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Everything posted by beelzerob

  1. Don't worry, I'm not defending American English...everyone knows it's arbitrary.
  2. Like rats leaving a sinking ship, or perhaps, like bailing out of the crew capsule when you realize you forgot the parachutes.
  3. Not to be a jerk, but it's "Loose" lips. Losing lips sounds painful.
  4. Well, if not for that off-handed tip, I'd be continuing to play years in ignorance. Sheesh. Many thanks.
  5. OMG, THANK YOU! That's been a source of endless aggravation.
  6. This would work in the same way it works in Lucky's Tale, where your view is always centered on him, but you can look around. True, you'd have to spin the "camera" (yourself) around the station to see different angles, but that doesn't sicken everyone. The comfort solution for that is that the view jumps X degrees around instead of continuously. Many VR games offer that as an option. I don't really care about IVA since it lacks gameplay value at this point, but I just want to float along with my ship above the planet, or trail my shuttle as it comes in for landing. Perspective would be so much better for all landing scenarios.... I suspect adding VR capability to KSP might not be as involved as before, as both Unreal and Unity have touted their engine's seamless support for it. Shrug
  7. Posted this in a different thread and realized it makes more sense here.... I think part of the tedium in career comes from the fact that you NEED money and science still to explore new things, and the easiest way to get it is to do missions you're already proficient at. I've thought it would be interesting if, once you've done a certain mission type enough times, then you could accept those missions and they would be flown for you. Maybe like the space tourist missions. You designate the craft to be flown (after you've proven it can do it) and the pilot, and after that, they'll just regularly be sent up on their own. You'll have to have enough funds for fuel and the pilot available, but then it becomes steady income without you having to fly it yourself. Almost like actually managing a space program...
  8. I think part of the tedium comes from the fact that you NEED money and science still, and the easiest way to get it is to do missions you're already proficient at. I've thought it would be interesting if, once you've done a certain mission type enough times, then you could accept those missions and they would be flown for you. Maybe like the space tourist missions. You designate the craft to be flown (after you've proven it can do it) and the pilot, and after that, they'll just regularly be sent up on their own. You'll have to have enough funds for fuel and the pilot available, but then it becomes steady income without you having to fly it yourself. Almost like actually managing a space program.....
  9. IVA really doesn't interest me with my Oculus, I just want to see my spaceship floating in space above a planet, or under a parachute, or docking. It won't look REAL but it will look SO cool.
  10. Huh, missed that little piece of info when I listened last night. I like the idea of new functional modules, but curious how that matters. Did he give examples? Seeing the biome is helpful, though mods have been doing that for me already. What about lat/lon? Would be interesting to get a rescue mission with just lat/lon and not an icon on the map....
  11. I hope they understand that my entire wellbeing is going to be determined by how awesome the dev notes are. No pressure.
  12. The reason I want to use life support when I start a career again is because otherwise, if I set up several science labs, they're then a zero cost endless steam of science points. With life support in the mix, I can't just forget about them...some upkeep is required.
  13. When starting KSP, if the list of items being loaded is going so slow that you have time to actually read it, then it's the same problem I had. If your slowness is shown some other way, then it's probably not the same issue.
  14. This was with no mods, and I had never installed hamachi. I still had the problem. I disabled my normal motherboard network interface in Windows, started KSP and it came right up.
  15. Google for "KSP long load time". I had this issue suddenly with 1.1 where each item being loaded during the splash screen took a couple seconds, which leads to half hour load time. The fix involved disabling my Ethernet adapter. Don't ask, just Google it, or look in my posting history for the thread. Since then, I did a compete Windows reinstall (going from 7 to 10) and now no issues.
  16. I am having this same issue, did not have the issue in 1.0.5. It takes several seconds for each item during loading to process, giving a total load time somewhere over 20 minutes (I've never had the patience to wait it out to the end). I do not have Hamachi installed, never have. I do not have Virtualbox installed. Going to my one single network connection in Windows (the one on my motherboard, Realtek PCIe GBE Family...aka, "typical"), if I right click it and hit Disable, then I can start and play KSP within about 20 seconds. I'm not miffed about this yet because I'm planning a complete reinstall all the way to Windows 10 (currently 7 64-bit), so I'll try it again after that.
  17. I don't have KSP handy, but any of the standard parts you'd use to build a plane...the fuel tanks, open cargo sections, or cockpits.
