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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. That's pretty cool! What do they expect to launch it on? Looks like the initial orbit will have a perihelion lower than Mercury, and that takes a lot of delta-V.
  2. http://www.space.com/36404-asteroid-2014-jo25-earth-flyby-coming-april-19.html The asteroid 2014 JO25 will come about 1.8 million kilometers from Earth on April 19, and should get to an apparent magnitude of about 11 at it's brightest. Here is a map of it's path through the sky: I'll try to observe it's motion with a telescope. I've never seen an asteroid before!
  3. Well, technically water's boiling point at 5 atm is between 152 and 153 degrees Celcius, and Eve's surface temperature is 155 degrees at sea level...Maybe it actually could be saltwater mixed with some other non-drinkable stuff. Sources: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Eve http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/boiling-point-water-d_926.html
  4. I doubt it's water on Eve. It's probably mercury or something equally strange. Thanks! I'll keep doing these as ideas come, which is naturally a somewhat random process.
  5. It'd better not suddenly cloud over this evening...I have homework to do.
  6. A Kerbal standing in a spinning ring over Jool and Laythe:
  7. I think it wouldn't have to have much more gravity to get the velocity to match, the trench is pretty small. The problem is I only have the large equatorial trench, and the one with the exhaust port is a polar trench.
  8. There would, but objects couldn't go through each other. The Planiverse is a good book for exploring how physics would work in two dimensions. If you have, say, a two dimensional planet with a tree on it, and you want to get to the other side of the tree, you have two options: 1. Go all the way around the planet until you come up to the tree from the back. 2. Go over the top of the tree. You can't simply go "around" the tree like you would on a three dimensional planet because there is no direction to do it in.
  9. That would be like teleporting a box into a wall in our universe. It just doesn't work. What we might mistake for a "background" is, to A. Square, just empty space. Superposition cannot occur in Flatland, because there is no 3D space to go around the 2D objects with. If you did have 2D objects in a 3D space, though, and tried to stack them like paper, they would not get any higher because they have no depth. Did that answer your question?
  10. Based on my flights around it, trench velocity tends to be higher than orbital velocity.
  11. It actually looks kind of cool, with the RGB letters on the black starry background.
  12. Neil DeGrasse Tyson Johan Sebastian Bach Albert Einstein William Herschel (to talk about astronomy and to warn him about the millions of horrible jokes he can prevent) Any ISS astronaut
  13. I think I'd prefer to keep it closer to the original Delta Rune.
  14. The triangles are kind of like that...
  15. The Delta Rune...or should I say: the Delta-V Rune?
  16. I made this based on a reference in one of my drawings.
  17. It's pretty cool how we effectively can have a telescope as big as the whole world. I hope we do manage to get some good pics! Is Sagittarius A* really the best candidate for imaging, though? It's angular diameter is apparently about 37 microarcseconds. We know there are black holes much closer and less obstructed, although they are quite a bit smaller.
  18. It's very difficult to simply remove a quote or spoiler. Sometimes if you long-press the little arrow box that appears in the upper left of the box just right an option will appear to delete it, but it will also inevitably end up in your clipboard for some reason.
  19. Cool! The Black Mesa remake of Xen should be out this summer, so we might have to play that. I'll probably do that soon. Is it like SpaceX naming scheme? The story order is Half-Life 2, HL2 ep 1, HL2 ep 2, right?
  20. Finished Half-Life today, and it almost feels like I remember the ending, which is really weird considering I'm sure I stopped at Nihilanth...the whole "border world" thing rings a bell. Same thing happened when I replayed Super Mario Sunshine. I could've sworn I'd never gotten into Corona Mountain, but somehow I felt like I'd seen the ending. Weird.
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