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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Enhancement of Stock Squad textures folder in 3 different settings. [1.12.X] KSP Upscaled - Squad Expansion goes in pair with this mod Process: Used XNView MP to first convert the DDS to PNG; Took Upscayl, with custom model 4X_NMKD-SIAK_200k, 4x scale to all of Squad's folders, recursively. Retook XNView MP to re-convert to DDS Created RAW folder for textures Used the program DDS Converter from Nexus Mods to convert to 3 different settings: High: 8192x8192 Textures Medium: 4196x4196 Textures Low: 2048x2048 Textures The Compression is in DDS BC3 (DXT5), but I kept all the PNG and enhanced them as well to keep the original file structure Installation instructions: (Please note that you need the base game, as the packages do not include any of the configs or models, it is only textures) Download the setting you want; High: 8192x8192 Textures Medium: 4196x4196 Textures Low: 2048x2048 Textures Extract to the GameData folder; Overwrite all when prompted; Play PLEASE NOTE: Be careful of what mods you are using with this package, as it is VERY demanding on hardware. I personnally use the low settings because I use Link's Parallax v2.0 and Blackrack Volumetrics Clouds from their patreon, plus KSC Extended, KSC Harbor & KSC Enhanced that utilize stock assets, which decrease overall FPS in KSC area. I recommend testing with: Show FPS & MemGraph. You will have a good idea of the performance hit you get with the textures. Have fun and buy me a cofee if you like this mod! My Github
  2. Good day, First of all, thank you for this wonderful mod. My ships and stations are forever changed! On a second note, I would like to have customisable sings to be able to add within the IVA, because I tend to get lost in the station? Is it possible to remove the hatches in the IVA for all parts as well? Best regards, Luc Bellefeuille
  3. After a ton of tests, I can get a very decent 30fps with 120+ parts. there is only one thing that I have witnessed however, it takes about 30 seconds to stabilize the physics load on 1.3.1 when you switch to a vessel. besides that, it's pretty fluid. A disadvantage I found is that multiple planet packs tends to throw exceptions. I have been able to have Outer Planets Mod running smooth in career mode and now I am adding The Boris System and another pretty cool one so far, TheWorldBeyond .
  4. Same problem for me, this issue makes the game unplayable on KSP 1.11.1. Same RCS visual glitches, can only Save As, cannot return to main menu or quick save pressing F5. I can resume playing but can never save or return to main menu or tracking station. Ah I can go into options though but it's irrelevant maybe?
  5. I love all the mods that were released and are still quite playable and stable on 1.3.1 ! So far, with no exceptions and multiple config changes, I am running more than 120 mods with OPM, Stock Visual Enhancement, Universal Storage 2, Infernal Robotics Reworked, Scatterer, Procedural Parts,plus some elements of Kopernicus expansion without anything bad going on, and no exceptions, with pretty Kerbal-ish framerates depending on parts . Game loaded, I am at 4.5gm ram and it's ossilating between 4.2 and 5.5gb over 2-4 hours depending on how many quickloads I use My Sarnus vessel Jeb, who is pretty happy about all of this! Ubio Welding Co. need a working patch for 1.3.1. KSP: 1.3.1 (Win64) Unity: 5.4.0p4 OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit 000_AT_Utils - 1.5 Filter Extensions - Toolbar - USI Tools - 0.10.2 Ambient Light Adjustment - B9 Part Switch - 2.1.1 BetterTimeWarpContinued - 2.3.9 CameraTools - 1.9 Chatterer - ClickThroughBlocker - 0.1.2 Community Category Kit - 2.0.2 Community Resource Pack - 0.8.1 CommunityTechTree - 3.2.1 Community Trait Icons - 1.1.1 Contract Configurator - 1.23.3 Contract Pack: Clever Sats - 1.4 Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.2.1 Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy - 1.1.7 Contract Pack: Bases and Stations - Contract Pack: RemoteTech - 2.1.4 Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.5.2 Contract Reward Modifier - Community Terrain Texture Pack - 1.0.4 Custom Asteroids - 1.5 CustomBarnKit - 1.1.16 DangIt - 0.7.16 AGExt - DistantObjectEnhancement - 1.9.1 DMagic Orbital Science - Contract Parser - 1.0.7 Contracts Window Plus - Progress Parser - 1.0.8 DynamicBatteryStorage - 1.2 Extraplanetary Launchpads - 5.9 Firespitter - 7.7 FShangarExtender - 3.5.2 GroundConstruction - 1.2.1 HullcamVDSContinued - 0.1.8 Impact - Interstellar Fuel Switch - 3.12 JanitorsCloset - 0.3.3 