  18. I've seen several very neat designs that involve two layers of fuselage, stacked on top of and heavily clipped into each other. How is this accomplished? I can't find any way to attach a fuselage to a fuselage, except end to end. Thanks
  19. Sure. But the analogy with what is happening in KSP kind of breaks down at that point because we don't recover craft, we recover parts. It would be worth recovering the real shuttle because it cost billions in engineering. The actual PARTS of it were probably worth some millions. In KSP, we recover craft via an industrial shredder. So my original idea maybe doesn't make a lot of sense unless created craft were actually persistent, instead of reborn every launch. At this point, I'd be happy with a "Return to KSC" mission every now and then. Not just a "land at KSC", because with "return to" instead, at least there's some hope that if I land somewhere else on Kerbin, I can then create some new heavy-lift craft to go retrieve it overland. Adds to the challenge, and fun. I'm sure there are mods already that give "land at or return to KSC" contracts, so I'll just content myself with those.
  20. Great ideas! I found little reason to even use the plane hanger early on in career. I especially like the idea of going to retrieve parts and Kerbals from the surface. I honestly think that's harder than getting them from space...
  21. Right...but you'll never end up losing more than your parts cost in the first place. If you land on the complete opposite side of Kerbin....I'd have to check, but I think you might *still* end up getting some small percentage. Or at worse, it's 0%. So without ever really making any effort to land at KSC, I was quickly doing pretty good in career mode, money-wise. (I honestly didn't even realize I was losing money by not landing near KSC) So, with no $$$ dis-incentive when landing far from KSC, and no contractual obligations to try and land at KSC....I hardly ever landed at KSC. And thus making an SSTO made no sense. Ideally, there would be contracts where landing very near KSC is an actual requirement to complete the contract. Or what if there were contracts to go retrieve Kerbals or parts from on Kerbin itself? I guess ultimately I'm saying that even if you landed your craft completely pristine on the other side of Kerbin, you would end up having to spend a lot of money to get it back to KSC. Maybe this is all semantics. If the end-mission summary actually indicated "You got X amount from your parts, but it cost you Y amount to get the parts back to KSC", and at the same time the cost of landing far from KSC was way more steep....then maybe that's what I'm looking for. And if that's the case, I'm probably talking a mod here. I've done mods before for a few games, but my searching for doing just as simple gameplay mod that doesn't involve parts in KSP isn't hitting a lot of results.
  22. Even better than a contract with a fixed price....bid it out. See who can get it done for the cheapest cost. Adds a bonus to you for contracting it out, and an added challenge for the person accepting the contract. How it would all work and how it would keep griefers from having fun remains to be seen.
  23. I've always used simple capsules for those. Neither of those missions require landing close to KSC. I guess, come to think of it, if career mode started CHARGING you to get your craft back to KSC (instead of simply giving you back less money), then that might have the same effect. The farther away it was, or larger the object was, the more it would cost to have it moved back to KSC and the mission to be considered over. Kind of like when the shuttle would land at Edwards instead of Florida. NASA certainly didn't get money back in either case, but one cost them a lot less than the other.
  24. If this was implemented in some way in 1.0.5, please forgive me. I'm waiting for 1.1 before I dive back in. KSP overdose still in my system.... I've never built an SSTO, mainly because there was no need. Yes, "because I can" appeals on some degree, but not when I'm playing career mode. In career mode, I need a valid requirement in order to build it. So I'd love to have a REASON to build an SSTO in career mode. And I can only think of two reasons to have an SSTO: 1) Building a rocket takes time, whereas if you have already built an SSTO, it would essentially be ready to go. So, a "needs immediate rescue" thing would be a good excuse to have an SSTO ready. Of course, in KSP, building a rocket takes no time at all, so none of that really applies. Yes, I know there's a mod that puts rocket building time into the equation. But that's quite a time sink added to the game just to make SSTO's pertinennt. 2) Require as a contract that something must be returned to the KSC to be successful. Notice I didn't say "must land at KSC". While that would definitely make an SSTO attractive. But just requiring that it "returns" to KSC means that if something goes wrong and I have to land somewhere else on Kerbin, I can then dive into all sorts of contingency plans to get the stranded craft back to KSC. Heck, now there's even a reason for that huge cargo door on the plane (aka C5 door)....go fly where the downed capsule is that fell short of KSC and bring it back. In career mode, I've RARELY ever landed on the runway, because....well...there was no reason. Yes, you get more Kerbin Buck$ if you land close, but it's not enough to justify the effort. What if the contracts are: "This science sample is so volatile, it must be taken directly to KSC" "The Kerbal you rescued requires immediate emergency care. Get them to KSC within x hours." etc. I'd just like something that gives me a good excuse in career mode to make (at the very least) a space glider
  25. I reinstalled a couple times. I then found a youtube video of someone else with the problem, so mine was neither Mac nor mod related, it seems. Some kind of persistence file corruption. Following the video, the quick fix involved starting a new career game, exiting that, and then loading my broken game. It worked.
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