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Posts posted by DDE

  1. 11 hours ago, tater said:

    The ability to have it generate a 3d building—inside and out—would be pretty amazing.

    I think they'll basically have to do what they did for text - have to teach the AI to understand the connection between design elements of each and every object you want to emulate. Right now... remember how in Solaris, the first time the girl "spawns", her dress is just a continuous tube, and the buttons are non-functional? That's what the AI is doing with buildings.

  2. 3 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    This field is so full of people leery of admitting Neanderthals were human. 

    I think the fear is that the old canard of polygenism could rear its ugly head. Anthropologists seem to have collective shell-shocked from what their field used to propagate, reaching the peak of toxicity around WWI (sic).

    It's a shame War of the Professors: The Humanities 1912-1923 only seems to be available in Polish and Russian.

  3. On 9/6/2022 at 10:30 PM, kerbiloid said:

    Soon the neuronets will be ecranizing books and make personally optimized movies based on the user preferences.

    To be fair, with the kind of adaptations we've geen getting, they can't doo much worse.

    The real threat is recursive apocalypse: neuronets being trained on material predominantly from other neuronets.

  4. 7 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

    Sauron gave away a bunch of rings of power and everybody was like "oh man that's awesome thanks dude you did us a solid" and then he was like "oh yeah by the way I have the ring that controls all of them and you're so boned now"

    Secret backdoor? True story right there...


  5. On 9/4/2022 at 5:01 PM, tater said:

    There was no hero's journey, Frodo and Sam were an afterthought in the movies. This was clear at The Ford of Bruinen when Frodo should have drawn Sting to face the riders and certainly die, only to then be saved—and instead he simply stayed virtually unconscious to be saved by Arwen, his entire agency stolen by leaving out literally 2 seconds of film showing him ready to fight and die—so they could add agency to a character that should not have been there.

    The whole "Xenarwen" thing only got corrected hy the release of the second film, but its slimy trail is all over Helm's Deep. They managed to edit Arwen out of it, but not an entire army of elves.



    Tauriel of the Hobbit series also did not get particularly improved by the last-second addition of a love triangle... after the actress was promised there wouldn't be a love triangle.

    It seems she-elves just can't catch a break in that franchise.

  6. 44 minutes ago, magnemoe said:

    Not sure if that counts as in drone


    Drones are not new.

    - New York Times, 1946

    The requirements for 'guidance' are pretty vague. There's an old canard about Michail Lomonosov sketching a twin-rotor spring-loaded drone to loft a lightning conductor after he saw an experimenter use a kite and get zapped to death. That's Russia's claim to the invention of both helicopters and drones.




  7. 5 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

    What is the longest length of a time for a vehicle (ship, car, tank, plane, spacecraft) to spend from development approval to first flight?

    Space Shuttle was approved in 1972 and flew in 1981.

    SLS was approved in 2010 and hasn’t flown.

    Angara, 1992 - 2014. There are many similar examples, but the first flight of a developmental prototype fudges up the math.

  8. 4 minutes ago, tater said:

    I was thinking booster engines that were far enough along that they could hope to fly the thing in 5-6 years (the initial requirement).

    I honestly don't think that's a realistic expectation. SHLV engines aren't just passively around, it's one of the particular technologies you end up investing into unless you go down the route of massive clustering.

  9. 2 hours ago, tater said:

    (no methalox engines around)

    The SLS isn't reusable, which takes away most of the advantages of methalox. Also, methalox was the first type of LRPE fired in Europe, i.e. pre-WWII; the option of conversions was always there.


    Sometimes pretty extreme




    2 hours ago, Beccab said:

    Looks like an October launch (17th October?) Is very likely by now

    Risque question, I'll ask anyway: is there pressure to manage before November 8?

  10. 8 hours ago, tater said:

    and I should be the target audience, given I first read his work >40 years ago

    Given that they're too busy reinventing it, in truth you're previsely the opposite of the target audience.

    50 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    They describe the elvish invasion to Middle Earth as a rise and something exalted, while in the Tolkien narrative it's exactly the opposite, a story of the elvish fall from paradise into material world,

    Precisely, but from the viewpoint of someone unfamiliar with the briader canon and its metaphysical inclinations, Middle-Earth is the exalted place (especially compared to IRL).

    My preferred mental framework for dissecting bad cinema plots is to try and intuit the tell-tale signs of different writers with different understandings - for example, you can see in Armageddon that they did at some point have a mostly scientifically accurate high-level plot, and then all the usual space inaccuracies were added on top of it. Here, it seems that someone was aware of the Tolkien mythos, but then someone else put in the generic mythos of exploring and colonizing a brighter and more exciting New World.


  11. On 8/27/2022 at 9:18 PM, DDE said:

    The Challenge is having monetary challenges. At a nominal cost of RUB 905 mln (Roscosmos footed the spaceflight bill) it's fishing around for another 250 mln for groundside shoots and post-production.


    "In order to dispel anu doubts, we shall assign a symbolic release date - April 12, 2023"

    "But will the film be ready in time?"

    "Well, that is your problem, not mine"


    Also, during today's EVA, MC-Moscow tried to get Artemiev to look for an "indeterminate free-floating object" near the solar array. After half a minute of trying, they told him not to bother.

    Just in case anyone gets excited by UFO-esque headlines.


  12. On 8/31/2022 at 7:02 PM, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    Guess it depends on the 'stuff'.

    As well as on 'big', @Aerodynamic Kerbal. Do, say, store brands count if they're of a nationwide supermarket chain that you haven't heard of?

    That, and online classifieds muddy the waters further. Such as, say, when we sell something made in Czechoslovakia or the GDR (and that has happened, one of my blankets is way older than me).

  13. On 8/31/2022 at 2:30 AM, StrandedonEarth said:

    But being a political figure, we probably can't say much here besides honor him...

    In total, that's the fourth major figure behind the fall of the Soviet Union dying within the space of a year. The others are

    • Gennadyi Burbulis of Russia
    • Stanislav Shushkevich of Belarus
    • Leonid Kravchuk, the first president of Ukraine

    That leaves Vitold Fokin of Ukraine as the last living signatory of the Belovezha Accords. 

  14. 20 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

    The quintessence of this charade was an explanation given to a students by one of the rent-a-cops turned narcologists. The device found "traces" of [redacted] but the wam claimed that she had never dealt with [redacted]. "Perhaps you've never taken [redacted], but you may have found yourself in proximity to potential addicts. The bioenergoinformation nature of their cravings has imprinted itself onto you, and was detected by our device," the operator claimed.

    Yo dawg, I've put sticked some electricity into your homeopathy...

    Alternative quip: is it possible to create an "information-based copy" of large-denomination bills? Or does it only work for its fellow placebos?

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