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.3 Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.3 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.5.1 KerbalKonstructs - HyperEdit - 1.5.6 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.9.6571.274 <b><color=#CA7B3C>Kopernicus</color></b> - KronalVesselViewer - 0.0.8 KSP-AVC Plugin - Lights Out - 0.2.2 LoadingScreenManager - LucMods - 1.0 Infernal Robots - 2.0.14 MarkIVSystem - 2.4.1 MCM - 2.1.2 MechJebForAll - Modular Rocket Systems Lite - 1.13.1 ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.4 Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.7 NearFutureConstruction - 0.8.4 NearFutureElectrical - 0.9.8 NearFutureProps - 0.3 NearFuturePropulsion - 0.9.6 NearFutureSolar - 0.8.8 NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.7.7 EVAHandrailsPackContinued - Final Frontier - S.A.V.E - OuterPlanetsMod - 2.2.8 PAWRangeBuff - 0.2.2 Photon Sailor - 1.4.8 PlanetShine - Portrait Stats - Procedural Wings - 0.12.2 Procedural Parts - 1.3.18 QuickGoTo - 1.3.3 QuickSearch - 3.2 RCS Build Aid - RealChute - 1.4.5 RemoteTech - 1.8.8 AmpYear - 1.5.1 DeepFreeze Continued... - 0.23.7 SCANsat - Ship Effects Continued - Ship Manifest - 5.2 SpaceY Expanded - 1.3.1 SpaceY Lifters - 1.16 StageRecovery - 1.7.2 StationPartsExpansionRedux - 1.0.2 StationScienceContinued - 2.3 Stock Visual Enhancements - 1.2.5 Strategia - 1.6 Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights for Self-Illumination - 1.6.6484.37549 TarsierSpaceTechnology - 7.2 TAC Life Support - 0.13.7 Trajectories - 2.3.2 Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.8.5 TweakScale - 2.3.7 UbioWeldingLtd-Continued - 2.5.2 USI Core - 0.5.1 Freight Transport Tech - 0.8.1 Konstruction - 0.3 USI Alcubierre Drive - 0.8 Universal Storage - 1.4 Universal Storage 2 (1.3.1) - EVAParachutesAndEjectionSeats - 0.1.15 KSP Interstellar Extended - 1.23 Waypoint Manager - 2.7 WildBlueTools - 1.40 Kerbal Actuators - Buffalo - 2.3.4 Pathfinder - 1.21
  6. I love all the mods that were released and that are still quite playable and stable on 1.3.1 ! I am updating the mod list, but so far, with no exceptions and multiple config changes, I am running 101 mods with OPM, clouds and scatterer, plus some elements of Kopernicus without anything bad going on, and no exceptions, with pretty Kerbal-ish framerates depending on parts
  7. Well, I am still using KSP 1.3.1 and I am searching for specific mods for that version. I found this thread helpful and added to it.
  8. I am successful at using all these mods together , for anybody that finds it interesting, it all works in 2020 downgraded to the 1.3.1 version in Steam. For some reason, MKS with Pathfinder is broken for 1.3.1 if anybody has a working version, i'd be glad to have it! there is also Ubio Welding Co. that I need a working patch for 1.3.1. KSP: 1.3.1 (Win64) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit 000_AT_Utils - 1.5 Filter Extensions - Toolbar - USI Tools - 0.10.2 Ambient Light Adjustment - B9 Part Switch - 2.1.1 BetterTimeWarpContinued - 2.3.9 Chatterer - ClickThroughBlocker - 0.1.2 Community Category Kit - 2.0.2 Community Resource Pack - 0.8.1 CommunityTechTree - 3.2.1 Community Trait Icons - 1.1.1 Contract Configurator - 1.23.3 Contract Pack: Clever Sats - 1.4 Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.2.1 Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy - 1.1.7 Contract Pack: Bases and Stations - Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.5.2 Contract Reward Modifier - Community Terrain Texture Pack - 1.0.4 Custom Asteroids - 1.5 CustomBarnKit - 1.1.16 DangIt - 0.7.16 AGExt - DistantObjectEnhancement - 1.9.1 DMagic Orbital Science - Contract Parser - 1.0.7 Contracts Window Plus - Progress Parser - 1.0.8 DynamicBatteryStorage - 1.2 Extraplanetary Launchpads - 5.9 Firespitter - 7.7 FShangarExtender - 3.5.2 GroundConstruction - 1.2.1 HullcamVDSContinued - 0.1.8 Impact - Interstellar Fuel Switch - 3.12 JanitorsCloset - 0.3.3 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.3 Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.3 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.5.1 KerbalKonstructs - HyperEdit - 1.5.6 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.9.6571.274 <b><color=#CA7B3C>Kopernicus</color></b> - KronalVesselViewer - 0.0.8 KSP-AVC Plugin - Lights Out - 0.2.2 Infernal Robots - 2.0.14 MCM - 2.1.2 MechJebForAll - Modular Rocket Systems Lite - 1.13.1 ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.4 Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.7 NearFutureConstruction - 0.8.4 NearFutureElectrical - 0.9.8 