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Everything posted by DDE

  1. Hey, Bahamuto, as the Modder-in-Chief on Animations, would you be interested in creating a launch clamp pack?
  2. Hey, just a q uick question: did this mod have custom R-7 clamps?
  3. Yep. Now it works. Thanks, will upload to GitHub and send final pull request. Moving over to pestering RoverDude in the MKS thread. I now have a working conversion spreadsheet and a scheme to correctly rewrite the Firespitter config.
  4. Alright, I give up. For some reason I can't replace the code for conventional resources in the Draw Bag - whereas the pod gets manipulated perfectly. Here's my code, consider it PD: // For reference, 1 kerbal/day = 0.365 F, 0.242 W, 37 O; pod set to contain 15 KDs (=5 sup) and the bag to 75 KD (=25 sup) // That sounds broken, but matches the Umbra standard. @PART[DERP_POD]:NEEDS[TACLifeSupport] { !MODULE[ModuleStoredResource,Supplies] {} MODULE { name = ModuleStoredResource ResourceName = Food Amount = 5.475 } MODULE { name = ModuleStoredResource ResourceName = Water Amount = 3.63 } MODULE { name = ModuleStoredResource ResourceName = Oxygen Amount = 555 } // The following config does not work. @PART[DERP_StowBag]:NEEDS[TACLifeSupport] { !RESOURCE[Supplies] {} RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 82.275 maxAmount = 82.275 } RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 54.375 maxAmount = 54.375 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 8325 maxAmount = 8325 } }
  5. Hello, just a quick two questions. Roverdude, this may sound stupid, but is my Github fork visible to you? And everyone, am I the only one to have no resources in the DrawBag?
  6. [quote name='Proteus']sorry for ignorance but can some one please explain to me on how this engines work,i started ksp and im confused. so i get the engine,put oil in it,than i get a tank with npu stuff and some energy source,reactor maybe and im ready to go?[/QUOTE] No need for an energy source - you're using [I]bombs[/I], not reactors. You need the standard pusher plate assembly (Medusa won't extend in an atmosphere) and one or multiple magazines of NPU shaped nuclear charges atop it. Once you activate the engine, the throttle will control the frequency with which the nuclear bombs are ejected and detonated behind the ship.
  7. OK, so I am stubbornly pursuing my quest to force TAC-LS upon Umbra. I am, however, quite baffled by both the stock and modded resources in the Draw Bag completely missing. // Provisional setting as 3 kerbal-days (matched to Mk 2 pod totals) @PART[DERP_StowBag]:NEEDS[TACLifeSupport] { !RESOURCE[Supplies] {} RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 1.097 maxAmount = 1.097 } RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 0.725 maxAmount = 0.725 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 111 maxAmount = 111 } } P.S. Advanced editor is glitchng and lagging in IE11. As in, adly missing some o the keyboard inpu gltcing.
  8. Sorry, since I've grabbed a hold of you here, I'll submit all of my proposals for popular discussion (although missing features being considered an issue is good indeed). Unless the pusher plate can be made to retract on thruster shutdown, and hence be compact enough for the whole thing to fit into a shroud, a bottom node is of little use. However, I think I would be prudent to create the facilities for the upside-down launch of Medusa, with an engine shroud doubling as the adapter back to 3.75 m. The 5 m size appears to be reasonable for the copy of the 10 m Orion given the apparent 1/2 scale of Kerbals and most of their technology. The Convair Nexus guys similarly scaled down their monster. And yes, I'm mentioning the Nexus mod because that thing has clusters of 6 J-2s as hybrid thruster/RCS blocks. Is it possible to add a more impressive exhaust to LF+O RCS? The surface attachment has been mulled to death. Engines with surface attachment capability have been produced - for example, Ven's Mainsail rework. An important point I wanted to make is that FTT's spindly frameworks are ill-suited for torchships that achieve high Gs and are in many cases launched through atmospheres. An Orion's structure would have to be much more solid and aerodynamic; luckily, mass is a non-issue. Furthermore, I have serious doubts about the durability of a 5-4x2.5-5 sandwich if it's held together by one of the offset modules. What I'm proposing is a set of two structural parts - the keel and the new solid quadcoupler. The keel is a heavy structural girder housing the crew tunnel and utility plumbing; it's sole role is to keep the coupler layers in place. The couplers are also thick enough for crew transfer crawlspaces, and allow for various common 2.5 m payloads (such as a craft built around the Mk 2 Lander Can) to be mounted on them. It's important to note that FTT's coupler keeps the sub-stacks spread wide apart, and is probably more than 7.5 m at the widest point. The Orion coupler should keep the substacks as close together as possible, minimizing the profile. The two other parts are kinda obvious, and in their basic forms are correctly resized stock parts - a 5-to-3.5 adapter (although it would be a shame if it won't house fuel) and a 5 m base for a six-piece fairing, which would cover everything from the pulse unit magazines up. I would also like to take this opportunity to shamelessly promote the RCSCapsuledyne 3.75 m command pod and lab pack - they look rather fitting on top of an Orion stack.
