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Phineas Freak

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Everything posted by Phineas Freak

  1. Forget it, i assumed something like that because of the GTO test flight but then i remembered that it is not the actual upper stage...
  2. @DECQsorry for bothering you again but i noticed that the URM-2 stage does not include an RCS. Do you plan to model this in the future or the user must supply his/her own system?
  3. @DECQis the auxiliary propellant tank detachable like the real one?
  4. @kerboman25open the EVE UI, find the Earth volumetric cloud sub - UI and replace the values with the following ones: area = 60000,4 rotationSpeed = 0.0001 size = 8000,2 noiseScale = 64,64,64
  5. Considering that it might take some time for the configs to be made then you can include them for the time being so do not worry about it now.
  6. @DECQif you don't have any objection, the RO team can take care of the RO configs, not only for this awesome pack but for all of your packs. In fact, the modders are not required to make these configs themselves, this it is a responsibility of the RO team.
  7. @nptthese parts don't have IVAs yet so it is completely normal.
  8. @autumnalequinoxyep, fortunately a simple recomplie is all that is needed! Although @Whitecat106will most probably also give us new toys to play with (N-body sims FTW!).
  9. @leudaimonyou can download the dev version of RO and use the current release of RP-0 if you want. 99% of these two mods are just MM patches.
  10. @angryboldyes, it is a fault of Remote Tech. No, it has not been fixed yet.
  11. @yaumei do not think that it happens after the transmittion failure. IIRC if you boot KSP and go straight into the R&D building then the bodies will be listed correctly but only if you do so. If you change a scene (not necessary to actually fly a craft, just go into the VAB and then get immediately back to the Space Center) and try again the bodies will be the stock ones. To recap: Boot KSP --> R&D Building --> Bodies OK Boot KSP --> Random Scene --> R&D Building --> Bodies BAD Since you had to collect the science first then you had to also change the scene (go to the Tracking Station, fly a craft and return to the Space Center), triggering the "bug". In fact, it will be impossible to collect the science first AND have the correct bodies.
  12. @C3nturionspartathat mod would be Ven Stock Revamp. Be sure to get the 1.9.2 version since 1.9.3 & 1.9.4 are a bit buggy.
  13. There are some known issues that plague some mods and it is even more noticeable when they are used together: RemoteTech has problems with transmitting the science if multiple antennae are on - board (data is transmitted correctly but the actual science points are not registered). KSP still has hard - coded references. For the R&D center this means that Kopernicus & the RSS name requirements may not play well with it (as you and many other players have found). Combine the above two now. Someone will think that because the R&D center does not visually display the bodies correctly (if you don't use RT then the science points are registered every time) then the problem must be with the means that science is collected (from simple science instruments to complete probes - like here). But it is not an issue with the parts (RaiderNick literary just copies the stock science experiments) but with the means of collecting it (RemoteTech). As an example, the YouTuber Tyler Raiz has been hit multiple times from this bug and he does not use any of the US Probes. The case of MJ cannot be pinpointed just with "words", a log file is necessary (the Module Manager patches might not be applying correctly for some reason and so the probes will not indicate any Δv). Edit: i just tested every single one of the probes. All of them correctly showed the available Δv (if applicable) and none had any issue bringing up the MJ UI.
  14. @Oromisread the pages 40 and 41 of the RO Discussion Thread. It contains all the information about this problem.
  15. @MarkusA380Is it normal that PR is storing the data inside the "KSPRoot/PluginData/PersistentRotation" folder instead of the "KSPRoot/GameData/PersistentRotation/PluginData/PersistentRotation" folder? Edit: IIRC the old "KSPRoot" folders are considered "legacy" since 0.18 or so.
  16. @yaumeno, this is not caused by the US Probes Pack (why would it be in the first place?...these are just parts!) but from a "complex" interaction between KSP, Kopernicus and RSS.
  17. @ebigunsothere are contracts for building space stations, along with crew rotations, but nothing regarding surface bases/stations. These will most probably be included after RealISRU is implemented/released.
  18. @Sigma88Well, i have been using it for so long that i ignored that you can address a specific key with the same way as with a module/model/resource block...in this case, yes, the first ISP value will be the default and will get patched without an explicit reference. It's nice to have some fellow users that can restart your brain every now and then. It really helps!
  19. @Sigma88I have never seen a key edit without specifying the key "ID" and always thought that a key required a valid one. I may also be 100% wrong here so if anyone can confirm or deny my statements it would be excellent.
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