NearFutureProps - 0.3 NearFuturePropulsion - 0.9.6 NearFutureSolar - 0.8.8 NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.7.7 EVAHandrailsPackContinued - Final Frontier - S.A.V.E - OuterPlanetsMod - 2.2.8 PlanetShine - Portrait Stats - Procedural Wings - 0.12.2 Procedural Parts - 1.3.18 QuickSearch - 3.2 RCS Build Aid - RealChute - 1.4.5 AmpYear - 1.5.1 DeepFreeze Continued... - 0.23.7 SCANsat - Ship Effects Continued - Ship Manifest - 5.2 SpaceY Expanded - 1.3.1 SpaceY Lifters - 1.16 StageRecovery - 1.7.2 StationPartsExpansionRedux - 1.0.2 StationScienceContinued - 2.3 Stock Visual Enhancements - 1.2.5 Strategia - 1.6 Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights for Self-Illumination - 1.6.6484.37549 TarsierSpaceTechnology - 7.2 TAC Life Support - 0.13.7 Trajectories - 2.3.2 Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.8.5 TweakScale - 2.3.7 UbioWeldingLtd-Continued - 2.5.2 USI Core - 0.5.1 Freight Transport Tech - 0.8.1 Konstruction - 0.3 Universal Storage - 1.4 Universal Storage 2 (1.3.1) - Waypoint Manager - 2.7 WildBlueTools - 1.40 Kerbal Actuators - Buffalo - 2.3.4 Pathfinder - 1.21
  9. In this episode, Lander-I will head towards Minmus, collecting a bunch of science along the way and leaving its first satellite, Minmusat-I, on a polar orbit collecting precious SCANsat data! Lander-I take-off - 01:25 Jeb's repair attempt with Dang it! - 04:00 Lander-I science low Minmus orbit - 05:55 Minmusat-I orbit planning - 08:33 Lander-I descent and landing on Minmus - 09:51 Leaving Minmus heading towards Kerbin - 11:44 These videos showcase Kerbal Space Program career mode on Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.1, 64Bit, with over 120 mods. Along the way, I will highlight some of those mods, manage science, the techs tree, upgrade buildings and manage funding with missions. Mods that stands out in this episode are as follows: ScanSat Ship Manifest Remote Tech Universal Storage I currently have 127 mods in this build, accessible here: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=83754355676240127069 Music: Alliance - https://www.facebook.com/AllianceTrailerMusic The Speed of Light Kevin Macleod - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS2v3pmmpwcD0PWPwf65Zmw Chase, Ambiment, Long Note Two, Darkest Child, Impending Boom, Jellyfish in Space, Vortex
  10. In this episode, 4 unmanned rockets with unique missions will be launched. Including Remote Tech, orbit manoeuvres and mission planning tips. Enjoy! Kerbsat-B1 - Flyby the Mun 00:32 Kerbsat-B2 - Position satellite in a specific orbit 01:57 V2 Rocket - Reach a suborbital trajectory 06:45 Kerbsat-B3 - Crash on the Mun ! 07:14 Mods that stands out in this episode are as follows: Remote Tech - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-1-0-4-RemoteTech-v1-6-7-2015-06-25 Contract packs - unmanned contracts - [Moderator removed defunct website link] Mission Controller 2 - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43645-Mission-Controller-2-Preview-Version-3-%28KSP-24-2%29-%28New-Agena-Mini-Story%29 Movie time - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/102988-1-02-MovieTime-v0-5-%28May-7%29-Olde-Timey-Movie-and-TV-Effects Science Alert - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76793 Achievements - http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/225953-ksp-achievements These videos showcase Kerbal Space Program career mode on Linux Mint Cinnamon 64Bit, with over 120 mods, breaked-down in alphabetical order below: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=83754355676240127069 Along the way, I will highlight some of those mods, manage science, the tech tree, upgrade buildings and manage funding with missions. Music: Alliance - https://www.facebook.com/AllianceTrailerMusic The Speed of Light Kevin Macleod - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS2v3pmmpwcD0PWPwf65Zmw Jellyfish in Space Unwritten Return
  11. I will be posting videos every week ! If you like, please like and subscribe! Any comments? Suggestions for future missions?
  12. In this episode of KSP showcase on Linux 64bit, you will witness a brand new career mode with the wrap-up of orbiter missions. Orbiter I - First take-off Orbiter II - First orbit Orbiter III - ScanSat and 3 days orbit Orbiter IV - Jeb & Valentina first EVA's Kerbsat-A - First unmanned satellite The various mods I use will be explained as we explore further into the space program I customised over the past week. Some of the mods used: ScanSat Procedural Parts Kerbal Construction Time Ship Manifest Scatterer Interstellar V2
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