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Everything posted by CAKE99

  1. CAKE99

    XKCD Gardens

    How did you make those blue and red lights? EDIT: I worked it out.
  2. MMMMMOAR! Mort had to do a Brain Bleach So, for some reason one of the flags I planted on Duna went to Kruel (from the Asclepius mod) even though I have never sent anything to Kruel/Asclepius, in ANY save I have.
  3. In August 2013 I went to a event about multiplayer free games, on the game called Teeworlds* I set my username as Cake, for teh lulz. Sometime after that (within a few months) I made Cake into CAKE**, since then until November-ish 2015 I have used CAKE (or CAKE99 for when CAKE is taken or there is a character minimum). Around November 2015 I came up with UberCAKE which I have been using since then. * Teeworlds is free! Just google it. ** CAKE is a acronym for Cakey Automated Kontraption for Eating. This is a timeline of my username: Cake August 2013-late 2013/early 2014 CAKE/CAKE99 late 2013/early 2014- November-ish 2015 UberCAKE November-ish 2015-Present EDIT: BTW @Geschosskopf where did your username come from?
  4. 6/10 Those ribbons are being cropped.
  5. Nice screams "It's a me!" as a Mutant Bowser becomes the glycogen next to the tenderness from a Zelda! It's from a forum game on a different forum.
  6. Currently it's about 10 degrees (Celsius) at 3AM, the forecast is 10-20 degrees. In other words it is WAAAAAAAAAY too hot.
  7. That reminded me of a scene similar to that post in SAO Abridged
  8. I'm a KSP YouTuber, sort of, I haven't played KSP in a while on my YT. The link is in my signature.
  9. I never like videos either because I forget to do it or can't be bothered The only videos I always like are my own
  10. Gets nuclear explosion. Inserts delicious YouTube.
  11. Seems that all of Australia (where I live) is on KSP's side
  12. I really need sleep, it's 2:30AM.

  13. I set that as my desktop background However it was stretched a lot
  14. 11/10 That's my favorite scene in the anime
  15. Yup, the Kernmotor Lander is going to Sarnus, it will only be going to Eeloo, Ovok and Hale though. I couldn't be bothered making a Slate and Tekto lander XD
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