I was thinking about that but my not-yet-proven-yet-painfully-obvious OCD kicked in and I was like, Nahh. The island is essentially a WW2 era island.
Which is what I'm doing and refining right now! I actually jumped onto this idea literally minutes after my last post
Hmm. I like the idea, but I don't think it should be on the App store, rather an application downloaded from the KSP store and then transferred to your phone? So that way if you have KSP you can get it for free!
So far today (And a bit of yesterday) I discovered Rock Bay with the KHMS Dreadnaught.
Luckily it got off and I sent a Fletcher class to further establish this as a base.
As well as a B-17
(facing where I touched down)
I also want to populate the island with Shermans, but I don't know how to get them there...
(Yesterday) I retired Jeb and Bill from Island Patrol duty and send them as well as Valintina and Bob on a nice ocean vacation in preparation for a manned Minmus mission.
(Last and first picture for the crews) She is so excited she's already inspecting the deck!
Not bout each other or KSP
Cause why not we need a place to vent out anger.
So umm, here in ER it's raining HARD. REALLY HARD. My umbrella was flying everywhere but it wasn't THAT bad. But then it collapsed like a rocket without struts in KSP. 3/4 of the way it collapsed.
Now in soaking wet and sitting on my couch waiting...
RIP umbrella ????-2017
Some dumb kid thought it would be a good idea to shoot the glass dome and everyone in the colony died, to which I find in my spacesuit and repair as well as reinforce my now better colony. I welcome any survivors in if they prove to have good intentions.
My colony.
I never launched any nukes, I took the hill via conventional warfare! I didn't want my 2nd mutated head taking my place!
So doesn't that mean its my hill..?