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Phineas Freak

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Everything posted by Phineas Freak

  1. @Sol Invictus No but i assume that it will work if you change the EVA propellant definition in the settings config file.
  2. @Sol Invictus Not yet but there is something that i have been working on: // ================================================== // Modify the parameters of the Kerbals (on EVA). // ================================================== @PART[kerbalEVA*]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] { @crashTolerance = 6 @maxTemp = 473.15 @skinMaxTemp = 473.15 @MODULE[KerbalEVA] { @propellantResourceName = Nitrogen @PropellantConsumption = 0.25 } @RESOURCE[EVA?Propellant] { @name = Nitrogen @amount = 9430 @maxAmount = 9430 } } I cannot see a way to change the ACS Isp values or the thrust though. These probably need to be accessed via a plugin.
  3. @hypervelocity As @Theysen said, the Release Candidate 2 of RSSVE is compatible only with Scatterer v0.0256. You can download a WIP v0.0300 - compatible version from the GitHub repository (unofficial).
  4. Yes, by downloading the KSP 1.2 test release from the RO GitHub repository.
  5. It does but in another way: stability. With KSP 1.1.3 you would have a crash almost every time that you did something (editing/launching a craft, changing game scenes, deleting a part in the editor etc). I have yet to see a crash in KSP 1.2.2 (excluding these caused by outdated assemblies) and that is with a ton of mods, many of them really heavy.
  6. @Adik3714 PF checks for the part collider when it creates the fairing shape. If that collider is not exactly shaped as the parent model then you will get funny results. VSR uses large colliders for the fake "tankbutts" (probably) and PF does not like that. Disabling the automatic shape and manually editing the fairing properties will to the job.
  7. I was not aware of that. In that case @Galileo must give the "go-ahead" and add it himself (if he wants) to the RSS repository. The license (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0) allows it. Be aware that the current branches (master and develop) are broken though. Speaking about textures, how do you guys/gals manage to get them anyway? Photo editing programs include some utilities of creating noise and generic cloud textures but nothing "serious", and most of the online resources are either not available directly or need a ton of editing to get them functional.
  8. Use the "showtopic" feature: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?showtopic=155653 If you want you can keep the development thread for dev releases (i.e. not officially stable) of your mod without bloating your main release thread with dev questions, answers and showcases.
  9. It is not difficult to use custom textures and replace the existing ones from RSS but i would prefer to include them into the official RSS releases instead of "locking" them within a mod that not many players can use. If @sDaZe wants and feels OK to do so, he can make a PR to the RSS git to make the new ring texture (and any other textures) available for everyone, as @stratochief66 mentioned. @Heady978 I have done testing with higher resolution textures for RSS and it is not worth it with the current texture loading system and RSSVE. The max texture resolution is also limited by the OS installed (Windows with DX can do 16K, Mac/Linux with OpenGL can only do 8K). A better solution, at least for RSSVE, is to use cube maps: The CubeTheSphere program can convert the current textures into cube maps and use 8K textures for each separate face of the "cube".
  10. This is slowly getting off-topic but if you previously loaded the save and got the messages that parts from VSR were missing then the damage was already done. VSR was extensively tested to be 100% compatible between the KSP version.
  11. Don't be, we all have to start from somewhere! The Mod key depends on the OS used. If you are on Windows or Linux then it is the "Alt" key. On Mac i think it is called the "Option" key. Pressing that key, in conjuction with the zero on the keyboard (note: zero {0} and not the character {O}) while in the Space Center/Tracking Station/Flight scene will open the EVE GUI.
  12. You are using a version of VSR compatible only with KSP 1.1.3. You need to get the latest (unofficial KSP 1.2) release of VSR from here: https://github.com/Kerbas-ad-astra/Stock-Revamp/tree/KSP_1.2
  13. @HeartofGold These are not parts but add-on texture pakcs for the Procedural Parts. You can install any pack(s) that you like, no limitations apply.
  14. @Alex38 I gave you a partial answer over on the RO Discussion Thread for that but not the config itself. What you should add as a Module Manager patch file to get the spoolup is: @RFSETTINGS:AFTER[RealFuels_StockEngines] { %throttlingRate = 3.0 %throttlingClamp = 1.1 } Assuming that you are using RFS of course.
