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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. cubinator

    Secret Math

    Arbitrary selection of an integer 1<=x<=10 .5
  2. Sure, and there's a sort of virtual "portal room" for this multiverse that you and I are typing in right now!
  3. You're almost at 3:1 rep:posts! I'm not even at 2:1 yet (but this will change soon).
  4. How about using this stuff to make a plane propelled by flapping? Or a robot fish?
  5. Hi! Can @Spacetraindriver's space train take him to this thread fast enough?
  6. Looks like a balloon to me. Which state did it land in? It seems to have a solar panel so that it can run for a long time.
  7. You know, the ways people do autonomous driving/piloting, that doesn't seem that far fetched anymore. It doesn't have to be ASI to be programmed to try to ensure its own survival.
  8. 10/10 drawings recognized worldwide!
  9. If by "move" you mean wiggle then sure. I vote we call the new material "krakenite"?
  10. My name is GRAND DAD I seek the highest quality video game rips This canyon is too deep for a boat. What is your name? What is your quest? How many goldfish are in this jar?
  11. Everything's all right. (Ooh, new drawing idea for my other thread) I'll be on the road most of today, so I don't know if I'll be drawing until the evening. It will be bumpy at times.
  12. They probably use the lying neutrino detector from xkcd. /offtopic What's the de-fueling procedure like on the Falcon 9? They can't leave all that sitting on the pad for a long time.
  13. I have a space goat (sort of?)
  14. Pretty sure they planned the excursion together. "On your left: space. On your right: space. More space. Space dead ahead. Moon. We're going to the moon. Moon craters. All around. SPAAAAAACE!"
  15. I watch hard math on Youtube! TUBM knows about scuttlebug transportation.
  16. DeltaDizzy would like but not comment on a drawing.
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