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Everything posted by Tomato29

  1. yep jets are okay but the heavy-weight one is awful, you have to attach a lot of those to feel like your ship is doing something.
  2. Hey, I'm working on adjusting thrust and fuel consumption of B9 engines, but I'm terrible at balancing, so I need you guys to help me and to propose me fuel consumption in function of thrust rates below, or thrust rates and fuel consumption if my thrust rates are bad. Thrust rates: closedcycle: space: 104500 atmosphere (water level): 114300 Hybridplasma: space: 62340 atmosphere: 11720 you guys are good at balancing thrust/isp/fuel c. rates? tell me what Isp or fuel consumtion shall I put in those cfg files. thanks (for those who are interested, ask and I'll give you the cfg after having balanced values.)
  3. Thanks for replies guys! that's a 2-mode engine like the stock rapier, but without air intakes. one mode does just takes a longer time to burn. I was actually thinking about a correlation between 1 and 0 pressure atmosphere that would determine fuel consumption and thrust variations :/ but you didn't wrote the entire jets part because i'm planning on making a big jet engine for b9 parts
  4. Hey, I'm currently trying to fix B9 heavy weight engines because it feels like that engine is underpowered; but I'm quite a noob at editing cfg files and I don't have a clue how to modify atmospherecurve to get the fuel consumption I want. I've already tried to understand how these math calculations work but I don't know how could I know with the calculations what to write in cfg files for the engine to work how I'd like it to work :/ please, someone here knows how to do that?
  5. Yeah Im at a loss. Be sure to post an update if you manage to figure out the exact cause I didn't figured out the problem, and I didn't modified anything but it seems like it's working when my pc wants. weird...
  6. if I remember well my gpu packing has 2 or 4go before that, I had an old ksp version with more than 75 mods, including b9, and it worked perfectly so I have doubts concerning the fact that this is ram's fault
  7. I don't use ckan and I have actually 8gb of ram and I'm running the 64bits one with -force-opengl but ram lack that was surprisingly the problem. I installed activetexturemanagment, now it works, but that's definitely weird that I ran out of ram... :/ Thanks for the repies guys edit: crap. i haven't touched anything and it won't work. I checked if that really was a ram lack but it seems like it's not; my used ram was at 4Go when it crashed. I really don't know what to do...
  8. thanks, I've understood for the usi folders, it was just firespitter and modulemanager, as well as the "USIcore" file I'll try to keep only one file Well that's weird, game crashes when it's loading some of B9 parts, but B9 is compatible with 1.1.3. I'll try to search if anyone had this issue
  9. Hey, I've recently installed some mods in 1.1.3 but the game crashes while loading. do you know why, and probably how to fix that? the mods I'd like to install: Planetary Base SystemsKASKISInfernal RoboticsNear Future SolarNear Future PropulsionNear Future SpacecraftsNear Future ElectricOPT Spaceplane PartsExtra Planetary LaunchpadsKerbal Joint ReinforcementTweekscaleMost USI modsB9KarboniteKarbonite + also, I'm quite a noob in installing mods so... what shall I do when there are files with the same name in different mods? do I have to replace previous file? to not replace it? to keep the two files ? I don't know :l anyways, thanks for your attention
  10. Oh yeeees! thanks so much, that's weird because i searched for something like half a month and I didn't found anything. sorry for the late reply, thanks again first you earned a hug then I'll give you some cookies or a more frustrating one even more frustrating >:D
  11. Hey, I watched a long time ago an animation on youtube where a box was travelling vessel by vessel, plane by plane, to laythe to a lander made with B9 parts with 1 kerbal, and in the box there was a rover. but at night something woke up the kerbal and shook the lander. that kerbal took the rover out to go as fast as possible but the thing was a robot and it destroyed everything. Yeah I know that's a weird story but the animation is beautiful and if someone could tell me the name of that ksp short I'll offer him a virtual cookie Thanks!
  12. I did nothing but testing my B9 lander for laythe, that's a big journey that awaits me and a beautiful slideshow at liftoff for my second time to all jool's moons
  13. If you deleted your 1.0.5 version of ksp before upgrading to 1.1 it's not possible if I don't make a mistake, that's why you should always have a ksp copy on your computer :/
  14. @Enceos sad they won't fit :'( anyways, I'll search better, thanks for taking time to advice me
  15. @Enceos Firstly I'd like to thank you for your reply, then I'd like to tell you I love your profile picture. I don't really like the orbital utility vehicle pod's modelling, it's too flashy for what I want to do. I quite like the karibou expedition rover pod's model and texturing, but it may not fit in my creation, is the round part 1.25 meters large or 2.5?
  16. stock parts works as a charm, but there's still an explosion with original non rescaled parts, that's weird. For Whiskybob, I'm using ksp 1.0.5 http://imgur.com/a/68G9h screenshots of that lander
  17. yep that's rescalefactor I'm changing, (divided by 3) but I changed the ressources too for proportions: I divided by 3 ressource amounts, and reduced a few things like maximumheat and breaking torque, breaking force, etc. I changed the rectangular universal module I switched after into a fuel tank, the rectangular hangar I switched into a 1-large-entry hangar, the square SAS module, the square flat universal module, and the rectangular docking port. oh, and I forgot to tell you, I have parts tweakscaled, but these are the non-switchables structural flat panel. I'm using B9 legs and lamps, I think that's everything from B9 I used. I'll post a screenshot of that lander once my ksp starts
  18. weird, I just rescaled every part (in cfg files) like that I wouldn't have to rescale with tweakscale, and it does the explosion at 6000 meters anyways... I'm using a few other mods, ask if you want me to list them (they are parts pack, not mods used to tweak parts like tweakscale or something)
  19. Hi, sorry for annoying you with my problems with B9 parts but something really weird happens to me with my lander made with rescaled B9 parts; if he goes up to 6000 meters on earth everything explodes and if I use hyperedit to put it in orbit as soon as I time warp the game everything explodes like before. does anybody had this issue? and do someone knows how to get rid of that issue?
  20. oh, I forgot about that, sorry :x I have to precise it's alexustas the original creator of the mod of course
  21. Not strictly square but I'll do with that, thanks for the replies guys Edit: sadly the only download link the modder posted is a kerbalstuff link... and kerbalstuff is dead :'( do you guys downloaded it, so you could post it on another download website? It'll be perfect!
  22. Oh that is sad they look so cool Thanks for the reply though
  23. Hello, I'm searching for a mod that adds square command pods that could host two kerbonauts, of any size. do you have any idea? Thanks!
  24. Hello, I've recently made a lander using B9 legs and square parts modified to fit my goal, and it appears that right after landing that lander the 4 legs are correctly on floor and don't move, but the lander, directly attached to these legs, wobbles like if it was on some jelly? Do you have any idea on what's happening? can I modify this, even if I have to edit the cfg files? Thanks
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