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  1. I'm back on it and managed to solve some of the issues but still I have a errors when going into rotating frame and not packing the vessels.... Unfortunately I would need help from a SQUAD dev for this Or just more time until I get the inspiration
  2. It's in the last part of the https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/LunaMultiplayer/wiki/Parts-syncronization page. Direct link: https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/LunaMultiplayer/tree/master/LmpClient/ModuleStore/XML/Squad
  3. Hmmm I don't know exactly what could be the reason as I didn't see it locally. Please fill a bug report with the server files, vessels, steps to reproduce etc on github (https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/LunaMultiplayer/issues) so I can reproduce it locally. If I cant see the error on my computer is almost impossible for me to fix it
  4. You are right. I forgot to copy a dll aswell in the release. Now it should work. I recommend you to get the debug version and adjust the slider when below 100K meters. I'm trying to find a way to get that exact value but I'm quite lost on that. If someone can help me (need to know how ksp orbit works) I think I would be able to solve it and finish the mod. The only thing left is that the LAN value for active vessels orbits when switching to inverse rotation changes and it's periapsis/apoapsis values have some small rounding error Here are the current issues explained: https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/TiltEm/issues
  5. Managed to solve this and some other bugs. Still, I had to add a correction slider as I still can't manage to sync the orbits when in inverse rotation. Also when switching to rotation, the LAN parameter changes and also the pariapsis/apoapsies varies around 10 meters... This means that I have to mess with the orbital stuff from KSP but that part of the code is not easy to understand
  6. The "accelerating" behaviour happens when your computer can't handle the graphics and then LMP forces the game to run at a higher speed. Next version has a part limit count setting on the server. This will avoid players from spawning vessels with million part count and then getting very low FPS. Bear in mind that KSP is not prepared for multiplayer and this mod is just a proof of concept. To really make it multiplayer the physiscs should be handled server-side but that would be way too much work
  7. You're probably using mods? I made few tests and it works locally and with another tester Working on that but it will take some time
  8. Latest version (0.17.0) should fix most of those issues I can't guarantee that is 100% stable but it contains a fix for a nasty bug that existed on LMP since the beginning and may have caused that behaviour
  9. Will try to explain this with images and hope somebody can help me out on this... Here my active vessel is in a suborbital trajectory and the planetarium is NOT tilted, therefore, we tilt the planet and everything is nice and cool Now I force tilting the planetarium (it will happen anyways when I'm below 100K meters) and as you can see, all the OTHER orbits that are not the active are tilted "correctly" (or that's what I think). Bear in mind that when tilting the planetarium I must put the planet with 0 tilt as otherwise we would have a tilted planetarium + a tilted planet and that's not good) The problem is that on my active vessel the orbit is not moved (as I'm in track physics mode) so basically my vessel should be MOVED to do something like this: So, you can say: "well, just pack your active vessel or put the orbit driver in "update" mode for 1 frame and it will be unpacked on the next frame" but even with that solution, there are still some errors. In this case I'm in a vessel that is in a stable orbit and look how the orbit of that unloaded vessel that is in a ballistic orbit produces an error when tilting the planetarium: If someone has some knowledge on how the orbits are calculated inside KSP and it's celestial frames please contact me I'm preety sure that we can solve this issue
  10. Yes now interpolation is always ON Regarding the orbit issues, just get the latest nightly version or wait until next version as that will be fixed
  11. It's how KSP works. If you don't do it, the planet rotates below you and it's impossible to land without exploding, it also has to do with the PQS stuff. With the mod you can try it, just press the "Toggle Rotating Frame" once you're below 100k meters, be sure that the planetarium is not tilted and you will see what I mean. The thing is that you must land in a "static" planet instead of a rotating one, otherwise there are lots of issues
  12. @5thHorseman Exactly. The issue is that when you're not in a rotating frame (this means that the PLANET is tilted and the planetarium is not tilted) the orbit looks fine and everything is nice The problem is that when you tilt the planetarium (it happens automatically when below 100k meters) then the planet must be tilted back as how it was before as otherwise you would have a tilted planetarium + a tilted planet and that's not good. So the issue here is that the vessel must be moved around to the equivalent position and also it's orbital data, that's where I'm stuck as I don't know how to move the vessel to where it should be I think that I must play around with the celestialframe, orbitdriver and orbit classes but I'm still stuck and this week I didn't had time to have a look at it
  13. Next version will be integrated in kopernicus so that will help them Still stuck with the orbits issue I hope I can find a solution soon....
  14. Probably a LMP bug. Have you tried nightly version? You can see how to get it on the wiki Nope, and probably it won't ever be as that can cause sync issues. P1 reverts and P2 completes a contract and so on... EDIT: Latest version supports this although with some limitations (check limitations page on the wiki)
  15. Yes, you're probably right about the naming convention as to be honest my math/astronomy knowledge is quite limited. Your mod is awesome btw it's complexity is just as if KSP+Principia is a totally different game! I wish I developed my career around C++ instead of C# as sometimes I feel it's limitations and I would be better suited to understand your code .... Regarding the orbits I'm investigating what could be the issue, perhaps I'll have to play with the orbit driver transform... Will see what I get... About the tilting of the vessels, this mod suffers the same issue as yours, my idea is to add a callback to GameEvents.onRotatingFrameTransition And once that's called, get the tilt of the planet, run trough all the vessels in the game and call the vessel.SetRotation... If I manage to succeed on that I'll let you know as you can probably use it aswell
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