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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. I wonder if it can be made to say "Give Reputation" or something similarly open to multiple interpretations instead of "Like".
  2. If a thread gets its first two replies at almost exactly the same time, will the little orange "Hot!" tag appear by its post count?
  3. With a coconut gun. And friends to talk with.
  4. Just as hilarious as the first one. And is that a new record for highest number of after-credits scenes? I Am Groot
  5. When you'd rather be listening to high quality rips than what they're playing at prom. I had to get that out of my system when I came home...
  6. C! G! Coconut Gun!
  7. Yes. Each part needs to be completely free from the rest of the cube, so I need an external mechanism to attach every part before "launch".
  8. Here's some "Work-In-Progress-ness" from today: Keeping it together using landing legs proved unsuccessful, as the legs were overstressed by any turn. If I want to keep from using docking ports, I need a way to turn each face from the outside instead of from the center, and still be able to get that mechanism out of the way for the next turn. I've thought of an external rotator ship, but that would likely turn out just as cumbersome to manipulate as the docking port cube. The cube itself is pretty decent at staying together, except during attempted turns (which serve only to push pieces away from the cube as the center piece spins in place).
  9. Granted, but it's a million bucks in dish detergent coupons. I wish for the ability to visualize in four dimensions, and the ability to show it telepathically to other people at will.
  10. -2 (-1) I will now disappear without a trace from this game for no reason, never to return.
  11. It was already locked. Putting more locks on it doesn't help. What this thread needs is an armored guard with a spear to stand at the gate and say "HALT! THIS THREAD IS LOCKED. THOSE WHO DARE ENTER FACE CERTAIN DEATH BY THE DRAGON'S WRATH THAT LIES WITHIN!" and then stand there silently, staring at you intensely until you go in or leave.
  12. When you get a 34 on the ACT and your parents encourage you to go again for a 35.
  13. Where can I see the full video from the fairing?
  14. It's been rapidly switching between every combination of rain, shine, wind, and stillness since Monday.
  15. As Elon Musk put it, it turns out "moar boosters" actually has lots of engineering problems that come up, so this wouldn't be as easy as bolting a bunch of rockets together.
  16. Cities on the Moon and Mars, ring stations all over the inner solar system, giant airships on Venus, a complex mining system in the asteroid belt, exploratory missions to the moons of Jupiter. All doable over a span of several decades.
  17. This is the underworld of the forums. Beware, for powerful forces act here.
  18. [Insert File Select- Super Mario 64] That's interesting! Is it possible to test this on different planets, or is Kerbin the only place with that much flat ground?
  19. It's a reference to that, but it's also just as important in real rocket science.
  20. Waiter! What are you waiting for? Go, the universe beckons!
  21. Keep an eye out for when I finish Rubik's Cube 3!
  22. It is an old thread, and the cube itself won't work in the latest version of KSP. I've done some work on a newer version, but there's still work to do. If you have a KSP 1.1 install, you can probably use it there. However, be aware it is very unstable. You can download the cube here: https://kerbalx.com/cubinator/Rubiks-Cube-2-no-copy-paste Instructions on how to turn a face are detailed above, in a numbered list.
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