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Red Shirt

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Everything posted by Red Shirt

  1. Not so much what I did as what I learned. Took my Tylo lander, added chutes, and went to Laythe. Haven’t been since 0.25. It did not go well. I used wing segments as landing legs for a wide stance. I first tried letting MJ land. The ship wanted to go in nose first and did not slow enough to use chutes. Tried again on my own (no MJ) holding retrograde. The Vector quickly overheated and exploded, but the unprotected fuel tanks did not overheat. Weird. Added a heatshield, which meant I needed a couple small engines to direct the ship out of orbit. Next attempt, one wing section overheats and explodes. Landed on three. Planted flag. Then discovered Val could not reenter because the top ladder did not project out to the tank edge. Tilted the ladder. Added heatshields to the wing tips. Tried again. Everything worded well until I jettisoned the shields after slowing way down. The ship immediately turned nose first. So, what have I learned? Laythe still hates me.
  2. Today I once again landed on Tylo but this time I made orbit afterwards - OK, on the third attempt, but I made orbit. I had 21 dv left to spare. Cutting it kind of close. You can see the MJ info screens but it was for info only. Very pleased. Eve, here I come.
  3. Look at that. Woot! Tylo landing beaten with 50 dv left. Making orbit afterwards did not go so well. Apparently 2200 dv was not quite enough.
  4. So this happened - twice, within 2.7 km of each other. First time there was actually much less left, just the cabin. Plenty of dv but when that last few hundred meters happens it is so fast. Tylo I will defeat you.
  5. What mod are you using for vertical and horiz speed?
  6. Decided to begin to make good on my new years resolution by designing a Tylo lander/ascent craft. Theoretically has plenty of dv and TWR, however, I can't land. As I was about to smash into the ground at 200+ m/s, I hit F9 in a panic thinking it would revert back to orbit. Apparently you need to F5 first. Who knew? ok I did but I forgot So next thing I know, I'm back at the Mun lander headed for the south pole - again (wait, what happened to Tylo... and my lander?). Do you know how many Kerbalnauts have their little green guts splattered around the south pole? And now my flag - proof of Jeb's successful flight - no longer exists. Neither does Jeb's crippled ship that was waiting for a rescue. Should have exited out and asked how to fix my mess. Instead, I thought, l'll just use Hyper-Edit to set the lander down and plant the flag. I've already done it legitimately so why not. The why not is that a H-E landing at the pole resulted in the mother of all Krakens. Not only did my ship disappear, the screen went black. All the gauges went straight line. ESC'd back to the space center to find nothing but milky way. The entire solar system seems to have been obliterated by my attempt to cut a corner. Help?
  7. Ever since finding a floating boulder at Mun's south pole (terrain glitch apparently - don't care still named it Redshirt Rock) I have been trying to land a second time to plant a permanent flag. Every attempt has resulted in a fireball. Until today. Well, there was plenty of explosions but Jeb lived! Hit hard on the edge of a cliff. Lost half the tanks and engines. Started sliding. Managed to use RCS to stop, then fired the remaining crippled engines and limped to a stable landing site near the top of the mountain. EVA'd and used the jetpack in an attempt to reach the top of the south pole pyramid (ancient aliens is the only plausible explanation) but freaky physics sent him head first into the side. Slide to the bottom where Jeb decided close enough and planted the flag. Returned to ship and launched. Not enough control or Dv to reach orbit. After climbing to 8k, had to attempt setting down. Exploded what was left of tanks and engines off one side at impact. Flipped and exploded the remaining ones. Began to tumble in air. Managed to stop roll and point mono tank toward impact point. It exploded. By this time the speed was reduced enough I got the lander can upright and slid to a stop. Jeb is waiting for a rescue in a much more accessible and level site. Jeb is glad he wears a gold suit. Had it been a red one, he would be toast.
  8. I stole heavily borrowed your Super Chicken (he's everywhere, he's everywhere) and made the Screaming Hawk. It has 2 Whiplash engines. I got it up to 1300+ m/s during first flight. It is so grossly overpowered (very Kerbal). It is fairly easy to fly - at half throttle - except for the roll that I can't fix. I did move the ailerons way out on the wings and that helps some. It also has a tendency to turn slightly to the right in flight. Can't figure that out either. It was all built with symmetry on. Is it just me or do MK1 parts refuse to allow square and level wing attachment? I always have to rotate them. Thanks for the inspiration.
  9. Not much for planes but this is awesome!
  10. To land on and return from Eve and Tylo. Have not successfully done this in two years of trying.
  11. I can't hear you, lalalalalalalalalalala Just crashed Val (again) though the floating rock was still there. Well poo, I guess that means no Redshirt Rock in the game. Oh wait, there can be in MY game Bwahahaha!
  12. I want to believe! Seriously, there is sunlight brightening the bottom of the rock which leads me to think this might be legit. A return mission is planned when I have time.
  13. Normally I would put this under what I did today but this is really cool. First went to North Pole on Mun. Climbed as high as freakiness would allow and planted flag. Bill exploded jet packing back to the ship. Crazy pole Kraken! Next mission was Valentina landing badly at the South Pole. The ship was pretty much toast but pod survived, stopping on the edge of another in a series of seemingly endless slides. Tried to make it to the pole summit but more freakies going on. Smacked the ground slid down the slope. Once stopped saw this floating boulder. Climbed as close as possible and planted flag. Then made the mistake of returning to the crashed pod and reverting - it took the flag with the revert. So I have no coordinates but I do have this picture. Graphics set to half res. It's dark but I think you can see it. If it is a graphics glitch, I am disappointed but it was still really cool. The South Pole summit is in the distance behind the boulder.
