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Just Jim

KSP2 Alumni
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  • About me
    KSP2 Writer
  • Location
    Gulf Coast, Florida
  • Interests
    I was the writer for KSP2 until we were shuttered.
    Before that I was a QA-tester for KSP1
    Now I need a new job.

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  1. Irma's eye is over us now... WOW! Wind Gusts are impressive...

    No real damage here so far, and it's still to dark outside to see clearly, but it looks like a palm tree across the street snapped in half. 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Just Jim

      Just Jim

      Right off US19, so here's hoping

    3. Geschosskopf


      Fingers crossed.  If that doesn't work, apply to your local EOC for a portable generator so at least you can keep your beer cold---er, I mean, keep your freezer of meat from spoiling :D   Hurricanes bring in unreal humidity that lasts for weeks so while it might be nice and cool now, it';ll be sweltering in a few days.  With no AC, that gets really old really fast.  Hence the need for cold beer.,



    4. Laythe Squid

      Laythe Squid

      What a disaster. Hope you stay safe. 

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