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Phineas Freak

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Everything posted by Phineas Freak

  1. Steam probably installed KSP 1.2.1 on top of the previous installation. Remove all mods, clean the Steam KSP folder, reinstall KSP and reinstall your mods.
  2. @alex_1313 try with: %spaceAltitudeThreshold = VALUE The default Kopernicus patch does not include the above field by default so you cannot modify it.
  3. @Victor3 did you grab the git master from here? That codebase is only valid for KSP 1.2 pre - release (check the commit history). You need to get the KSP 1.2.1 codebase from the git account of @Padishar. You can also get the latest KER binaries from the temp KER DropBox account.
  4. @delta wee this method was removed when @blowfish refactored SolverEngines (and the RealFuels code has not been refactored for these changes yet). Also, it seems that separate RF and TF classes are now needed since their code was removed from MFT a while back. Edit: i should (again) be more careful about facts...
  5. Let's hope that the BT-4 thruster will do it's job correctly this time...
  6. Delta II also supports dual - manifested launches. ISEE and STEREO are some of the examples.
  7. @Warp11 approximate reentry corridors: Venus: 90 to 105 km (ballistic) Earth (LEO): -200 km to 50 km (ballistic or lifting) Earth (TEI): 30 km to 45 km (lifting) Mars: 10 to 30 km (ballistic) Generally, reentry corridors are always dependent by the trajectory (for direct interplanetary reentries), on the type of reentry (ballistic or lifting) and on the composition of the atmosphere.
  8. Yo, i heard that you like rockets... Continuing with the Atlas theme, i present you one of the most significant LVs: the Atlas V. This is a semi - recreation of the AV-062 mission (WorldView-4). Pre - launch Lifoff Roll & pitch program MECO, Centaur separation & ignition Payload fairing separation & orbital insertion SECO Payload separation & Centaur CCAM Centaur disposal into heliocentric orbit
  9. @Papa_Joe SM was downloaded from the GitHub release page, if that helps. I triple - checked the version number ( and the loaded assembly version is the correct one: ************************************************************************ Environment Info Win32NT 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Args: KSP_x64.exe -single-instance Mod DLLs found: Stock assembly: Assembly-CSharp v1.0.0.0 CLSInterfaces v1.0.0.0 ShipManifest v5.1.3.0 Folders and files in GameData: ShipManifest Stock folder: Squad ************************************************************************
  10. @AlphaKerman something that i forgot to add: stock engines also have abysmal TWRs. That means you cannot lift as much propellant mass as it is required, meaning that you need more engines and that increases the dry mass. Then you need more propellant to push that extra mass up, leading again to step 1. The tyranny of rocket equation!
  11. @AlphaKerman RO completely modifies the stats of the parts (size, inert mass, propellant factors, engine Isp and more). In your case, stock tanks both have a really bad propellant fraction and inert mass values and the average engine Isp is low. For stock rescales (especially for the upper tier like 64K) installing SMURF or ROMini is a must.
  12. Seems like that the mod listing is failing and breaks Ship Manifest. Upon loading a clean installation (Squad + SM) and selecting the "Mods" option, then the log is spammed with the following NullRef error: [EXC 11:05:08.154] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. ShipManifest.Windows.WindowSettings.DisplaySelectedTab (Vector2 displayViewerPosition) ShipManifest.Windows.WindowSettings.Display (Int32 windowId) UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [ERR 11:05:08.156] GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced) KSP Version: Ship Manifest Version: 5.1.3 Output log
  13. @Vorg PF uses a custom decoupler module for the fairing sides ("ProceduralFairingDecoupler") so without explicit support from MJ they cannot be staged.
  14. @Gannaf yes, it is a stock bug (but haven't encountered it in KSP 1.2.1 yet). One way to fix it from the Space Center view is to: Open the debug menu (Mod + F12). Go to the "Cheats" tab. Press the "Show Input Lock Stack" button. Press the "Clear Input Lock Stack" button. After that the camera should be set to it's correct position.
  15. So much hostility for a simple mistake...but whatever. I also had the same issue (parts not appearing) but it disappeared after i updated that minor thing so i assumed that the version checker worked like the one from Kopernicus.
  16. @przybysz86 it is probably a combination of Kronal Vessel Viewer and image editing. KVV can capture a picture of the craft with a monochrome background and then, with the image editor of your preference, you can edit that on top of whatever you want.
  17. @BureauJaeger probably leftovers. The duplicated fields probably exist since the introduction of these parts. Anyway, it will be fixed for the next release.
  18. Probably because: Procedural Parts has to be (re)compiled for the change in the revision number.
  19. @kmb1611 it is either EVE or Scatterer at this point. Verify that you have the latest EVE binaries (work perfectly in KSP 1.2.1) and the latest Scatterer binaries. If these steps fail then it is time to: Unistall KSP and delete everything under your "SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program" path. Reinstall KSP. Copy the KSP folder somewhere outside of the "SteamApps/Common" path. Reinstall any mods.
  20. @dtoxic if you mean the SSTV sound then no, you cannot change that one. You could manually replace the file with a new one though.
  21. @Murican_Jeb why not create a PR with the fix on the official Firespitter GitHub? Then everyone would be able to get it, either as part of a pre - release or via a future full release.
  22. Limited engine ignitions has been a feature of RealFuels for at least the last 10 releases of RO. Engine Ignitor is also supported since it's first official release.
  23. @DrLicor ultimately, it depends on what parts of the KSP API a mod uses. For example, EVE only broke after the KSP 1.2 update: it was compatible from KSP 0.23 (0.22?) through KSP 1.1.3.
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