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Everything posted by Alphasus

  1. Every 100 rep you get a bar.(not a mod, just know this)
  2. 5/10, I don't like the round-8.
  3. Have you heard of kerbal dcs world? You just use the BDArmory AI and you dogfight. It isn't like a full DCS, but it is nice anyway.
  4. 202: The train market returns because of a lack of fast travel. But all trains are now encased in metal to increase safety.
  5. I will try to add some originality to the description. But now you know why I wanted to see if you would write craft descriptions for me occasionally.
  6. What are your computer specs? A friend runs it on an 820M and i5 5200U.
  7. I will fast forward time and retake some pictures then. Thanks for the help.
  8. Also, buy from the microsoft store and get signature edition laptops if you can. They come with clean operating system installs, so no bloatware.
  9. Again, I would recommend a desktop if you can. If not, here are suggestions in the price range
  10. No, it isn't. Also, requesting that this thread be moved into the computer building/buying thread. Integrated graphics aren't in the high end of graphics. Look for something with a dedicated GPU.
  11. The SportRover RS This rover can survive 50 m/s impacts without damage.It is lightly armored with seating for two.However, it has an adaptive suspension to soak up bumps at high speeds. The suspension is comprised of cubic octagonal struts and a core of LV-1 Ant engines. It can sustain turns at 23 m/s or above without tipping. With RCS enabled, it will sustain turns at up to 40 m/s without tipping. The lights are from the helmets of kerbals.
  12. No, the reliance of that rover on RCS is a major flaw. I need to find another way to introduce grip anyway. The rcs is too heavy for effective sporty use.
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