Here I did the math: this would cost around 80 million dollars, according to a DoD estimate for a micro sat launch to mars, scales down from the sat's mass to the kerbal's mass
Aww man! - - - Updated - - - But that rocket has to have a NERVA!! I think it should be nuclear rockets for AAP only because they were very seriously considered but not flown on moon missions
Back on topic... :-) Can I use a nuclear engine for the NERVA MLV? I already have it built and want to use it for interplanetary missions. It has a burn time of like 10 minutes
I'll make an entry as soon as my Saturn 1B doesn't look like a bunch of straws duct taped together, my Saturn V has a success rate above 5%, and I stop playing with NERVAs
This is kind of embarrassing... There are a load of glitches needing solving. Should I put out a pre-release with the glitches or keep working until next weekend?
Hey kart, just realized that since your making the J-2 for the Saturn 1B, how about using the same model for the J-2X on the Delta IX upper stage? Also, HYPEEEEEEWEEEEEE!!!! That is all