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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Granted, however the breadbox is so big it consumes Earth and we can't get out or see the stars anymore. I wish spoons had thumbs.
  2. Pentagon (word association)
  3. Banned for using the Cheaters thread.
  4. You can't. You have to beat the game first. How do I know how fast I'm going?
  5. No one may lose the game whilst reading this rule.
  6. Chuck Norris. Kirk vs. Darth Vader
  7. Having a name that starts with T? Cheater! Only the T-Men can do that!
  8. Actually, it's secretly the cross section of an octachoron. Eve.
  9. Suerman: A rich businessman sues people for literally everything, and gets away with it.
  10. ...cooking their pizza on top of decaying plutonium. "It's probably safe, guaranteed!" This ICBM launch facility...
  11. New rules may not be posted from inside a thunderstorm. Rules may not contain the letter G.
  12. I heard a rumor that Juno is now orbiting Alaska.
  13. I'm not the waiter... ...I'm the Doctor. *intro theme* Waiter, my soup is a superfluid!
  14. Banned for wearing a cowboy hat into space.
  15. It would be easier if they could just think of original names for every ship! So no, there are artifacts from at least some ships available.
  16. See if they have a spare space suit and wear the inner layer, it's got tubes of cold water running all over it.
  17. Really? I have a "Mini Museum" and it contains a tiny piece of foil from Columbia. The Mini Museum creator bought the foil directly from Buzz Aldrin, if I recall correctly. I imagine it would be quite illegal to go into the exhibit at the NASM and start poking at the heat shield with a chisel, though. ...or were you talking about the space shuttle?
  18. When your Sepatrons ignite in your first stage and you don't notice until decoupling when your booster scrapes your main tank away.
  19. There aren't any parts specifically for building Rubik's cubes either. Doesn't mean it's impossible.
  20. From what I know about Tesla, the price will probably be pretty "luxury"...
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