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Everything posted by MajorLeaugeRocketScience

  1. Here I did the math: this would cost around 80 million dollars, according to a DoD estimate for a micro sat launch to mars, scales down from the sat's mass to the kerbal's mass
  2. Sorry Augustus, but not a very good argument. I mean, it cost 120k to launch a 5 kilo microsat into LEO. Multiply that by about 100 for Mars mission
  3. Aww man! - - - Updated - - - But that rocket has to have a NERVA!! I think it should be nuclear rockets for AAP only because they were very seriously considered but not flown on moon missions
  4. I've put together a small team to identify the bugs and fix them, we should be up and running soon.
  5. Back on topic... :-) Can I use a nuclear engine for the NERVA MLV? I already have it built and want to use it for interplanetary missions. It has a burn time of like 10 minutes
  6. I suggest for that military space program you have now you should use hullcam VDS to make some spy sats to spy on the CFKN
  7. I'll make an entry as soon as my Saturn 1B doesn't look like a bunch of straws duct taped together, my Saturn V has a success rate above 5%, and I stop playing with NERVAs
  8. Augustus, did you get the specs from Andy or do a rough guess?
  9. Since cz-9 and delta IX lift almost the same, cz-9 lifts 130 tons and my 7 clustered delta lifts 120 tons
  10. That's basically the same I think, except it is a tumble lander and so has chutes and ballons
  11. Secret: Me and Kart have been secretly collaborating on the Delta IX for my mod for a while now
  12. Oh yeah I'll send you the beta version Sampa. Also, Triston is in the hospital. Don't know why, but he said he'll be back later tonight
  13. This is kind of embarrassing... There are a load of glitches needing solving. Should I put out a pre-release with the glitches or keep working until next weekend?
  14. Hey kart, just realized that since your making the J-2 for the Saturn 1B, how about using the same model for the J-2X on the Delta IX upper stage? Also, HYPEEEEEEWEEEEEE!!!! That is all
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