  9. OK, took the basic Orion for a blast. With KJR at 250 kt I got a nice ascent at 100% thrust, although the lack of attitude control thrust did lead to wobbling. MJ got confused as always, but I guess I can do the burns manually with such absurd velocities (1 year transfer to Pluron, vs 40 year Hohmann trajectory). While the engines themselves are perfectly functional, I believe some "infrastructure" is lacking - reloading packs, surface and bottom attachment for conventional launch (Ven's 2.5 m SRBs should work nice), aerodynamic adapters for 3.75-to-whatever-size-Orion-will-be, appropriately large fairings, and probably the super-verniers of some kind. Please take a peak at the Convair Nexus mod, they have the required huge stuff. EDIT: Just tested my makeshift super-RCS system - Throttle Controlled Avionics and quad Aerospikes, plus a bunch of boosters with some hidden frames. The upgraded ship steered like a warship. This mod is really missing content that can make it more awesome. http://1drv.ms/1WekRze http://1drv.ms/1WekSD
  10. Err, any guess on when we'll get an update for the Outer Planets maps?​​
  11. NASA's tri-modal nuclear thermal rocket (Triton) design. Should be easy to mod it in based on the LANTR, except for the "reverse alternator" which works only when not thrusting. Ven's overhaul already has the 0.625 m generating Shiba.
  12. So, once you've created a jet that can survive working on Eve, may you consider the Holy Grail of Spaceborne Atomic Propulsion? * starts making explosion noises *
  13. Apparently it's chronic.Surprisingly, they still work as advertized.
  14. Hello, Paul. Why are you - and pretty much only you - use Hydrogen and not the usual LlqH2 resource found in MKS?
  15. PROFIT! There's also a config for Taurus-series thin 3.75 m fuel tank. /Added///////// @PART[CryoXBigmodule] { !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {} MODULE { name = FSfuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer resourceAmounts = 3600,440;7200;8800 basePartMass =3.6 displayCurrentTankCost = false hasGUI = true availableInFlight = false availableInEditor = true showInfo = true } } @PART[CryoXmedmodule] { !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {} MODULE { name = FSfuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer resourceAmounts = 2160,2640;4320;5280 basePartMass =1.9 displayCurrentTankCost = false hasGUI = true availableInFlight = false availableInEditor = true showInfo = true } } @PART[CryoXnoseConemodule] { !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {} MODULE { name = FSfuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer resourceAmounts = 536,655;1072;1310 basePartMass =0.73 displayCurrentTankCost = false hasGUI = true availableInFlight = false availableInEditor = true showInfo = true } } @PART[CryoXsmallmodule] { !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {} MODULE { name = FSfuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer resourceAmounts = 1080,1320;2160;2640 basePartMass =0.9 displayCurrentTankCost = false hasGUI = true availableInFlight = false availableInEditor = true showInfo = true } } @PART[CryoXendButtmodule] { !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {} MODULE { name = FSfuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer resourceAmounts = 424,518;848;1036 basePartMass =0.5 displayCurrentTankCost = false hasGUI = true availableInFlight = false availableInEditor = true showInfo = true } } @PART[Size3TinyTank] { !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {} MODULE { name = FSfuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer resourceAmounts = 810,990;1620;1980 basePartMass =1.15 displayCurrentTankCost = false hasGUI = true availableInFlight = false availableInEditor = true showInfo = true } } @PART[OscarEtank]:FINAL { !MODULE[FSfuelSwitch] {} } @PART[OscarDtank]:FINAL { !MODULE[FSfuelSwitch] {} } @PART[OscarDtank]:FINAL { MODULE { name = FSfuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer resourceAmounts = 54,66;108;132 basePartMass =0.075 displayCurrentTankCost = false hasGUI = true availableInFlight = false availableInEditor = true showInfo = true } } @PART[OscarEtank]:FINAL { MODULE { name = FSfuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer resourceAmounts = 108,132;216;264 basePartMass =0.15 displayCurrentTankCost = false hasGUI = true availableInFlight = false availableInEditor = true showInfo = true } } However, CrossFeedEnabler has had rather absurd results - the plugin is enabled for: Stock Monoprop tanks (not even needed); The added mini-Monoprop tank (added for testing purposes); The Long LF tank, and only it; The "wet" wing strake, but not the full-size wings; //Powered by ialdabaoth's ModuleManager @PART[radialRCSTank]:FOR[CrossFeedEnabler] { %MODULE[ModuleCrossFeed] { %name = ModuleCrossFeed } } @PART[rcsTankRadialLong]:FOR[CrossFeedEnabler] { %MODULE[ModuleCrossFeed] { %name = ModuleCrossFeed } } @PART[RadialMonoMini]:FOR[CrossFeedEnabler] { %MODULE[ModuleCrossFeed] { %name = ModuleCrossFeed } } @PART[RadialLF]:FOR[CrossFeedEnabler] { %MODULE[ModuleCrossFeed] { %name = ModuleCrossFeed } } @PART[RadialLFO]:FOR[CrossFeedEnabler] { %MODULE[ModuleCrossFeed] { %name = ModuleCrossFeed } } @PART[RadialLFLong]:FOR[CrossFeedEnabler] { %MODULE[ModuleCrossFeed] { %name = ModuleCrossFeed } } @PART[RadialLFOLong]:FOR[CrossFeedEnabler] { %MODULE[ModuleCrossFeed] { %name = ModuleCrossFeed } } @PART[airlinerMainWing]:FOR[CrossFeedEnabler] { %MODULE[ModuleCrossFeed] { %name = ModuleCrossFeed } } @PART[wingShuttleDelta]:FOR[CrossFeedEnabler] { %MODULE[ModuleCrossFeed] { %name = ModuleCrossFeed } } @PART[wingShuttleStrake]:FOR[CrossFeedEnabler] { %MODULE[ModuleCrossFeed] { %name = ModuleCrossFeed } } // NOTE: Normally, radial decouplers have crossfeed (HUH!?) so that could be bad. // I turn it off here, so you don't get weird effects. @PART[radialDecoupler1-2|radialDecoupler|radialDecoupler2]:FOR[CrossFeedEnabler] { %fuelCrossFeed = False }
  16. Alright, this might sound really stupid, but: why are the antennas so big? New Horizons runs with a 2.4 meter dish. The Voyagers - 3.7 m. Yes, I know I can reconfigure the settings, and I plan to do so, but before that I'd like to hear your opinion. And I wouldn't be surprised if it were merely for the sake of balancing.
  17. Alright, I think the solution does not lie in that direction. Because I did add the "final" bit, and it now seems I have TWO Firespitter modules per part, one with minifueltank (Oscar values and one with the values I've just written in with :FINAL. Sadly I have to point the finger at Ven and his part arrangement, which subordinates the D and E tanks to B.
  18. Here to bother you again, Ven. I'm trying to hack together MM configs to get this to work with: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121321-Stock-Fuel-Switch http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76499-1-0-CrossFeedEnabler-v3-3-May-11 In case of the former, I've been completely successful with all the adapters and the Cryo series, but the existing config for the Oscar-B ends up applied onto D and E (resulting in all of them having equal capacities). In case of the latter, I am at loss for words. It used to work - through some black magic, because when I've written the file again, it doesn't seem to work. So, aside from being very happy to see such configs in 1.8.2, I could also use a nudge in the right direction. Most engines get two attachment nodes, one above the other, and one of them spawns that tankbutt. Try juggling that part up and down. The problem is chronic for the nuke, though. Also, I thing the LV-909 needs a 2.5 m tankbutt.
  19. Thus far it seems that the stock RT-lite won't even have integrated omnis in probe cores. So we're probably going to have to go down the path of an integrated mini-DT-10.
  20. Well, it seems that with the approach of 1.1 and its integrated mini-RT, you're going to have to focus on the RT stuff. ...no pressure ...right. Anyway, the original impactors (Luna-2-style) carried no actual scientific equipment for the surface. So what you need is a science trigger for anything crashing into the orbital body.
  21. Whoops, I meant the DP-10. RT includes the Flight Computer. It can hold directions like SmartASS, and has a forced action execution setting. So, I'm seeing the procedure as: Decouple from main probe, remain in range of ersatz-DP-10. Retroburn Set FlightComp to Prograde-Surface Set forced delay to, say, 3 h Schedule antenna activation; it appears in the action schedule at current signal delay plus forced delay Set delay back to 0 s Deploy airbrakes, decouple the tank and ditch the ersatz-RT-10; decoupling occurs after only the mandatory signal delay Penetrator descent Radio activates ??? PROFIT!!! So what I'm proposing is an omnidirectional antenna wrapped around the fuel tank.
  22. Alright, my experience with RemoteTech probes is rather bad - mostly due to parachutes and bouncing, though - but is it possible to add the equivalent of an RT-10 onto the tank, and then order a delayed activation of the penetrator's own antenna before separation?
  23. Just out of curiosity, then, how do you use MM to edit the Firespitter Fuel Switch modules?
  24. Well, if by the service compartment you mean DERP's thruster unit, then it makes perfect state, because I was hoping for a parachute! I really don't understand the motivation behind ditching the parachute landing; sorry if this has been already explained.
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