Good day, Randazzo. The fairings on the multinodes in 0.24 fail to show up. The functionality is otherwise impeccable. Staying with 0.23 for now. Mod list: Adjustable Landing Gear, Atomic Age, EVE, Chatterer, CRP, Crossfeed Enabler, DMagic Orbital Science, Firespitter, Fusebox, Heat Management (duh), RPM, KAS, KIS, KJR, Klockhead Martian Shuttle Engines (culled), AVC, MechJeb 2, DPAI, Near Future Electrical (culled), Solar, Ships; RealChute, RemoteTech, SCANSat, Smart Parts, Stage Recovery, Stock Bug Fixes, TAC Fuel Balancer, Throttle Controlled Avionics, Life Support; Trajectories, KAC, Universal Storage, Ven's Stock Revamp, Vessel View, Wheel Sounds, Stock Fuel Switch, MJ and KER For All. I imagine there's a compatibility conflict in there. What have you derived the fairings from? Edit: reverted to vanilla 1.0.2, installed today's download of 0.24. The situation is the same. Also, am I correct to presume that the upcoming model update will not break anything already built?