probe control points. The parts have em for the stock commnet, but not for remotetech. I'm going to see if I can hash together a module manager patch for em, and if I'm successful I'll post it here. EDIT: The pods/parts I intend on doing it to are the Wharf, Harbour, and Vista Astrogation module (lets face it, the Astrogation module is practically perfect for it with that IVA). Pier I'm debating on doing considering its size.
  6. First off, @Nertea, awesome mod (and I love your mods in general), it really does grant extra options when building stations and motherships. I do however have a question: Why is it centrifuges (and to a lesser extent all of the parts with a lighting option) use no electricity? You would figure that spinning up upwards of 15 tons of metal then keeping it spinning (plus the counterbalancing weights, nice eye to detail there) would consume a bit of power. EDIT: Also, maybe a way to select the rotation direction of the centrifuges other than rotating them in the VAB.
  7. Is it normal for the flares this mod adds to bodies and objects to stop working when the game is running in OpenGL mode? Herp derp, course they wouldn't work in map mode.
  8. "Must have a remotetech constellation orbiting kerbin with a dish pointed at active vessel with a range of at least "n" KM" OK, i've done that (I've even used the pointing to set up the dedicated sub-relay sats), it still will not open up those contracts. I'm going to try re-launching the Muns Relay sat to see if it was an issue with the sat. Or do i need to launch more than one satellite to point at each moon to count? Edit: Nevermind then. "Aimed at Active Vessel" was the key. Edit 2: Now I need to figure out the "0-70% remotetech coverage". Clearly not 0% as both of the sub-relays have a ton of Omni-range, and the Mun has 2 other satellites orbiting it as well.
  9. So, I've made the rather rude discovery that YongeTech's TechTree Plugin and Community Tech Tree do not like each other, at least on my save. Having both installed prevented CTT from loading and modifying the stock tree.
  10. So, 2 days ago I went on a modding spree of my particular copy of KSP, and during the acquisition of all of my other mods, I ran across a rather interesting Ion thruster/engine mod pack (not the one with the blue thrusters). I ignored it at the time, and kept on installing mods, cause hey, mod it until it breaks, then fix it and keep going until memory becomes an issue, right? Well, this evening I thought: "Hey, why not go grab the thruster mod I saw earlier?" And heres where the hair pulling starts. After digging through my browser history I have found myself unable to locate the mod either here or on Spacedock, and I was wondering if anyone here could direct me to it if they can figure out what I'm talking about from the following clues: 1: It had an RCS ion thruster of some kind, at least 2 nozzles, and looked like a hall-effect thruster (annular) 2: The thruster styling was similar to Near Future Propulsion's engines in terms of coloring and shape 3: the screenshot of the RCS ion thruster block was in the VAB, and was fairly close up 4: One of the thrusters shown in the mod had a square-looking nozzle Edit: Not sure on this one. I'm pretty sure its part of a pack, and if someone could direct me to that pack I would be enormously grateful. If this isn't the subforum to ask, just point me in the right direction and I'll go there. Edit 2: Never mind, realized I already had it when I saw the parts i was looking for within the Community Tech Tree.
  11. Any idea what causes the hilariously bright/huge plumes for some of the engines? I'd also like to add (since apparently you're the new maintainer), the slender blue engines (dont remember their names right now, its the 1.25m and 3.75m ones) have broken gimballing; the thrust line doesnt move when the engine bell(s) does.
  12. Ah ok, I was kinda iffy about posting it here but I figured if I did I'd get a quicker response. Is Roverdude's light standalone or is it part of one of the many modpacks he has? All I really want is the light because right now setting up something similar using KIS'd Stack Inline Lights, some pylons, and some medium-length I-beams is kinda costly in terms of part count and number of units I can set up per large storage container launched, and using normal floodlights even moreso. Edit: Scratch that, found it in USI Kolonization. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction though!
  13. @IgorZ Are we allowed to make part/item suggestions for KIS? I ask because I was wondering if you would be willing to port this (click, pops to another thread on forum) to KIS as a general base floodlighting option, or failing that, make something similar (original idea comes from the Sunshine movie during the sunshield repair scene.).
  14. Lol I've already gotten the fish hit in, but feel free to use it again.
  15. FISH HIT! x1 It will update when it updates. Asking for updates will not speed up the process.
  16. Ah ok, guess that answers my question. Looks like I get to do these scrap missions the hard way.
  17. Question: Can KIS containers be used to store parts that have a science value attached to them, and can it be used to perform "return x part to kerbin" missions?
  18. Depends on the integrated graphics and the dedicated GPUs you are comparing, but most integrated graphics barely have access to 20-30GB/s memory bandwidth, a bit more if memory overclocking is factored in. All but the absolute weakest modern GPUs or most older (DX9) mid to upper range GPUs can crank more than that (easily hundreds of GB/s). Shoot my secondary GPU, which is using outdated DDR3 in 3 memory channels cranks more than that. Anyways, some older games (Anything running on first gen Unreal Engine, a couple of games on second gen Unreal Engine) had the option to do software rendering, which as you may have guessed, bypasses the GPU entirely and does all of the rendering on the CPU core(s). KSP though I'm pretty sure does not have a software rendering mode.
  19. Yeah I noticed that as well, I dont think its a bug so much as a performance thing. Synchronizing all of the reentry trails should in theory result in less work to be done vs a whole bunch of trails doing their own things. Its why I could get away with doing a re-entry with something like 30 someodd trails following me down and not have an appreciable performance loss.
  20. Confirmed, and they're worth a *huge* amount of science as well Thats worth sending out a mothership or two loaded with Station Science Hardware. Edit: Sending out one mothership fully equipped with the necessary hardware to do all 6 mission pods just to high sarnus orbit is worth about 10k science. Add in the 5 moons of Sarnus (Tekto, Slate, Eeloo, Ovok, Hale) and high/low orbit changes, and you can theoretically harvest something like 60-70k (or more) science just from using the station science mod around Sarnus then flying it all home.
  21. If you want I'll go hyperedit a crude test ship containing all of the Station Science parts to the outer planets for testing.
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