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Everything posted by Tomato29

  1. today I finally finished the design of the Atlas, the mothership for my next grand tour (more than 15500 dV, thanks to a ssto lander with karbonite drills I'll go anywhere I want, excepted tylo) note: I changed a few things since these screenshots: I deleted most of struts, so much security stuff stresses Jeb out, and I added decals, coolness is my first priority in that mission edit: sure I hyperedit that, but only for screenshots. I'll get that into orbit later, and I feel like it's going to take me a while
  2. yes there are :l https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9-Aerospace/releases this link is the download for B9 aerospace 6.1.2, you can download only normal parts or only HX parts, or only plane-related parts, or all of 'em. I mean, there ain't any part named "HX" but the folder that contains these parts is named HX so I call these like that
  3. B9 for B9 aerospace and HX because of the name of the megabig parts in the folders
  4. yeah, that's what I did, and then B9 HX parts appear invisible
  5. @pandaman yeah, anyway that's not really that bad because something else was wrong, and I suspect tweakscale to not work in 1.1, or maybe I just didn't had the good version of it: loaded Mallard, the stock Mk3 plane and it appeared without staging even if it have 2 jet engines. When on runway sometimes it starts wobbling, acting oddly, .. when I tried to activate engines by hand (right clickin') either it says engine is blocked (plot twist: it isn't!) either it says that I don't have any air intake (spoiler: I do!). Sooo, I'm quite happy that there are only wheels and B9 wings that don't work correctly in ly 1.1.3 ksp Thanks for trying to help me out kerbonaut
  6. @pandaman what I did is I checked the two version of each mod used for the Atlas for common parts and deleted those on the atlas that wouldn't be on the updated version of the mod, then I installed the mod adapted to the version and I transferred the entire save file. But because that didn't work, I then transferred the whole Gamedata folder of ksp 1.1.3 to ksp 1.1.0 (excepted squad folder) then transferred save file. didn't worked. I tried a lot of things now but that never worked, I'll stay on 1.1.3 with landing gear bugs and bizarre wheels, coming with weird jet engines and wings. I'll wait for 1.2, dunno when squad will release it :l yeah, sorry and thanks for moving my topic
  7. @pandaman yep I saved a cupola module named nootnoot, I'm sure it's stock. I'm trying to transfer it, I'm loading ksp 1.1.0 right now (created nootnoot in 1.1.3)
  8. mmh kay I'll try that but I'm restarting my ksp right now, I'll load a vessel once it'll have finished loading. odd thing: HX parts of the Atlas (my vessel's name) appear invisible, just nodes appear, but when I pick up an HX piece from the parts menu it appears absolutely perfectly normal. I really don't understand right now. I just remembered I had a screenshot of the Atlas, thanks to my ego, I can build most of it with the screen I'll try to remember what other hidden pieces were and where were they.
  9. okay, that's definitely weird. I did something and now it acts weirdly: I edited .craft file to put 1.1.0 version instead of 1.1.3 and I can open it in sph and vab but when it appears it lags a loooooot and HX B9 parts appear invisible (nodes appear). what?
  10. well I checked EVERY (at least I think) part of my vessel (over 380 parts) if it was in the folders of the 1.1 and yeah they are, so I don't know. Damn that took me over an hour I really don't want to lose that ship because it took me a month to calculate dV and other stuff, planning the mission and comparate every part's weight or the optimized number of engines And congrats on your 1111th post Pandaman
  11. Hello, I've got an annoying problem: I built a big ship in ksp 1.1.3, but bizzarre wheels and wings and incompatibilities of mods made me return to 1.1. Problem: I don't know how to convert my craft to ksp 1.1 because I've installed same mods, they work, and when I put the 1.1.3 .craft file into 1.1 ships/sph folder, it says me that the craft is incompatible with this version of ksp. halp plz I tried all day to fix that, but didn't succeeded
  12. yeah.. I got a looot of mods personally, I wouldn't be able to tell which one is causing that mouth wobble.. I'll play with that, until I get a solution
  13. well that's weird, it doesn't for me, and I don't have reflections on helmets too. and kerbonauts, while in eva, are acting weirdly with their mouth, but I don't think that this is linked to planetshine :/
  14. Hey ppl, Because B9 vessels are quite rare I decided to create a topic in here, so you can post any of your creations with B9 I got myself a mothership I'll show later, once I've got it into orbit
  15. I have the 64bits windows on 1-1-3 but doesn't work for me :'(
  16. Hey, I've installed some of Roverdude's mods, but I got a problem in vab and sph. as the title says, usi mods that adds their own icon does make icons appear multiple times. do someone know what I did installed badly or which file do I have to delete? Thanks
  17. mh, I'm starting to understand it. thanks kerbonaut
  18. I know about this formula but not because I learned it at school... our french school system is loveed up, yep.
  19. oh okay, I see now. well I'll take your math because I don't understand anything to raw formulas, and you explained to me perfectly
  20. oooh, thanks a lot , I think I understood... but I can't figure out why the wheel has to accelerate. if a mass attached to an axle itself attached to another mass, in a universe without any external forces applied to it, and if the first mass is turning constantly at a fixed speed, why would the mass b turn then deccelerate? why would mass a need to accelerate to keep a constant turning speed on mass b? thanks tjt, I'll check that
  21. Hey! I was trying to create a cfg file for a reaction wheel and I wanted it to be as realistic as possible. I've already determined it's mass with it's molar mass, assuming it was made of steel and lead. but here's the problem: I'm only 16 and I haven't already learned how to determine an object's torque knowing its mass and its rotation speed. and I don't understand anything to raw formulas. does anyone has the time to explain me? Thanks
  22. weird. at sunset I get ugly pixelized grey clouds anyone knows how to fix this? edit: duh nevermind
  23. haha thanks for reply btw I love ksp stories, keep up the good work!
  24. really good story for now, let's hope nothing happens to that beautiful ship also, which mod are those legs coming from?
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