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    Curious George

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  1. Idea for pop outs like on motorhomes. https://stxmotorhomes.com/models/stx-2-pop-outs-garage/
  2. I am using it with the Duna Direct mod to copy the mars direct or Duna direct mission from this video.
  3. sorry about no link for the video. had to torrent download the video but you can see clips here. https://www.bing.com/search?q=watch+space+odyssey+voyage+to+the+planets&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=watch+space+odyssey+voyage+to+the+planets&sc=0-41&sk=&cvid=B0C04D922E684F1CA445E1DD82E781CB
  4. So beautifully done as allways. I love using all your mods. Now that you have done all of this, I was wondering if you are planning on doing the hermes from the Martian. also would you be interested in doing a kerbal version of the dynetics lander one that can land different living modules and mabe detach them from the craft to join together to create a colony. just a thought. Also I personaly think a kerbal version of the ship from the series Space Odyssey Voages to the Planets from 2004 would be beyond awsome. You are one of the few that I know of that could take on such a project and have it be a number one ksp mod. here is the location of an intro to the seies, if you are interested and are having trouble watching it then it can be found on amazon prime video. if you dont have that then let me know and I might be able to send you a copy. The design of the main ship is great for touring the solar system and caring multiple landers.
  5. I have a bunch of 3d files for crates and barrels that could also be used for engines or other parts. if you would like them let me know what format for the 3d files and where to send or post them for your use. I would be glad to share them to help your idea. this type of mod sounds awsome.
  6. Need more cargo parts in several designs, also need more habitat modules for both planetary and space in several different designs. maybe more food storage and prossesing modules compatable with S.N.A.C.K.S. also maybe refinery parts for both planetary and space. these are just some ideas. will try to come up with designs for these if I can.
  7. This may be an unusual question. were you the felbourn that made a rack or platform for base building in ksp. it was quite a while back that i saw it and i used it a lot. would like to see it again in ksp.


    1. Felbourn


      That was me. I don't think I have that around anymore.

    2. dvdwilliams88


      that too bad. do you think you can remake it or something simmilar.?


  8. ok those are the ones i have been looking for. for some reason they were named wrong and i thought they belonged to this mod. thank you for clearing that up. i love feline rovers mod and thought i did something wrong.
  9. The parts that i cant find were two small lockers or storage boxes. i think they were called feline storage boxes cor containers or something like that. they worked with kis and kas they were smaler than a kerbal, black and one was longer or taller than the other. they were able to surface attach and said storage or something similar to that on them. very nice looking and added small storage bays any place i needed them. great for rovers and carrying small parts for kerbals to access from the side of the ship. they were not the larger cargo boxes that kis and others have. wold love to have them again. they looked awsome.
  10. I am using 1.8.1 and i just noticed that the two types of storage boxes are missing that i realy liked. am i doing something wrong or looking in the wrong spot, or were they removed for some reason? if they were, could you put them back? they are very usefull for adding small and large storage boxes that look nice on rovers and some landers. Thanks. love the style of the rover.
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