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Everything posted by CAKE99

  1. I drop a fully-fueled N-1 onto your launch pad causing a explosion the size of 7 kilotons of TNT. My crater.
  2. Gets error saying: "1250 whats?" Inserts Chrome (the web browser).
  3. Error: weapon could not be located.
  4. Nein. @Alucard That is a real user.
  5. I think I added something about that being my first post when I made that, but the new forum software probably broke it.
  6. Tap the 3 bars on the top-right, then tap Account, then tap Profile, then tap the small grey picture thing to the left of your avatar and username, then you will have the same menu for changing your avatar!
  7. On the top right there will be a small version of your avatar, click it then click Profile, then to the left of your username there will be your avatar, on the bottom-left there will be a button saying "Profile Photo" when you hover over it, click it and then you will have the menu for changing your avatar! @max_creative
  8. 6/10 I see your posts EVERYWHERE!
  9. 4/10 What is that? That's 40 centimeters long, fires 13 millimeter bullets and weighs 16 kilograms.
  10. Banned for having 4 posts in a row.
  11. Gets pile of broken rocket parts. Inserts @Red Iron Crown
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