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Sharkman Briton

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Posts posted by Sharkman Briton

  1. So me and Alphasus had a battle, 1 USS Core VS 2 Northwests, USS Core won but the last Northwest tanked three (I think) rams from the Core, according to Alphasus, the NW is a beast :P

    No screenies, sorry!

    Final Rating. USS Core 9/10 Northwest-Class 8/10 (Rating is decided by the party that doesn't own the ship being rated)

  2. So I took apart @panzer1b 's AKS SK-CRV-IVg2 and decided to recreate it's Tirepedos and put them on a new ship. The result is.....


    For once I actually tested it myself! It has about 159 parts with 2 Tirepedos, 2 Unguided I-Torps and 1 Unguided I-Torp that's pretty defective. I tested the Tirepedos on this ship, and it survived two of them, one from about 150m away and the other from over 300m away. A good amount of DV too. I call her the Northwest-Class Cruiser! (Is anyone actually getting these references? McGucket and Northwest XD)

    If anyone wants to have a look at her to pit her against their ships, the DL is here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/17v5h2sp2gm0sw3/Northwest-Class%20Cruiser.craft?dl=0

  3. 15 hours ago, panzer1b said:

    I like weights from 50-80t for most of my ships.  The reason is that under 50 you start to make too many sacrifices either in armor or firepower, and above 80 you start having overall part count issues at least for a combat ship.  60-70t is my sweet spot right now, where i can get a bit of everything, armor, firepower, TWR, and useable dV (above 2000 is adequate for my preferences given most of my combat is either in high kerbin orbit, or mun/minmus, all of which have rather lowish dV requirements.  Never liked super specialization, so i tend to build generalistic vessels that arent screwed in any type of fight, be it range, firepower, or armor, but are also not excessive in any of these categories either.  Specialization is for flagships and the like that can rely on an entire fleet to support them so things like dV and secondary weapons are usually omitted where escort ships defend it against fighters and it just uses its primary weapon to obliterate the enemy.

    This ship reminds me of something...

    I know...Just about every single AKS warship hull (minus the front and rear and engine that sticks out the back :D).  Did you get the idea from my ships or was it just a coincidence?



    Also, just released 2 new warships...

    AKS SK-CRV-IVg2Xnhte7Z.png

    Alliance Flagship "Regulator"Rz3M8KK.jpg

    Why yes, I did! I'm a bit butthurt about the clipping at the front and back but there's no way to avoid it that won't make the ship more vulnerable...

    Speaking of AKS weapons, please could you show me (PM or otherwise) your missile designs? I'm always really lacking in the firepower department because all I know is I-beam, tiny probe core, battery, decoupler and seperatrons. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Alphasus said:

    What weight do you run? I used to use basic 120 ton ships, but 2 60 ton ships worked better anyways.

    A crew carrier could drop crew for tanks, or transfer crew to ships so that you could sustain them for longer. I have sniped crew modules before, but if you have an unfilled backup crew module, you could fill that.

    Nice, I made a new cruiser/corvette thing.


  5. I have some ideas and wanna hear you people's thoughts on them.

    Would a scout ship carrying scout drones (that scout enemy positions) be at all useful? On one hand it could check if an enemy is damaged and/or the amount of missiles it's used, but in the current way space battles work atm it would be useless. But what if it was in a DMP scenario?

    And what use would a crew carrier have?

  6. So I use Open Broadcast Software for videos, and it doesn't work on alot of things. Monitor capture only makes the video move when I have the OBS tab open, Game capture doesn't work for KSP, and I can't use Monitor capture for it, and I'm not entirely sure that Window capture works either. It says high encoding on this stuff. I've tried raising the bitrate by loads but to no avail.

    What should I do to record KSP with OBS? Or what do you people use to record KSP?

  7. 36 minutes ago, KerbalCorgi said:

    Chapter 8- Moho 1

    The launch was perfect.

    The systems performed well, and Gene and the gang were able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.




    Gene plotted a burn onto Moho's orbital tilt.


    And then, he plotted a Moho intercept.

    The stakes were high- missing Moho would mean speeding out of the solar system.


    And all were silent as the pictures rolled in.



    Gene began the capture burn.


    And the craft achieved orbit.








    I wanna go to Moho now...

    Regarding the Wrench and Hammer, I think I was thinking of the wrong type of wrench, you probably mean the small ones.

