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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. "I am the first to be on Mars. May I have my chocolate bar now?
  2. [quote name='Tangle']Yknow what we should do? When all of this is done, we should delete all copies of rocketbuilders except one and put that one in a suborbital rocket and then have that rocket go up and forget to stage the parachutes.[/QUOTE] Please don't make this another attack against the Rocket Builders.
  3. [quote name='Der Anfang']Well, it's a good thing this popped up because my Career mode will soon have a Dres window, and I was going to explore it! Oh, one more thing, I may have misread, but does Dres have a system of Asteroid Satelites?[/QUOTE] Yes, they're subsequently called "Dresteroids". However, those Dresteroids always are mean to Dres, so theyre not allowed to be a part of Dres Awareness [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='DoctorDavinci']@SpaceplaneAddict - Might I suggest that when people submit pics for this challenge (and others for that matter) that perhaps it would be a good idea to not have all the info panes around the edge of the screen cut out as there is no information on fuel, electric power etc..... I see lots of pics in a lot challenges in the forums but many of them are quite ambiguous as there are no info panes visible and essentially provide no real evidence towards the completion of the respective goals of each challenge IMO, just taking a screenshot without any of the pertinent information required for the challenge within the screenshot makes the entry inconclusive Just a thought[/QUOTE] Yes, I'll update entry rules now, why didn't I think of this?!
  4. Always awesome to greet a new member! WhaleCalm to the forums! -SPAddict
  5. PLZ I begeth of thou, thine must certainly dominate Dres! [SUB][SIZE=1]Please it's lonely....[/SIZE][/SUB]
  6. Who said more parts was better? I have a two person SSTMinmus with around sixty or so parts. Though I do love torturing my laptop...
  7. I always admired the RB. I'll miss em, it'll be a sad day for me. However, I am confident in everybody who was involved in the decision to make the right choice. If the RB must go, I'll let go, but not without emotions erupting.
  8. Granted, your limbs automatically reattach and you come back to life. This happens over and over, while you deal with the excruciating pain. I wish for MLG powers
  9. Let's take CliftonM for an example. This user has two vowels. What also have two cowels? THATS RIGHT! Charon. Charon is a moon of Pluto. Pluto and Charon can be considered a binary system. All of this points to... THATS RIGHT! Two. Two is the second number up from zero. This means that this number is second place. The word second has four vowels. A word must have at least one vowel. Four vowels means four subtract one is three. Three is considered a magic number. This is not a coincidence. You see, the truth is revealed in the word three. Three is often the lucky number. What else is lucky? THATS RIGHT! Leprechauns. That word has 11 characters. Eleven subtract eight is three. This is not a coincidence. You see, there are only three planets that have conparable sizes in the inner solar system. Mars, Venus, and Earth. Mars is a chocolate bar. Chocate is made from cocoa beans. Cocoa beans were once used for money. Money is the soak mate of greed. Money is also used to throw at people. The word people has three vowels and three other letters. This is not a coincidence. Three and there is six subtract three is three. Three equals to three sides which equals triangle. CliftonM is Illminati confirmed.
  10. [URL]http://youtu.be/OMMkz5POcgw[/URL] I think that opening sequence was kind of like a gift or something.
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