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Phineas Freak

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Everything posted by Phineas Freak

  1. @Proot yes, aurora - like features now work correctly: I cannot thank @Waz enough for fixing that issue...
  2. One idea would be to use a resource that it is provided only by your own parts (like a "BatteryCharge" resource or something like that). Then set the flow mode to be "STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW" (so that the priority will be bottom -> top) and transfer mode to be "PUMP" (so that it can be transferred around if required).
  3. @Kerbonaut257 the FE settings are now part of the KSP Options & Difficulty dialog (the one presented to you when creating a new save and from the in - game "Settings" option).
  4. That depends on how fast Kopernicus will be updated. RSS itself is a mod that does not really require a ton of updating between KSP versions (assuming that Kopernicus does not change it's config structure) but it really depends on the correct operation of other mods.
  5. @Wildcat111 i could safely answer for Nathanael that no, it does not work for KSP 1.2 yet.
  6. @Jovus IIRC @BevoLJ has done that in his YouTube RSS series. You can fetch the KRPC scripts from his GitHub repository as a starting point.
  7. For the record, i had another one user report about QuickStart breaking EVE so that is probably something that it should be added to the "EVE Known Issues" list.
  8. @Sharpy what version of KSP do you have? The ModuleRCSFX is only supported by KSP 1.2.
  9. @romanasul yes, exactly like that! Or, i think, you could add the Argon propellant as another MM check: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]]:HAS[@PROPELLANT[XenonGas]|@PROPELLANT[ArgonGas],@PROPELLANT[ElectricCharge]]:NEEDS[PersistentThrust]:AFTER[RealismOverhaul] { . . . } But i am not sure if the OR check is valid.
  10. If you have multiple models inside a specific directory then the "mesh = <STRING>" method will not work. Instead, use the MODEL system: PART { name = LandingSRB MODEL { model = Sharpy/solidelectric/LandingSRB scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } . . . } Similarly for the rest of the parts.
  11. @LionGuy literately 6 posts above yours...
  12. @TriggerAu don't forget to move the settings file so to be compatible with the Module Manager loading system (like you did with KAC)!
  13. @romanasul yep, there is a MM patch to enable it for at least the stock ion engine: You could expand it to cover any engine module that uses EC and Xenon though: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]]:HAS[@PROPELLANT[XenonGas],@PROPELLANT[ElectricCharge]]:NEEDS[PersistentThrust]:AFTER[RealismOverhaul] { !MODULE[PersistentEngine],*{} MODULE { name = PersistentEngine } }
  14. It will be removed...when KSP 1.2 is out of it's pre - release cycle.
  15. @MockingBird the pressurization system for pressure - fed engines (and RCS) is simulated by the increased mass of the ServiceModule tank definition. There was some talk on GitHub about including a gas pressurant requirement but it was never realized because the parts are already mass - balanced (and adding an extra resource requires a new balancing pass).
  16. @Kardea it seems that KSP fails to load the assemblies (it cannot even load the ones shipped with the Steam version of KSP, like the CSteamworks.dll). Probably something to do with the Windows permissions. Move your installation somewhere outside of the Program Files folder and try again.
  17. @chrise6102 can you please post the complete output log somewhere? It is impossible to debug it without seeing the whole mod list and the stack traces.
  18. @KERBALINA what is the resolution of the RSS texture pack that you have installed? 8K is the maximum resolution offered by RSS. Also remember that the Earth Scaled Space texture has to cover approximately 510064471909788 square meters, in comparison with the 4523893421169 square meters of Kerbin (a surface area about 112 times larger). As a result one pixel will have to cover a much larger surface.
  19. @Waseemq1235 this mod is now deprecated. The new version is called RealPlume and it works for the newer versions of KSP. Edit: can a moderator lock this thread please?
  20. You can achieve that look by procedural parts & fairings anyway: use procedural interstages for the engine compartments (and the interstages themselves) and, as @Atrius129 said, use "Smooth Cone" tanks at the ends. It takes a bit longer than a "slap that cylinder tank on top of an engine" but the result is much more realistic.
  21. @marchingknight11 yes, open the "RemoteTech_Settings.cfg" that resides under your "Saves/%MySaveName%" and change the value of the "RangeMultiplier" to your preferred one.
  22. It is a fine way to have your games up to date but for KSP it does not work at all. Especially since Steam removed the option not to update a game at all.
  23. Steps to fix it: Create a CLEAN KSP installation OUTSIDE of the main Steam folder (and generally the "Program Files" folder). Reinstall your mods. ... Profit! The fact that there are two KSP installations one on top of the other (probably a leftover 1.1.2 using the newer 1.1.3 files/binaries) does not help you.
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