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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. 2. Thsi is a losing battle, but I will fight to the end
  2. Granted. She is on fire and burns you. I wish for KSP IVAs to be more useful
  3. Terribly sorry, I'll edit the Legacy board now. To answer your question, I will not be carrying over Nich's scoreboard. This is due to incompatability with some rules/scoring. The Legacy board is my comprimise to said problem. Right after I post this, I will be fixing the Legacy board. After that, any new entries will be on either the builder or pilot leaderboard. I'm fully sorry if this is disturbing you, but if there is any other suggestions you have, I will gladly accept. And let me explain the Legacy board. The Legacy board is just to show the participants of the old thread. It is where I wanted people to see who was successful. It also helps (in my opinion) to make sure there are no hard feelings in the former participants. I encourage participants of the old thread to try their hand with these new rules! Good luck! - - - Updated - - - Modified Builders rules.
  4. Granted. The opposite of the Challenger happens, no one was monitering altitude and throttle. And you are the only one inside. I wish I could be an SSTO boss in real life
  5. We need Danny, he can make with Kraken powered, the most complex propulsion yet.
  6. Thanks for the heads up! Looking forward to it - - - Updated - - - There is now a reward for pilots w/o any external (gamepads)
  7. More time, more skill Limited payload? you can design spaceplanes AROUND the payload, just like a rocket. And we have the advantage of landing back at KSC. Launching maunally is just part of the fun. Especially SSTO's In Career mode, they're reusable, so they're cheaper too.
  8. Granted. I will go against game rules and will NOT corrupt it. This MUST happen. I wish the world wasn't dying.
  9. Hello forum users! I'm SpaceplaneAddict, and welcome to the PRO SSTO challenge continued! Unfortunately, the previous user who ran the thread, said he was dealing with In Real Life issues, and released the thread. Surprised a mod hasn't locked it yet! Anyways, premise remains same. This time though, it's Addiction Aeroworks that wants the SSTO. And, yes, they are a tiny bit more lenient about requirements. The Rules For Builders: -Wheaton's Law -Must be SSTO! Rockets, Spaceplane I don't care. -Stock. + Mechjeb -Any other info mod is fine. -If multiple tests are conducted, fund/fuel usage must be recorded. Dead kerbals will result in points deducted The Rules for Pilots: -No quicksave/reverts -Wheaton's Law -MechJeb not allowed -INFO ONLY mods Universal Rules: -Builder scoring is determined by other pilots flying your craft Legacy Thread Participants: So no one is butthurt. GoSlash27:Master Nich:Master Starhawk:Master Evantis:Builder Scarecrow88:Master Nerfums:Master SpaceplaneAddict:Master Jakalath:Master llanthas:Builder The_Rocketeer:Master Stoney3K:Builder? Vegetal:Builder Przemqo:Master, he DID enter, therfore is eligible for said thread. If I made a mistake on the Legacy leaderboard, please correct me. Scoring: +1 for each kerbal rotated at a station +1 for each 1T of cargo to (whatever) orbit +10 for Minmus/Mun +TBD for other celestial objects -1 per 1000 funds used during testing(builders) -20 per Kerbal killed(pilots) x1.3 scoring for pilots using keyboard Other Scoring also TBD Badges: SoonTM Builders: Pilots: Good luck to all! Any suggestions are welcome!
  10. Jeb is such a badass, when KSA needs MOAR BOOSTERS, Jeb simply walks to the launchpad, and MOAR BOOSTERS magically attach to the spacecraft.
  11. Because reasons. Why Kerbal Space Program? Why not MakeFunOfHumans Space Program?
  12. Banned for not circularising your orbit between Jool and Eeloo.
  13. Granted. Right then, the Moon crashes into Earth and everyone survives. All of the food is vapourised. I wish KSP 1.1 came out about now.
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