  15. Blame the mobile view. IPS is one of the worst forum suits that i have ever seen on that end...anyway, the correct sentence was: @Nathangun Are you looking for a way to add more layers? If so then open the EVE interface (Mod Key + 0 {zero}), find the Earth cloud config entry and add more layers.
  16. RFS probably does not define the following fields in it's global RF config: %throttlingRate = 3.0 %throttlingClamp = 1.1 that RO defines. Sorry, i assumed that you used the RO suite that enables that by default.
  17. RealFuels already takes care of the engine spoolup time. Are you looking for something even more "extreme"?
  18. I think the last version for KSP 1.1 works fine: https://github.com/Tantares/Taerobee/releases/tag/v2.3 Depends. Some of the structural parts do have TweakScale support but the mod usually does more harm than good for everything else. For example, we explicitly remove any TweakScale support from engines.
  19. @HeartofGold You are using a mod compatible only with KSP 1.2 with KSP 1.1.3: [LOG 18:49:48.699] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Taerobee/Parts/Aerobee/taerobee_decoupler/taerobee_decoupler' [EXC 18:49:48.711] ArgumentException: The requested value 'Coupling' was not found. System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value, Boolean ignoreCase) System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value) ConfigNode.ParseEnum (System.Type enumType, System.String vectorString) ConfigNode.ReadValue (System.Type fieldType, System.String value) ConfigNode.ReadObject (System.Object obj, .ConfigNode node) ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig (System.Object obj, .ConfigNode node, Int32 pass, Boolean removeAfterUse) PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator4A.MoveNext () [EXC 18:49:48.747] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p) PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p, System.String nodeName) DragCubeSystem.LoadDragCubes (.Part p) Part+<Start>c__Iterator25.MoveNext () KSP 1.1.3 does not have the new categories (Coupling, Thermal, Electrical etc) so any parts that use them will fail to compile. Taerobee is one of them.
  20. @Adik3714 You fell into a small loophole that my installation instructions have: they do not account for breaking changes to any of the two required mods. So, when i say to install the latest version of a mod this may be incompatible with the actual content that RSSVE provides. Currently, the only way to get it work is to install the previous stable version of Scatterer (v.0256), as @Theysen pointed out . The incompatibility with the newest Scatterer release is known for a long time and i aknowledged it in the previous page of this topic. @sDaZe You are a natural at this kind of stuff, aren't you? That's one of Progress Log #2 Not very much to report, i am having major problems getting the result that i want to have. Some bodies (Earth, Mars, Triton, Pluto) are working fine, others (Venus, Titan) not so much and for some specific ones (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are impossible to get and look right. Time and testing will tell if i will manage to get them working.
  21. @JEHEDIAHH Do you have Modular Flight Integrator installed?
  22. @HeartofGold Usually when you see the loading screen stuck on a part it is the previous one that has a problem. In this case it is the "taerobee_control" part. But, without seeing a log file we cannot be sure what the actual problem is.
  23. You answered your question. The minimum "in-space" altitude is 140 km and anything after that is also space. DV maps set this altutude to cover a wide range of parking (or not) orbits as an average value.
  24. @KortexM The button correctly shows the state (pressed or depressed - even after opening and closing the part menu) but the shape options do not appear if the option is selected (pressed). After playing around with the new PF test binary (3.20b4) for a bit it seems like that the structural failures have been fixed.
  25. @KortexM Some reproduction steps that worked every time: Starting a fresh KSP instance Entering the VAB Making a craft that uses a PF base (interstage or payload) Commiting it into flight Reverting to the VAB At this point if you try to modify the shape of the fairing it will not work. Even if you open a different craft file and try to change the shape it won't let you do so. No exceptions are logged either. Granted, my own tests are done with a large amount of RSS mods and @FiiZzioN may use some common mods that can expose this PF bug. Two more bugs/issues that i came across while testing/playing: The compatibility with the PP parts does not work as expected (or work at all) even after replacing the PF bases with new. This occurs with the latest unofficial PF release (3.20b2). Having the auto-strut feature enabled does not play well with KJR (the fairing sides, be either structural of payload, break off when KSP loads the physics in the launch pad). This occurs with the latest official PF release (3.20).
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