You kinda can make most part of AVP pack work with this version of EVE. It what I was trying to do for last 2 weeks. You just have to translate old cfg files to new system cfg cystem. Then you need manually to look up all dependand mods forum threads and look for latest versions. Things that dont work is LensFlare, because doing anything with .asset file doesent work any more. Also I would recommend delete terrain CFGs from terrain part of EVE overhaul, both from Kerbin and Mun because it doesent work properly yet, and will mess up a bit. Reason is because terrains part of EVE messing up stock KSP terrain textures. Example as soon as you plug in any kind of texture to it, - Stock steep, mountan textures disapears or goes black, and all overall ground textures goes to much darker mode. Which will make visuals wors, plugging in midtex custom textures, like cornfields would fix that, but you cant do that, because then your cornfields will be visible from space as a tiles, including from ocean. I guewss you could use kopernicus if you really want to make ground textures look nicer. What you should do, is 1st. install this EVE first, delete terrain in gui from Kerbin and Mun. then ckick apply then save. Alt+E is for ingame gui. In gui create clouds for any planet you want, then create atmosphere, tweak all corresponding values like colors, density and such. all the cfgs from AVP that you would use, will not work with this EVE, but you can take the values from old cfgs and translate them your self into GUI, or new cfg file. 2. After you done with clouds install TextureReplacer, mostly for changing skybox. 3. Install latest Scatterer plugin. Tweak lightning in scatterers gui, so your planet does not look like a ghost. 4. Distant objects 5. planet shine 6. chatterer. Remmember, all the CFGs from this mods that dependand of EVE will not work. You have to translate all numbers and cfgs by your self. It is easy while you get a hand of it