  14. Monoliths on Mun day - or how I managed to litter an entire moon in a single day. Monolith 1 was near the equator. I totally missed it on my first attempt. Figured out how to use BTDT in Scansat and landed much closer the second time. Still had to search a while for the booger. Monolith 2 is way up north. I had never noticed before how the Mun looks dented around this area. I thought it made for the most beautiful vistas on Mun. Monolith 3 is much harder. The first attempt, let's just say did not go well. Second time nailed it. What I put on the flag plaque - "Holy Crap, what a ride". I seriously thought I was going into the mohole. Ended the day trying to land at the North Pole. Note to self - close is better. The picture is really dark, but the explosions started way up high. I caught the last one to remember Bob.
  15. Productive day. I’ve had Scansat installed for a while but couldn’t figure it out. Today built a satellite loaded with scanning stuff. 250k polar Mun orbit and managed to get maps going. Yeah me. Located and landed at my third and final arch. Also set down near Armstrong Memorial, and finally, found the saucer. Tried to find a monolith. Landed at the correct spot but it was nowhere to be found. It is on or near a plateau in the middle of a crater. Is that one still there in 1.0.5.?
  16. Title pretty much says it. Long version - landed on Mun. Jetpacked 3+ k up the crater wall to an arch. Planted flag. Took pictures. Had a picnic (not really). Started back to lander. Ran out of EVA fuel. Walking is soooo sloooow. Tried holding shift + W. Jeb just kept moseying along. After becoming bored holding W decided to give him infinite EVA fuel. Didn't work. Any clue as to what might be interfering and how to fix it? In the meantime launched a satellite and it worked fine,so it is not the my game or install as a whole. My mods are mostly beauty mods and planet packs. I don't use many part mods.
  17. Thank you for all your hard work on this excellent addition to the game. Someone may have suggested it before but a Neil deGrasse Tyson Easter Egg on Plock would have made a fun addition.
  18. Let's see... tried to edit the clouds around Laythe. Totally messed everything up. Had to reinstall my cloud pack. I don't know how some of you ever figured this stuff out. Discovered my second Mun arch. Bill got a shot at piloting. He over shot. The lander I use will not flip but if you set down on a really steep crater wall, it slides, and picks up speed while sliding. Then stuff starts hitting the ground and exploding. Finally came to rest inside a boulder! Arch was 10 km away. Tried to hop closer but half the fuel tanks and engines were missing and couldn't control it. Bill will be missed. Now that I knew basically where the arch was, tried again with Jeb. Landed short on a steep slope but no explosion. Tried again to hop up the steep slope. Almost clipped a mountain, Made a quick adjustment. Got confused. Jeb left his mark all around the arch. Day was not all bad. I think I have my game running under 64 bit in Windows.
  19. No one replied to my query so... I copied KSP_x64.exe out of KSP .25 and the mono and resources folders out of KSP_x64_Data and pasted them into their respective KSP 105 locations. Seemed to work just fine (got an error until I added the recources folder). Is it operating as 64 bit now? I have no idea but it works.
  20. 1. Forum title: Technical Support (modded installs) 2. I have several visual mods and knew one of the others could be the culprit, although in my own defense, I thought I had been to Laythe after adding EoO without issue. Turns out I was wrong. 3. In the Scatterer forum I believe my post would have simply been lost in foamy waves of ocean texture posts. 4. Sorry I offended. Where do you suggest I post to get help tweaking Edge of Oblivion? I don't have a clue what to change once I press Alt-N.
  21. I know 1.1 is just around the corner but... I have the old 64 bit Squad version still on my computer. Is it possible to get the 2 needed files ( the KSP64.exe and mono.dll) from the old version and copy them into 1.05? Will it work and is it legal?
  22. I used Hyper-Edit to put a lander in Laythe orbit to test. Could not locate a land area from orbit to target. So how and what do I change to lessen the effects of Scatterer? I like what it does, it is just does it too well. Same problem but not quite as intense in Kerbin orbit. In addition to Scatterer, I use E.V.E. 7-4 with Edge of Oblivion, Distant Object Enhancement, and Planet Shine. In case there is a conflict elsewhere, I am also use OPM, Arkas, Asclepius, and Kronkus. At least one of those are not updated to the version of Kopernicus I have loaded but I don't think the issue is with planet packs.
  23. Completed a several day mission to the Jool System 1. SRB's and Rhino take it most of the way to orbit. 2. Skipper takes it through circularization with 600 m/s left for start of transfer burn. 3. Single LV-N handles the maneuvers at Jool. 4. Making orbit at Pol. 5. Landing on steep slope - no problem. 6. Descent at Bop - more of a spud than Dres ever dreamed of. 7. Bop, not so scary. 8. Vall has awesome views. 9. Vall, so shiny. I have now landed and returned from every possible stock planet and moon, with the exception of Eve and Tylo. I've landed on Eve but haven't made orbit - yet! Stay tuned.
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