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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Very nice pixel art @NSEP! I especially like the way the selena in the sky turned out. (Can't say it's a moon because I can't see the orbits and I don't know your universe)
  2. Wait, it appears it has been moved from every forum...that's strange.
  3. How did this temporarily end up in Science & Spaceflight?
  4. I don't really care about weaponizing them, it's just that I would do it with ants but ants can't fly.
  5. I want to be able to control a hive of cyborg bees with my mind.
  6. "We've just been approved for a mission where we will get a probe into Europa's ocean using fracking..."
  7. Do not compose a soundtrack for the Magic Boulder.
  8. If you filled in the rest of the white parts with that, it would look like a camouflage shuttle.
  9. I see, as something like a planet would take a while to vaporize. I wonder what would happen to a neutron star if it were dropped in the Sun. Would it really, though? Wouldn't there be more heat from compression?
  10. I was wondering if there is anything that, if dropped into the Sun, would survive for very long, say, long enough to get to the surface. What would happen if you dropped the same thing into different stars? If you changed the speed of the object? Discuss.
  11. Th most useful part for me in building creative contraptions is having lots of parts. It's really great.
  12. I don't think so, I think it's just the frame.
  13. I think you've confused your thread glue with thread lubricant.
  14. Yep. He's got several reflectors and refractors fashioned from pipes of different sorts.
  15. Yes. The mirrors are housed inside a cardboard tube.
  16. It was about a 15" reflector, I think. I don't know the specifications of the eyepiece. It was a teacher's telescope.
  17. I watched the shadow of one of Jupiter's moons across it's surface last night, it's the first time I've seen that phenomenon!
  18. Cool! Could be useful in those mod threads that are like 500 pages long.
  19. I'd take a shot at writing you a song, but that would be kind of backwards...
  20. My standard extraterrestrial intelligence encounter procedure (in the event communication with other humans is not possible) goes like this: 1. Ensure it is safe to approach 2. Show them our mathematical system in the hopes of communicating with them.
  21. Prograde, because it's standard among KSP players.
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