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Everything posted by Alphasus

  1. I am considering flying my me 262 against this thing!
  2. I think that PM's are a better place for this conversation, thread derailment.
  3. The posterus is still a front line combat ship, and is only 2 months old. We still have no suitable replacement for its armor, though her weapons may be lacking. Also, it is allied with AKS, because it is empathetic, being an AI who has been uploaded into all posteri. It did a heroes work a while ago, and empathizes with AKS.
  4. A almost 2 year necro.... Well, we have lots of land on our planet. And a sweet thing called sugar.
  5. The Posterus was created as an alternative to the Nouveau for use in space combat. It has 8000 or so m/s of delta v, weighs between 63 and 65 tons depending on version. It carries 6 high velocity missiles that are capable of crippling most ships that are less than 100 tons in one or two shots. It also has 2 NERVA engines and 4 Ion Engines. It is double armored in the sides, and on top it has one layer of structural plate. The ship is very well armored and armed for its weight, and is soon to be tested in the Naval Battle Club.It is also completely stock. By the way, it is 65 tons with some pretty good missiles, full stock, and is quite maneuverable. It also is around 300 parts, at most 350 depending on weapons. http://www./download/do..._Cruiser.craft
  6. I agree with ferram on the biplane and multiplane. But those concepts haven't been pushed yet, and we have no full data on what to do with them. So until further testing, inconclusive. - - - Updated - - - And the box plane has the advantage of doing that from multiple axes. So it is more powerful than the others in that regard.
  7. 512: Because Rockomax doesn't exist, the LFO rocket is sold by jeb's Junkyard.
  8. What do you count as flying,I basically have a box of flying missiles that is VTOL. It hasn't been fully tested yet,
  9. Fine then my friend. They shall come! And i will shoot them down in my RnD testing. - - - Updated - - - I have something, but it uses aesthetic wing clipping - - - Updated - - - And, what do you count as "flying"?
  10. The naval battle club has very little development. I am opposed to far, but would be fine with ducted wings by the way. And yes, I am a host of tournaments. I am opposed to far because I do other things and only have storage for one save file. So, I prefer stock. And thee is a far challenge already.
  11. Exactly, I agree with you on this one. Planes that fly well and look like jets. Maybe a few cool new things, but nothing extreme.
  12. More challenge... Which do you prefer? I can remove that rule and say wing clipping is allowed, or I can keep that rule.
  13. I would say must look classically plane like. Or, allow boxes and wing clipping. Both have absurdly low surface area and turn very well.
  14. &index=32 A video of it in combat. Its final fight before it was retired/relegated to second line use.
  15. Here, fight the goldenhawk then. Your design was fair in area. The other boxes weren't. goldenhawk download here, this won last tournament and got banned for wing clipping.http://www./download/6ljokp7gmnuul99/FA-33_GoldenHawk.craft
  16. If wing clipping within the rules is taking a giant .... on the rules of the contest, than making things that beat out wing clipping in every possible way is also. And so is the unrealism, hence why the Double down was banned on page 11.
  17. Easy enough, they have a larger surface area than boxes. X planes have a larger side surface area and multiple vertical tail counterparts cant fly while missing the tails unless they are spammed to insanity. With a box, it can lose 1/2 or more of its control surfaces and fly. The X plane can do that as well, but there is a noticeable loss in performance.
  18. I perfectly understand the realism with that many engines. But it goes against the spirit of the contest by doing the same thing as wing clipping but better. Wing clipping added more wing area with less surface area. Boxes do the same thing. This happens with 1 engine box planes too. That is why you have to allow both or neither in a tournament, because they do the same thing.
  19. Yes, but it isn't pulling 15g turns at Mach 1 while weighting 10 tons.
  20. I did about an hour of independent testing on that exact subject. The elevon 4s offered better performance in all aspects. And no, if that box was actually a plane, it would be so draggy and unstable that it wouldn't turn well. And the surface area would get it killed every time by missiles or guns, and stuff would actually fall off. It isn't viable as a plane, only as a turd box. - - - Updated - - - It's not you. The reason why I ran those tests is because this was inevitable. But the solution to the problem is really just to lay out the plane and test it laid out into wing formation. I can guarantee that anything that isn't a box flys well.
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