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Phineas Freak

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Everything posted by Phineas Freak

  1. @Dermeister you can remove the city textures and lights by deleting the "city_lights.cfg" file under the "CityLights" folder. Optionally, you can delete the "Textures" folder since it will not be used.
  2. Funny how people never check the official RO/RP-0 repositories for information like that. Anyway, all parts that are included in the current ProbesPlus release are compatible with RO but not with RP-0. I am also working on the new parts. Surveyor is ready (minus testing) and Venera is next on the list.
  3. @Pappystein another way is to target the specific module in the index: !MODULE[ModuleEngines*],0{} This will delete the first ModuleEngines(FX/RF) instance of the part config. The indexes are zero-based, so 0 = First, 1 = Second etc. Edit: ninja'ed by @Sigma88
  4. @Sigma88 The second patch has a blank line: !MODULE[ModuleEngine*] <----- Blank line {} MM will fail to compile that patch. I am assuming that that is the actual way that the patch is written and not: !MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { } @Pappystein And a bit of a failure on my part: the first patch will delete only the first ModuleEngines(FX/RF) that MM will find in the config. In order to delete all engine modules then you need to use a second wildcard: !MODULE[ModuleEngines*],*{}
  5. @Pappystein if you leave a blank line between the MM check and the brackets then the patch will fail (invalid syntax) and wil not operate. The first one is correct though.
  6. I will probably take it too far but almost nothing is just "bits of metal", not even propellant tanks. A landing gear can contain electric motors, position sensors (encoders), micro-controllers and other sensitive stuff. Even if you consider them to use hydraulics then again they are very sensitive to high temperatures. All that assuming that you want the part to work afterwards. Now, considering the use of the landing gear in KSP, they have to sustain a pretty large heat load (but not direct reentry). Using the stats of the aircraft gear bays could be a good starting point.
  7. @delta wee OK, so it seems like that RFStockalike does not have configs for RSB (as indicated by the GitHub repository). Can you also post a log file so to see how and when the RSB parts are patched? A wild bet would be that a generic patch is modifying some things when it should not.
  8. Do you mean that the import was done via the KSPTOTConnect plugin? If so then you have an older version of the plugin.
  9. Exactly. The log can confirm this: DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 1 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 16777216. DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 2 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 16777216. DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 3 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 16777216. DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 4 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 16777216. DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocation 16777216! Could not allocate memory: System out of memory! Trying to allocate: 16777216B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: DynamicArray
  10. That one is really weird because: RSS does not mess with the parts. RF does not include any patches for RSB. RSB does not have RF patches. RO is not installed (you would see a ton of changes to that engine) Did you install any packs like RFStockalike? Can we see your mod list?
  11. You can use the following config: @PART[ionEngine]:FOR[zzzRealismOverhaul] { @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @minThrust *= 1000 @maxThrust *= 1000 } @MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs] { @CONFIG[NSTAR] { @minThrust *= 1000 @maxThrust *= 1000 } } } This will patch only the stock ion engine though.
  12. @CobaltWolf there is a discussion in the NASASpaceFlight forums about that: https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=34776.0 The attached .pdf papers are a very nice source of information for any interested party.
  13. Offtocpic but probably helpful. A better way to format the KSP forum links is to use "showtopic". Example for Ship Manifest: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?showtopic=56643 That way you do not need to depend on any followup text after the thread ID. It can also be used as a permalink (topic titles can be changed by the OP).
  14. @Observe a nice thing about the height map textures is that they can be safely placed under a "PluginData" folder. That way you could have 16K textures for all bodies but they will not be kept in memory (just referenced when needed by Kopernicus). So, a combination of a relatively small color map with a very high resolution height map could do the job.
  15. @sDaZe we might have a small issue with scaling and tiling, since we need to cover ~100 times more surface with the same texture. Doable but the results are not always pleasant to the eye.
  16. @Trem Fantasma any log files? Just the GameData screenshots are not enough.
  17. @blackrack allow me to confirm that with the new shaders the auroras display correctly, both in the Tracking Station and in the Map/Flight scenes.
  18. @Observe i agree that the Earth should have that option, since it is the planet that you look at the most and frequently up close. If you decide to create a mini mod for these i can guide you through, it is not difficult at all (probably easier than the 95% of the common MM patches).
  19. From the Voyager Backgrounder.pdf the specifications for these thrusters are: Propellant: Hydrazine (supplied by the Voyager itself) Thrust (VAC): 100 lbf (~445 N) for pitch/yaw control, 5 lbf (~22.25 N) for roll control So assume that it is a complete ACS for three-axis control. Forward is also the only available motion in the X axis (backwards firing mono-propellant thrusters are a huge no-no IRL). And that Titan IIIE detail is something that i cannot comprehend...i wish you would continue your launchers pack...
  20. @Observe there is a middle ground: it is true that RSS controls the body textures but you can easily manipulate the Kopernicus configs to add/remove/change things (this is how i "fix" the oblateness of the gas giants so that EVE and Scatterer can work). I could add custom Earth surface textures but it is only half a solution, since the maximum texture size that Unity supports is limited to 16K (16384 px by 16384 px) and the overall result would not be better. I did some testing using 16K and 32K textures and reported the results here: Also, VRAM and CPU throughput will limit the max size of a texture. A reddit user is planning a visual pack for RSS that also adds better Earth textures. I think that he/she is also active here but i cannot recall the username.
  21. Doh! I forgot that the file type also makes a difference for biome maps...
  22. Currently, in order to change the color, there is no other way but to (re)create from scratch the new Scatterer texture files (as they are "hard-coded").
  23. @ricardoguedes21 SSRSS is what you are looking for:
  24. Both the errors that you posted here complain about Kopernicus failing to find the requested texture file that is specified in the body config. So, check the actual file paths to the texture. Maybe you have a typo in a folder and/or texture name.
  25. Two observations (requests?) for the RT 2.0 parts: 1. There are two parabolic antennas that are already "soft-deprecated" and nobody is using them probably since before KSP 0.23. These can be safely removed: Reflectron LL-5 (RTLongDish1) Reflectron SS-5 (RTShortDish1) 2. The new stock antennas can fill the gaps of RT and/or replace some old ones. Copies of the stock parts (like the Communotron 32) could also be used.
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