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Everything posted by DDE

  1. To continue my complaints, with stock aerodynamics the pod spins around into service compartment-first. Don't know if a glitch.
  2. Hey, Roverdude! Why neither the Survivability pack nor the generic Containers (bundled with MKS, IIRC) no longer support TAC LS?
  3. Wait, how we are supposed to land then? Also, could RoverDude bring back TAC-LS compatibility? Reverting to the pre-1.0 version I should have on file.
  4. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=481353505 Unless I aim for one of RPM's buttons, that frame in the window lights up green. And, since I can't explain myself better, I'll keep it simple: I don't like the visual changes you've made to the general appearance of solar panels, and miss both the colour of the panel and their reflectivity (yours seem to be almost non-reflective).
  5. BUG REPORT: Disappearing tankbutts - see thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125847-Fairings-and-Tank-Butts-Disappear Also, a couple of aesthetic requests: could you please alter the IVAs to remove the new frames of the viewports from sight? Right now they are blatantly visible on some of the pods. And could your panels have the same gleam as stock ones? I even tried to unpruned them. Also, please fix the clamp-o-chute. Without it, the LES blast cover fits poorly. Also, its decoupler is OP in its normal setting. Awaiting eagerly for the 1.0.4-approved version.
  6. Additional thread: http://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/598198356180941441/ Relevant mod: Ven's Stock Part Revamp (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92764-1-0-2-Stock-Part-Revamp-Update-1-8-1%21) Basically, during my Mun and Minmus missions I noticed a rather disturbing glitch with no practical effect - the fairings on the command pods' shields disappeared, leaving a gap between the shield and decoupler. Later, the fairings on interplanetary probes also disappeared. I have also consistently observed the tank butts from the abovementioned mod to disappear, leaving the engine similarly hanging at a distance from the tank. Finally, I observed the behavior of a 6.25 m NTR on a 1.25 m tank while putting a probe into a polar munar orbit. The tank but on it remained in place for the duration of transit, but once I switched to and from another munar satellite, the butt was gone. No, it does not happen in LKO. UPDATE: Glitch still present for tankbutts in 1.0.4.
  7. Weird. The fairing icon is the one previously used for fuel tanks? Also, isn't it no more relevant in 1.0, now that there are memory-sucking overheat bars for everything?
  8. *headdesk* Thanks. The resulting system is a bit temperamental, but works. Also, this just bugs me: why are radiators listed in staging as fairings?
  9. Pics? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=462323872 The decoupling system works as it should. The node is supposed to trigger the fairing. And yet there is no visible fairing.
  10. Good day, Randazzo. The fairings on the multinodes in 0.24 fail to show up. The functionality is otherwise impeccable. Staying with 0.23 for now. Mod list: Adjustable Landing Gear, Atomic Age, EVE, Chatterer, CRP, Crossfeed Enabler, DMagic Orbital Science, Firespitter, Fusebox, Heat Management (duh), RPM, KAS, KIS, KJR, Klockhead Martian Shuttle Engines (culled), AVC, MechJeb 2, DPAI, Near Future Electrical (culled), Solar, Ships; RealChute, RemoteTech, SCANSat, Smart Parts, Stage Recovery, Stock Bug Fixes, TAC Fuel Balancer, Throttle Controlled Avionics, Life Support; Trajectories, KAC, Universal Storage, Ven's Stock Revamp, Vessel View, Wheel Sounds, Stock Fuel Switch, MJ and KER For All. I imagine there's a compatibility conflict in there. What have you derived the fairings from? Edit: reverted to vanilla 1.0.2, installed today's download of 0.24. The situation is the same. Also, am I correct to presume that the upcoming model update will not break anything already built?
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