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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. What do you mean? It's been a day since the last drawing. I've gone weeks without a new drawing, and without any posts in my thread, and it wasn't dead. This is nothing.
  2. I thought this was dead! And I thought the Doctor was dead too!
  3. 7 Grand Kraken Kerbals+Mario+Fleenstones bootleg
  4. *Cue cool lecture about small infinities vs. large infinities
  5. Quite a few memes from this thread have been recycled and get posted multiple times. I believe this is one of them, but no matter. It was funny.
  6. I know, I know. I'll maybe think of something later. Right now I'm almost done with a planet that should be very familiar to all of us. Earth, revisited:
  7. Is that gravitational lensing I see? Cool!
  8. I think there will be some very nice drawings of 2014 MU69 on January 2, 2019...
  9. Well, there's definitely been a lot of evolution in the spinny--or should I say twisty--things department.
  10. cubinator

    Click this

    I bet this thread is locked, could a mod please verify?
  11. When you kick a rock out of the body's gravity well.
  12. Tetradeca Go: Use your phone to collect AR polygons in the real world and fight with other players by using them as pong paddles.
  13. But it does also have two light sources. Only about 120° of the planet are in darkness, indicating either a second sun or a very reflective moon.
  14. *Hi there, little guy! Did you trip on a terrain seam? That's how I fell down here. Happened to be a huge hole right next to it and now neither of us exist! Heh, nyeh.
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