  8. 2 hours ago, Tricky14 said:

    My grandfather wasn't in the military, but he tried to rescue a british fighter pilot from a burning crashed plane. It was pointles though, the pilot burned to death. He also offered refuge to some asian folk that were in hiding during the razzias. Contrary to popular belief, the german troops weren't just after jews. Gays, communists, resistance folk.. just about anyone who wasn't 'Arian' and supporting the cause was fair game. My grandfather had to put his family at risk but managed to survive several really close encounters with soldiers looking for dissidents. The biggest problem was food. It was rationed and anyone trying to get their hands on more than they could eat themselvesm to support other people in hiding was suspect. It had to be smuggled in, through baby trolleys, suitcases with double bottoms and the occasional run during the night.

    During the Dutch Hunger Winter of 1944 they had to force them out of the house because it became too difficult to keep everyone fed. People headed out of the cities on foot in search for food. A lot of the farmers had it better than the city folk because they were self-sustaining and not as much subject to food rationing. Some gave food willingly to city folk, others were robbed or even killed. My grandfather had to either leave the asian folk behind to die, or take them with him. He chose the latter option and managed to avoid detection during a two-day hike to the north. He managed to find refuge for the asian refugees there.

    War is a two-sided story. Or to quote This War Of Mine: "For soldiers, war is about victory. To us, it was about getting food."

    Wow your grandfather was awesome! Whats his name? This guy deserved to be on one of those things talking about heroes during the war.

    Now, the pedant's were total butts but the soldiers in general weren't any more evil than the enemy soldiers. They didn't know about the atrocities in the concentration camp and were shocked to find out about them. Look up "german soldiers reacting to footage of concentration camps"

    All sides commited atrocities, America nuked the innocent, Britain bombed the innocent, Russia killed every innocent man in Berlin and all the other contries did bad stuff. The german soldiers weren't given a choice, they had to fight for their side or else. Fighting for the bad side doesn't make you a bad person per se.

  9. So I heard earlier this year that my great-grandfather was in the Royal Navy, from the stories I can presume he was quite high-ranking. Here are the stories that my grandfather told me about him.

    1. Lucky Escape:

    He was offered a promotion to a very high rank, but refused because it would mean him being moved to another ship, and he wanted to stay with his friends. A week or so later the ship he WOULD have been transferred to sank, and all the crew along with it.

    2. Captain Pingu

    So at some point, a penguin got on the ship and hung around, the crew was okay with it and kept it as a pet. They fed it and I think they might have dressed it up in uniform. Eventually, though, he was ordered to get rid of the penguin because the admiral was coming to inspect the ship, so he threw the penguin overboard. 

    3. Bismarck Battle

    So in the big battle between the Royal Navy and Germany, the Bismarck was sunk. My great-grandfather was on one of the battleships that sank the ship.

  10. 8 hours ago, KerbalCorgi said:

    I'm sorry about the lack of content, but with testing and school...urghh.

    Interlude: Tandin and Hayna

    The two young kerbals, one male and one female, stood by the table in crisp, clean, white shirts, emblazoned with the C7 Aerospace Division logo and name tags.

    The two kerbals were named Tandin and Hayna. Tandin was the male, Hayna the female.

    On the table sat a large poster board, which was preceded by a small box with wires and such sticking out.

    Wernher and Gene walked over.

    "Hello, you two. I'm Gene Kerman and this is Wernher Von Kerman. Both of us are judges of the 10th annual Kerbal Space Program Innovation Awards."     

    "Hello, sir," said Tandin, shaking Gene's hand.

    "Zhis is your project, zhen?" asked Wernher.

    "Correct, sir," said Hayna. "This is the Mobile Tracking Monitor Unit, designed to track ships and such without a huge dish."

    Tandin continued. "It works by detecting electricity in an area, and from there, it is able to identify the ship."

    "Interesting. We must move on, but thank you for your time," said Gene.

    "Same to you," replied Hayna.

    15 minutes later

    "And the grand prize winner is... Tandin and Hayna Kerman!"

    Hayna and Tandin cheered and hugged.

    They were promptly recruited at KSC the next day 

    Welp, I'm guessing this is going to be like those married ones in Emiko Station? Nevertheless, I think it's time for an unmanned Duna landing!

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