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Everything posted by kevinlacht

  1. 8/10 I know you, beacause your in the test team, only in the forums I see you quit often.
  2. Well I give this tread a try with a on-topic post: I hope the follow things finely will be inplemented in 0.18: - Stack Extensions : Fairings, structural reinforcements and solid-booster fuel plugs - Side-mounts : Liquid-fueled parallel stages, drop-tanks, and cargo pods - Better scenery for space center scene - Cities and other geographic points of reference - Long-duration smoke trails - Reentry heat If these things will be inplemented KSP will be MUCH more realistic.
  3. There is no matter that 0.17.1 isn't out jet. If you want you can even make a 0.19 discus tread (right?).
  4. kevinlacht

    Past 50k!

    Wow, 50k already, I can remember when I registerd myself in the comunity, that was somewhere in 0.11/0.12 (when the mun was not jet out).
  5. O yeah, I see. Well on topic: I'm really excited for 0.18 already. I hope they will make some stuff so the game will be better, so no new features, just better planet textures, more landscape in planets, new parts special for interplanetry flight.
  6. There's allready a topic for 0.18 made by cpt stunky . Jeah I'm first of a 0.18 tread .
  7. O I already understand them, tnx.
  8. I miss 2 things: * Scenario Logic Modules: Like PartModules, but for scene logic (and defined on an SFS file instead of a part.cfg). * Prebuilt ships included with the game, as examples and possible starting points.
  9. For 0.18: - Docking (devs already worked on this) - Flight planning (devs already worked on this) - New parts that can only be made bij devs (like working satelites, to observe a planet while orbitting Kerbin) - Weather (that will make KSP more realistic) To be honest I want for 0.18 the 4 week cycle, so a smaller update, because that one and a half month waiting is much to long.
  10. Maybe the mem lander from luigio97 (the mem mod pack, you have a working camera and your countryflag with song when you activate it, really cool)
  11. Tnx! Ik wist niet dat my topic van de spaceplanes zo populair waren. Ook ben ik blij dat er mensen afweten van mijn mod progressie (deze zullen waarschijnlijk ergens in 0.17 uitkomen). Btw: Ik ben 13, als mijn mod uitkomt, ben ik dan de jongste mod-maker van KSP? Over de 0.17 update, nooit gedacht dat ze nou al bij de 9e Experimental Release zijn, ik dacht zelf dat ze nog steeds 0.17 zelf aan het maken waren, waarschijnlijk zal 0.17 volgende week uitkomen (de week van morgen), ik weet, speculeren is tegen de regels, maar zoveel mensen lezen dit toch niet of kunnen et niet lezen . Deze topic komt op gang!
  12. Ithink this tread can be closed now, the topic question is answered and there's a link now to the docking mod in addon releases.
  13. Brandon, there're some problems with you image posting.
  14. Thanx a lot! BTW: it's page 14. And how you guys redez-vous? With having a lot of skills or also with a mod? Because redez-vous with mechjeb I don't really understand.
  15. I was looking at the site and saw some things aren't updated like this in the FAQ: •AFTER LOGGING IN WITH THE UPDATER, IT IS UNABLE TO UPDATE THE GAME TO VERSION 0.15 The 0.15 update contains fixes to the updater itself, so it was made available as a full download from the store. You can download it from the KSP Store directly. It's now 0.16 .
  16. OMG, KSP dreams come true. And what a huge plugin, look bigger than mechjeb, is rendez-vous also possible with this plugin without having skills to rendez-vous?
  17. To nova: The ice moon textures looking really good, will the mun and minmus also have these nice textures?
  18. For the people only look at this tread for 0.17 news: Pics from Nova.
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